Secret Service Scandal Caused By DADT Repeal?

Via Mediaite: “Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, is a controversial figure, so it hardly comes as a surprise when he makes provocative remarks. The most recent installment is about the Secret Service scandal — which he compared to President Obama’s repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. Speaking to radio host Janet Mefferd, Perkins said we “cannot maintain moral order” if we pick and choose what aspects of morality to enforce…”.* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down. *Read more from Meenal Vamburkar: Subscribe to The Young Turks: Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: The Largest Online New Show in the World. Facebook: Twitter: Google+: Pinterest:

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23 Responses to Secret Service Scandal Caused By DADT Repeal?

  1. Starcrash6984 says:

    “You can change the law, but you can’t change the moral law”… about homosexuals in the military? The bible doesn’t say that gays can’t serve in the military. Sure, it says gay sex is wrong, but what does that have to do with military service?

    Great examples, Cenk. You knocked this one out of the park.

  2. BlackWolfVulcan says:

    Cenk is right 100% on this one

  3. jag10 says:

    You are the one who brought up cocks. I don’t care about anyone’s but mine.
    I’m not shocked by your fascination with them, nor am I shocked that you have heard that people are starving while the elite Libs and tyrants ruin their food supply chain.
    I don’t understand what you are trying to say… please bring an interpreter next time.

  4. aaronfatal says:

    live & let live.

  5. wetdream09 says:

    hahaha he’s soo gay.

  6. kurd55 says:

    You want to have our Congress to write laws, to be signed by the President of the United States of America, & to be administrated by governmental law enforcement all concerning cock activity between consenting adults–& I’M the one obsessed with cocks? Nice try, hayseed. You can try to camouflage your obsession with sex organ activity as “moral” but you’re not fooling anyone. Yer goal is to make consenting adults that want to touch their cocks or twats together illegal. Don’t try & lie about it.

  7. jag10 says:

    What is your affliction with the male genitalia, what does that have to do with individual rights and the Constitution? You sound like Cenk “strawman” Uygur.

    I suggest you visit your local clergyman or constable and confess, maybe you’ll be able to clear your memory banks of all those immoral happenings in your past. Maybe you’ll be able to feel what true Liberty feels like – even from prison.

  8. jag10 says:

    Is bacon still legal in Canada?

  9. kurd55 says:

    Hey, you have right to believe it’s moral and just to hunt down gay people and throw them into prison. Go ahead, Nazi-out over gay people all you want. Personally I think it’s despicable and very odd–in that to us REAL heterosexuals, gay is not seen as a threat in any way. Shakespeare had it right, “The lady (person) doth protest too much, methinks.” Scientific studies are now proving that very point about severely homophobic people. My advice to you is to try to understand your abject fear.

  10. jag10 says:

    Why would I, or any believer in the Constitution want to do that… That is Leftist or Progressive behavior.
    As for your gay rights, I don’t care about them – since you have the same rights as I do under the Constitution.
    If you believe you are being treated unfairly, take that grievance up with your government. And, since they legislate rights away from some to give to others you prolly slipped into one of the cracks of our Progressive Democracy.
    Why would I fear any group, gay or otherwise?

  11. kurd55 says:

    “This President is actively eroding the moral code of this country.” You sound scared shitless there. And because DADT has been repealed? This tells me you’re a homophobe. FYI: Homophobes FEAR of homosexuals. You are very confused. What the hell is that “moral code” of our country you’re talking about? Your losing track of your own words because they are incredibly anemic as arguments. You recite soundbites in lieu of thought. Soundbites lack depth, conviction, & honesty. Quit lying to yourself.

  12. jag10 says:

    I believe the President is actively eroding the moral code of this country. I also believe he is actively eroding the rights granted by our Constitution.
    Thomas Jefferson would assert that peace, liberty and morality are are connected.

    Repealing DADT was a good thing, as was DADT at the time.
    I do not fear queers, I fear government, stop putting words in my mouth.
    The elitist progressive agenda is concerning, based on history and their published dystopian systems.

  13. FreedomNmoreFreedom says:

    The Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR are prime-movers behind the seditious campaign called:  “civilization jihad.”


  14. DSFARGEG00 says:

    Smelly, dumb
    Christian scum

  15. DSFARGEG00 says:

    Try telling a Christian that. The “Christianity is responsible for modern morality and western society in general” lie is so common as to sicken one.

  16. DukesBigFan says:

    Actually, you’re really really REALLY stupid and blind. You’re passing judgement which god himself said that only HE is allowed to do. Another thing, you’re not loving thy neighbor like god told you to. When it comes to the judgement and blessing, it’ll be HIM who does the judging, not you. All you’re doing is using the lord’s name so that you can “preach” your religion and shove it down people’s throats. If there is a hell I’ll see you there and be glad I’m somewhere I’m accepted.

  17. DaxVillon says:

    Go fuck yourself, you stupid fucking BITCH.

  18. grimthane says:

    “Morality, by definition is collective conformity.”

    Wrong. The definition you quoted only required conformity to ideals. Those ideals may be entirely personal.

    “The basis for morality, as far as I can tell, are God’s Law, Nature’s Law, and loosely Common Law.”

    People tend to have their own personal, subjective ideas about what “God’s Law” is. The laws of nature offer no moral guidance. Common law is strictly a matter of law, not morality. You keep confusing the two.

  19. Ddstairclimber says:

    this family values guy is an idiot, for what cenk describes, but it goes beyond that. they were suposed to protect the president, not be on vacation. also if i hope this idiot is not advocating to legislate morality

  20. jamaicanification says:

    Bro, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 is not homophobic. The translation “homosexual perverts” is an english one made from the greek word “Arsenekoites”, which was used by St Paul to referece the practice of pederasty back in Ancient Rome(Men having sex with young boys). So thats what he was condemning. By the way, i think that what Tony Perkins said was absolute non-sense as well, and i dont think you can make that leap from Don’t Ask Dont Tell to the secret service scandal(continued)

  21. jamaicanification says:

    Plus, i actually agreed with the repeal of Dont ask Dont tell. Just, your facts on saying those verses are homophobic is wrong

  22. xGimpyx says:

    Can you prove that Hell exists?

  23. fakesmith797 says:

    I thought homosexuality is not a choice? I’ve honestly never seen a gay person say that they chose to be gay.

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