When Will America Collapse Today’s Bad News Provide a Timeline to Economic Collapse

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19 Responses to When Will America Collapse Today’s Bad News Provide a Timeline to Economic Collapse

  1. dweber66 says:

    I sure hope it does not take this long

  2. davids11131113 says:

    I think theyre barely keeping the wheels on right now, just buying a bit of time until whatever conditions are right to start this Iran invasion and WW3 where the wheels will completely fall off. Theyll just bring it all down on our heads 1 day, not a long drawn out decline. Thats what I believe anyway.

  3. themusmag says:

    i think you’re being very optmistic

  4. yyGODyy says:

    UE is at 8.3

  5. yyGODyy says:

    no such thing as a double dip recession

  6. yyGODyy says:

    The reason China as jobs: no worker rights. That means low pay + six day work weeks + 12+ work days. This they say equals high productivity levels. You want jobs allow lower living standard.

  7. scottandildi says:

    People will won’t realize what’s going on until they substitute the phrase ‘double dip recession’ with DEPRESSION.

  8. Dickie9028 says:

    To compete with China/India we need slaves like they have ………….

  9. glower125 says:

    that’s not the reason america is in deep shit. chinese and many countries have had slave labor for more than 100 years and we did just fine. it is the greedy corporations who moved american ingenuity after it was perfected to those country because they want to make 50 billions dollars instead of 30 billions..it bowls down to greed. don’t let MSN brainwash you and shift the blame on us that we are too spoiled…no they are too greedy.

  10. yyGODyy says:

    You just back up my statement “they want to make 50 billions dollars instead of 30 billions” How do they do that? by hiring near-slave workers.

  11. buddybleau says:

    To begin with, crime is escalating as you’re reading this. There will be no shortage of gas, ever! Instead, the price of a gallon of gas will be so high, hardly anyone will be able to afford any. So there will be no long gas lines. This prevents people from killing each other in fuel lines. You will see hardships like never before in this year (2012) alone.

  12. buddybleau says:

    Don’t blame the corporations. The consumer is to blame. If we didn’t buy those foreign products, they would not leave the states. And the word is not greed, it’s ambition! There are so many rules and regulations, not to mention taxes, that are imposed on corporations that they had to leave or go under.

  13. mikevalentine100 says:

    your ah fuck’in idiot and out of touch

  14. buddybleau says:

    Check your spelling and grammar and tell me who the real idiot is!

  15. TheBosnianSwag says:

    9% unemplyment haha thats really good you come to my country where its over 40% and we still manage 😀

  16. Fred Nurk says:

    That’s because you’re from southern Europe where few ever work anyway.

  17. RDGray76 says:

    i think your timetine is a bit off im afraid. seems you don’t understand the concept of exponential growth.

  18. randalljskates says:


  19. MrGchiasson says:

    The idiots call it ‘double dip’… So it’s a double dip recession in between QExx false recoveries?
    Forget ‘recovery’. that won’t begin to happen ( if it ever does)unti lafter a crash/default/reset and return to a gold standard…. it may take years..like the 1st great depression.
    Yeah..we might as well start numbering them..

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