Speaker Boehner Highlights Plan for America’s Job Creators

jobs.gop.gov House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) made these remarks at an event with House Republicans today unveiling a Plan for America’s Job Creators. The plan builds on the Pledge to America and is designed to foster innovation and investment, tackle our debt, and help business owners create jobs without raising taxes on working families and small businesses.

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18 Responses to Speaker Boehner Highlights Plan for America’s Job Creators

  1. digitraxanr says:

    So, where are those jobs, Mr. Boehner? We won’t have appreciable job growth until the unilateral trade agreements are negotiated in support of labor standards and environmental protection.

  2. biozamadotcom says:

    Those new jobs are coming.
    Only they will be for Chinese workers inside the USA.

  3. newdebate says:


    Any idea if the ink is dry on Barrys’ next birth certificate?

  4. surfsalem7 says:

    @digitraxanr didn’t you hear what he said? @1:52 all the legislation that would create jobs are being blocked by Democrats. So, please direct that question to Obama, Reid, et al.

  5. RON9691 says:

    Ok you are saying where are the jobs? They sure in hell are not in NJ. Instead of telling us that there are going to be jobs why don’t you pass the unemployment extension for the million 99’ers that are not even being counted as being unemployed. If you want to see an inprovment in the economy pass these extensions so people that have not a penny coming into there households since november of last yr. Please help the unemployed now and get these people back to a normal life.

  6. mspoliticalgirl says:

    So… unemployment insurance creates jobs? That’s special. What it does is take money from employers and stifles their ability to grow and ….create jobs! So let’s double down and have unemployment insurance for 3 years! Yah, that will do it. A typical statist response. But here are the facts. When you go after the rich, the entrepreneurs, with high taxes, like NJ has, then entrepreneurs and businesses leave and the jobs go too. How many jobs have you gotten from a poor person?

  7. TitParty says:

    FUCK jobs!!! We got abortions and gays to worry about.

  8. TitParty says:

    Amen my sister. Rich should not pay any taxes. The poor and middle class should be thanking them by paying THEM taxes. Anything less is communist muslim secular Kenyan agenda!!!!

  9. Nieves57 says:

    Well, if no one pays taxes, you don’t get paid either. Without anything you’ve done, the economy is improving.

  10. BeantownJim says:


  11. Wildkkat1 says:

    There will be no jobs till BHO & Democrats are gone, GDP 1.8% , Unemp. 9% & going up…! Oh and Gas prices will continue to slow the already anemic economy..!

  12. JakeBlakeProject says:

    Mr. Speaker was presented with evidence of social security fraud by Soetoro/Obama. I wonder what these great GOP leaders will do with said evidence. It is likely they will sit on it for Obama. Are they complicit in a cover-up or just cowards? Maybe both…

  13. watchingant says:

    It’s funny to hear them talk about how regulations discourage job growth when the lack of regulations is what got us in this mess in the first place. I will concede that regulations discourage job growth is he’ll admit that the only reason deregulations encourage job growth is because those at the top make money hand over fist at the consumer’s expense. And for those of you who say Obama’s stimulus didn’t work, ask yourselves where would the country be if he didn’t inject cash into the economy

  14. BeingNobody1956 says:

    why is it the everytime we see this character he has eric cantor glued to his ass. i wonder what kind of pictures these two send to each other on their cell phones

  15. poindexterwitkowsky says:

    ~The idea that lower corporate & individual tax rates spur job growth is a 30-year REPUBLICAN LIE. Since the implementation of the REAGAN & BUSH TAX CUTS, America has LOST MORE jobs than at any other time in its history. Not collectng a FAIR SHARE of taxes from corporations& the wealthy has spawned a SERIOUS REVENUE PROBLEM which should be a matter of NATIONAL SECURITY. On the other hand, a WORKING MIDDLE CLASS with money to spend DOES SPUR JOB GROWTH._+_ AMERICA, REJECT THE REPUBLICAN LIE!

  16. OceanLife772 says:

    Ron: I’m sorry about your U.E situation–it stinks! My aunt is 62 and lost her UE Bens as well. She is too old to get hired and too young for S.S Bens. She stop paying her mortgage on her condo. I’ve to dissagree with your statement “Please help the unemployed now and get these people back to a normal life.”$200 a week is a “Normal Life?”–I don’t think so! Govt CAN NOT give you a Normal Life! The uncertainty of Obama’s TONS of Regulations is the reason Co’s for NOT Hiring! D UNKNOWN

  17. cromagnan says:

    John Boehner cannot be trusted. As soon as Obama starts to get results, Boehner makes this speech? Why can’t he talk about the new jobs that were just created and the new energy jobs that are being created as I write this comment? Boehner is a CROOK! He needs to shut up!

  18. gregjalbert says:

    Lower Taxes On The Rich Don’t Lead To Job Growth : commondreams . org/headline/2011/06/29-5 — …history doesn’t back up the GOP’s claim. In fact, as Center for American Progress Director of Tax and Budget Policy Michael Linden found, “in the past 60 years, job growth has actually been greater in years when the top income tax rate was much higher than it is now” — See the chart in the article. TAX THE RICH! Republicans have destroyed too much and have no credibility. Expel the corporatists.

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