Secret Service vs. RidleyCam: “Turn it off!” (Cops, police)

Sponsor: BlockChain.INFO – Secret Service vs. RidleyCam “Turn it off!” 10/18/2012: Mr. Obama raids Manchester. I film the security checkpoint to give you a feel for how well or badly they are treating the peasants. Then something happens that has never happened to me at a Secret Service checkpoint. Some of the vid in this clip’s likely available for you to use commercially. Basically anything that was shot by me or was public domain to begin with. My stuff is automatically released into the public domain until I say otherwise. Usually if I shot it, “” or “” will appear at the bottom. Anything which has that super or was obviously shot by me is public domain. This vid is, or likely will be, part of a playlist. Clink link below to watch it more or less in sequence: Like what you see here? Donate…to the Ridley Report most easily using Bitcoin. Find my latest BTC address at I tend to keep the wallet fairly empty for security reasons. So…don’t be shy about letting me know you’ve donated. That way I can evacuate or spend the BTC’s…. How *you* can buy yourself an advert: secret service new hampshire obama visit manchester libertarians right to record security checkpoints ridleyreport glik glick decision ron paul we will record 2012 wiretapping laws free state project independent journalism liberty reporters dave ridley report. hunter s. thompson Creative commons license gonzo police

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25 Responses to Secret Service vs. RidleyCam: “Turn it off!” (Cops, police)

  1. RDJim says:

    Well if they put the tape at the beginning of the alley the “no go” zone would extend into the street beyond… people should just know the line regardless of the tape.  We are all mind readers who use less than 5% of our brain’s capability. 3% if you’re a fed.

  2. primetimebeatz says:

    Why u always gotta do those weirdo immature intros your like 40

  3. wcgold2 says:

    Good work!

  4. 420PATROCK says:

    No warrants… violation of Constitution. I recommend the 2nd Amendment!

  5. SlavicIn3D says:


  6. RibbitHopX says:

    Best line:
    “Why? Are you going to hurt me if I don’t?”

  7. halfhumanhalfzombie says:

    He must have a big ass mole thats why he’s walkin away from the camera like that.

  8. halfhumanhalfzombie says:

    So what? He wants to live a long time.

  9. fatj5446 says:

    Do they know how useless they look when they give an order and people just ignore it. And then theres no consequence. why was even telling you that you can’t film if he wasn’t going to do anything about it. like a dog on a chain, all he can do is bark.

  10. youngn420 says:

    You got some balls man, I probably would have turned it off and walked away with my tail between my legs. Hats off you.

  11. dvdwmplr says:

    I’m sure that 9 times out of 10 when they bark these “orders”, they are usually met with full compliance. Most regular, uninformed folks probably do what they say out of fear and ignorance of thier rights. When Ridley asked “Why?”, the guy couldn’t give a reason…because there is no reason why he couldn’t be filming…and the guy knew he couldn’t do anything about it.

  12. mcgrawtim123 says:

    Great video.
    I’ve always wondered if someone could invent a weapon that would set off gun ammunition in a 100 meter radius, what a disaster that would be for the goons.

  13. ChazOneZeroSeven says:

    hahaha owned “whynot”

  14. 23Brettski says:

    I am thinking of moving to Manchester…just because of you, brother…is there room for yet another Patriot!?

  15. AisuSeijin says:

    So, a public alleyway is closed, (Somehow) But the tape is half-way through the alley. Here’s a thought, if the alleyway is closed… How about putting the tape… At the entrance to the alley?

  16. AisuSeijin says:

    The best part is how they noticed the camera, and attempted to intimidate him.. But then each time they realized they couldn’t, they backed off knowing full well they’d look like douchebags.

    Best part was when the guard was walking up to him as if to say or do something, then looked like he shit his pants when Ridley actually said “Hello.”

    Proof they intimidate off of fear when they have no legal basis for asking someone to turn off a camera in a public area.

  17. AngryHateMusic says:


  18. runningwolfkenpo says:

    You have an arrest record a mile long and then some. I’m positive the SS looks at your record along with all the other activist’s records before the president or anyone comes to NH towns. I’m sure a person walking around alone in a back alley way, with a camera, is going to be unsettling to security. No big deal. I’m almost positive the officer would say that to anyone walking that alley.

  19. mrsuperbafrango says:

    its so rude of officers to shout orders at people …..then when asked why ……just walk away and say nothing ……….and it should always result in a complaint ….a police offices job requires communication and when interacting with a lawfull menber of the public…officers should at all times act respectfull….nice work again riply

  20. cheeple says:

    So wheres the part where something happend that has never happened before? looks like you punked the shit out of the feds…….

  21. RidleyReport says:

    I would be honored if that were true, but in total I’ve been arrested once for handing out flyers, once for refusing to shut my camera off and once for walking backwards when ordered to leave a seen. Total seven days in jail, one violation one misdemeanor, two court defeats one victory, 700 bucks expenses. Google it.

  22. RidleyReport says:

    They’ve never objected to my presence/filming at a USSS checkpoint before. But I guess even this time it wasn’t “they,” it was one loose cannon.

  23. us chronicle says:

    why do the enforcement class get off telling people what to do. they feed on intimidation.

  24. evilfurby1 says:

    They should immediately cite what law they are enforcing when you ask them why. That’s their job.

  25. Jeffrey Jay Fisher says:

    Fuck you BIBI
    See all whom want world peace now in St. Cloud
    Lets see The asswipes whom are the true culpirts & conspirators behind 9-11
    come to ultra Christian St. Cloud. Google BayPoint School and Its Direct Connection to
    Are they going to go against Al Gore Ron Paul & Melchizedek Fisher
    Is the media going to kiss the asses of AIPAC Mossad Zionism & Mel Sembler

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