Secret Service objects to camera @ Obama Colorado Springs event

Sponsor: LRN.FM – Secret Service objects to camera at Obama Colorado Springs event. Some of the vid in this clip’s likely available for you to use commercially. Basically anything that was shot by me or was public domain to begin with. My stuff is automatically released into the public domain until furhter notice. Usually if I shot it, “” or “ will appear at the bottom. Anything which has that super or was obviously shot by me is public domain. This vid’s likely to become part of a playlist series. You can watch the series in sequence by clicking here once the link is ready: Playlist: Ron Paul 2012 speeches, illustrated: Like what you see here? Donate to the Ridley Report most easily using Bitcoin. Find my latest BTC address at I often tend to keep the wallet fairly empty for security reasons. So plz don’t be shy about letting me know you’ve donated. That way I can evacuate or spend the BTC’s…. How you can buy yourself an advert here: barack obama new hampshire colorado springs ron paul colorado college 2012 secret service free state project. department of homeland security libertarian presidential race the president, ridleyreport elections campaigns, liberty dave ridley report police staters cops crowds right to record public domain footage. glik decisions glick first amendment @ live free or die freedom of the press independnet media little press nh gonzo journalism co raw

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25 Responses to Secret Service objects to camera @ Obama Colorado Springs event

  1. IAMAhh says:

    Why do you put people down and keep a argument going? For the sake of an argument? You need a life for real. Now the woman in that video was paid to hold a sign. She should at least know what she is talking about. They typically pay college students to do this. I have read in my paper they make around 17-20 dollars an hour for this service. She should at least know something about the person she is shilling for. This makes her a dumb whore. You do not compete you degrade and your dissmissed!

  2. LarryTanoury says:

    Dude, I like your videos but this would have happened at either candidate’s event. Do we not remember our history of assassinations and attempts. That’s the SS’s job. And to attack the young girl was just snarky and uncalled for.

  3. DeepRainforest says:

    Why do you put people down?
    “3:22 a true whore and a stupid one!” ~IAMAhh 3 hours ago
    Ask your mommy about dishing it and not being able to take it, dipshit.

  4. paulrprichard says:

    The lady at 3 minutes laughing at her own ignorance of the laws that president Obama has signed – HOLY S**T !!

  5. DeepRainforest says:

    An ignorance exceeded only by LoLbertarian cluelessness of economics and how markets work.

  6. paulrprichard says:

    Do you mean the Austrian school of economics economists who have NOT been in charge of centrally planning the economy these past 7 decades ?
    The honour for the economic crash we are heading for belongs to the Keynesian school of economics.

  7. DeepRainforest says:

    Do you think fascism has enough “merit” to “save civilization” again?
    “It cannot be denied that Fascism…has for the moment saved European civilization. The merit that Fascism has thereby won for itself will live on eternally in history.” ~Ludwig von Mises, Liberalism
    me·rit (n.) 1. Superior quality or worth; excellence 2. Demonstrated ability or achievement.
    P.S. Were the Keynesians are in charge of any Agricultural City-Statism (Civilization) collapses so far?

  8. DeepRainforest says:

    Snark is just at the edge of putting Glibertarians in charge of the whole country.

  9. paulrprichard says:

    Did von Mises say that about 1930s fascism ?
    The Austrian school of economics is a critic of merging of government and corporations that they label as fascism.

  10. Katoosha2006 says:

    you really should have spent more time with the blonde girl, she was BEAUTIFUL

  11. DeepRainforest says:

    Austrian economics understands zip about division-of-labor in State society (agricultural city-Statism, or Civilization.)
    Government is merely a specialization in aggression to protect and serve the Owner class’ enTitlements.
    Civilization has been “fascist” (the Owner class and aggression-specialists merged in power at the top of the hierarchy) for 100% of its existence.

  12. paulrprichard says:

    I hear ‘Government is merely a specialization in aggression’ a lot from people who are students of Austrian ecomonics.
    And I agree with your point ‘Civilization has been “fascist” for 100% of its existence’. There has always been an elite who prey on the rest of humanity and rent seek.

  13. cincinatus90 says:

    dave asked for a “free speech zone” like a little bitch.

  14. Derrick Russell says:

    You were being kind of a jerk to those girls that were just doing their own thing.

  15. DeepRainforest says:

    Does that excite you sexually, LoLbertarian?
    “We libertarians do not oppose hierarchy or command or authority…” ~Stephan Kinsella
    Apparently, LoLbertarianism is a closet BDSM sect.

  16. DeepRainforest says:

    Only girls under KOCH or other corporate approved despotism—the only despotism (hierarchy) considered worth of KOCH monetary approval—are worthy of humanitarian treatment..
    And remember, in LoLbertarian economics, Non-Despotism (egalitarianism) is a revolt against LoLbertarian religio-economic Bullshit.
    Lording-It-Over others is a LoLbertarian fetish.
    Even sexually. Look at the words in this comment section. It’s like a sociopolitical BDSM dungeon.

  17. DeepRainforest says:

    That’s all capitalist Austrian economics is: rentseeking (preying, as you say) on the rest of humanity.
    You are inferior […blah, blah, fucking blah…] men who are better than you. ~Ludwig von Mises letter to Ayn Rand, 23 January 1958
    Austrian economics is a LoLbertarian alternate BDSM Civilization arrangement from Keynesian BDSM economics.
    Both mock the “autonomous and sovereign” (Service 1975, Boehm 2001) lifeways of egalitarian Non-State band and tribal sociopolitical typology.

  18. johnnycmajor says:

    Why do people gather to see these assholes like obombma , the queen!!

  19. xNTEPxOBL1V14X3 says:

    well it seems better then Romney

  20. spyletu says:

    and a ‘just doing my job’ b*ch we already have too many of

  21. evilfurby1 says:

    I’m not going to defend Ayn Rand on that. There are many things I agree and disagree with her on. Those that I disagree with her on were subjective opinions she had.

    There has never been a more free people and market on this continent than there was when the “natives” lived unmolested by Europeans. They were not truly free but they stood a better chance at secession than we do today. So you’re reference does not support you. I oppose European aggression against the Americas.

  22. DeepRainforest says:

    You don’t have to defend or attack her: IT HAPPENED THAT WAY. That’s history. That was the attitude. Capitalism reigned over the worlds largest genocide.
    Market economies are always established by brutality and aggression, because if people are allowed to live Non-State lifeways hunting and gathering a free lunch off the land, they won’t buy much from the Owner class, and won’t work for food tokens in damned factories, office spaces, fields, or armies.

  23. eliteblast says:

    she is cute did you get her number?

  24. evilfurby1 says:

    No it did not happen like you say. Ayn Rand did not even live yet when the philosophy of capitalism was born. The genocide carried out on the Americas happened at the hand of collectivist-monarchists. Not much unlike our democracy today. You progressives want stronger central planners. There is no stronger an example of your theory than there is with monarchs and dictators. The blood is on your hand. Capitalism thrived more often until Europeans invaded this continent.

  25. DeepRainforest says:

    Ever crack open a book of history, dipshit?
    Government is merely a division-of-labor handmaiden of capitalism, serving and protecting the owner class.
    Capitalism is the most centralized of central planning ever devised. Hell, look at Walmart. That is central planning.
    And no, capitalism didn’t thrive in north america before the invasion of capitalism. Do you get your history from comic books? jeeesh

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