Corker Presents The Facts About America’s Debt Crisis

In an excerpt from a presentation delivered August 18, 2010 to the Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce, US Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) uses charts and graphs to illustrate Washington’s spending trends and mounting debt. In early August Senator Corker began crisscrossing the state, visiting 26 counties to talk with Tennesseans about Washington’s unsustainable spending habits that are driving the country into dangerous levels of debt. Corker is working on legislation to cap spending at a sustainable level, force Congress to make tough choices and incentivize economic growth.

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21 Responses to Corker Presents The Facts About America’s Debt Crisis

  1. RichardE8ST says:

    Nobody works harder to cut jobs in America than Repub. bob corker. From his efforts to shut GM down to backing bush’s irresponsible tax cuts for the rich, illegal war, deregulation, cuts in infrastructure and education. His focus is on providing for lobbyists with the fattest wallets. Now that the republican/bush failure has created the worse economy in 70 years he wants to cut spending ensuring a prolonged recession. Yet he’s offered nothing specific to cut he simply wants the president to fail

  2. lifeisgood096 says:


    Actually watch the presentation and learn something.

    What are your ideas?

    Did you know that he proposed and implemented a plan to get VW to build an assembly plant in Tennessee. He knows more about the auto industry than you will ever know.

    Take some ownership in America and do more than spread leftist propaganda which is the mirror image of reality.

  3. RichardE8ST says:

    My Ideas? Try investing in education, infrastructure, energy transition, research and development. Stop concentration Americas wealth to the top 2% with tax cuts for the rich. Use the money to insure that every American child has a chance at a good education, health care, decent food and shelter. Do you think that America can do that? If you want to see true prosperity in America this your answer.

  4. lifeisgood096 says:

    We are already doing all of that and yet we are sliding down the rabbit hole. I don’t have any problem with the top 2% paying 5% more tax.

    Explain the economic side of how that will make America prosper. That is the part I don’t understand.

  5. Phalinex says:

    @lifeisgood 096 The failed HC insurance system is by far the costliest in the world yet its ranked 37th for keeping people healthy. America’s education system has allowed American students to fall far behind the world in math and science. Power and transportation infrastructure has been ignored it’s now crumbling and inefficient. The president is working to correct these problems but it will take time to see the effect. Just as it took time for the republican tax cut for the rich agenda to fail

  6. Phalinex says:

    I don’t know if you’ve heard of Dr. Nash but he was a Nobel Laureate in Economics. He was able to prove mathematically that it is more productive to do what is best for the individual and the group. The part that republicans leave out is the fact that as Americans we are a group. The more Americans that achieve success the richer America will be so why are republicans willing to throw so many possible success stories to the gutter just to support the rich who do little to stimulate the economy?

  7. lifeisgood096 says:

    No I am not familiar with him. I do know that a lot of theories work great on paper but when you try them, they don’t work. I assume his theory assumes that all people work equally. That would require that very productive people would have to slack off to be average. They don’t have the freedom to do what they want. Slower people would have to work harder than they want to be average. Again, a loss of freedom to choose.

    Individuals have freedom, groups do not.

  8. Phalinex says:

    The point that I’m trying to convey has completely eluded you.

  9. lifeisgood096 says:

    Which is?

  10. RichardE8ST says:

    Senator Corker voted for the tax cuts and spending bills that lead to the largest debt and deficits in history. The republican failure in leadership lost over $40T in capitol and over 30 million jobs worldwide. The world is paying the price for republican irresponsibility and mismanagement and now they want to do the exact same thing again. How many times do the republicans have to fail before you learn that their agenda is a failure?

  11. lifeisgood096 says:

    Words are easy to write. Show me the proof. Are you blaming the Senator for the economic downturn caused by 9/11 as well? How do you separate that economic crisis from the Clinton era recession and the housing bubble recession which was due to liberal lending and regulations which go all the way back to the Carter administration. Tax cuts do not cause debt, spending does.

    Also show me how taxing the top 2% will get our revenues equal to spending.

  12. RichardE8ST says:

    @lifeisgood 096 The economic downturn was not caused by 911. It was caused by republican irresponsible mismanagement and incompetence. The republicans cut taxes mostly for the rich and then went on a the biggest borrowing spree in history. They gave extra tax cuts to big oil and companies that used overseas labor. Every move the republicans made was a bad move. Tell me one thing they accomplished, it was a total disaster. Then tell me one mistake that president Obama has made hes been brilliant

  13. lifeisgood096 says:

    Are you too young to remember 9/11? Obviously you are a child.

    The democrats have been in control for 4 years. I know you are old enough to remember that.

    Mr. President has not done anything right yet, but I am going to give him two years of on the job training before I start yelling. Bad timing for a rookie but that is your fault, not mine.

  14. mtfalls says:

    What is 2035 GDP, whose estimate? Start “CUTS” at congressional/staff pay, benefits-retirement first. Now “worker unions evil” but you say nothing about Titans millionaires/pro sports unions, only workers are evil?

    Tell EXACLTY what/who take hits on “Cuts”? Why taxes upper 3% low as 15%? What will happen to those with no HC, Retirements, and education cuts etc. What is you plan for nation if NO Health Care coverage?  What is you tax plan to “fix economy”, what is you plan for REAL air trade?

  15. alphadog7 says:

    Workers surely are not evil. The unions ripping them off and bankrupting their employers are.

    Congressional pay is a drop in the ocean. How about congressional reform? Remove earmarks and pork? Then watch the special interests and union go away. Start there!!

  16. jitsuman75 says:

    Who owns America’s companies? How did they get rich? Rich people get rich because they build companies and create jobs. the poor don’t build companies that create jobs. the poor have to be cared for by others because they can’t care for themselves. There’re always be poor, regardless if taxes are raised or lowered.  It isn’t democrats or republicans, its all americans, that shares in this responsibility. To say it was one party or another is to say that another has never made a mistake

  17. nubbie1944 says:

    Bob Corker should put up or shut up, he has suggested nothing on what to cut. If he would at least start making suggestions on cutting programs to get the debt in control, I’d respect him more. It’s time to make tough decisions.

  18. ThasayIT says:

    Hey, which one of the programs that you depend on would you cut? What tough decision are you willing to make??

    I propose a 1/3 cut across the board of all Federal Programs, Pay, Pensions, and Expenses, along with a balanced buget amendment to the Constitution that cannot be vetoed nor ignored by any branch of the Federal Goverment.

  19. Phalinex says:

    – Plenty of poor people have gotten rich because they were give a chance. Plenty of rich people were born rich and remain rich although they have been completely unproductive. The more of Americas wealth is tied up with fewer people the poorer America will become. The poor and middle class spend their money on houses cars and rent. That creates demand for products and services and that creates jobs. Rich people sit on large amounts of wealth and that does little to grow the economy

  20. jitsuman75 says:

    I think you have a point but what I think that you don’t realize is that it is a cycle. The demand comes from peoples desires and needs whether rich, poor, or middle class. There are unproductive rich, poor and middle class people. We need rich people to start companies and produce products, just like we need middle class to buy the products. Rich people spend all the time, look at new businesses, thats money being spent for the middle class. its all a cycle. Rich people aren’t bad ppl

  21. nottinmatterz2day says:

    HEY HEY, here’s an idea. BACK TO THE CONSTITUTION!

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