Secret Service investigating Texas man – for lynching his chair!

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20 Responses to Secret Service investigating Texas man – for lynching his chair!

  1. errlvapers says:

    leave that old fucker alone

  2. trunglong19 says:

    Leave him alone? This is the type of bigotry that kills people. Imagine the level of acceptance this act alone will be in the eyes of his childrens and grand childrends. This is not Amerca!

  3. MrTrangen1 says:

    Stupid reporter. 

  4. MrTrangen1 says:

    This non-news. It was no connotation to any lynching. if it was their would have been an efffigy. a chair is not an effigy. Obama-Rama is an Empty chair non-President. Obama was born in Kenya not Hawaii as his false Birth certificate says. That’s why all his records from college days are sealed because on those applications it shows he put Kenya as his birthplace and the Kenyan hospital.

  5. 44prot says:

    How happy would the msm be about being harassed at their homes, while standing on the sidewalk and filming them, I wonder? I think everyone should visit the biotch questioning him with a film crew,and do the same to her every time she is outside her home, then see how “angry” she doesn’t become. Anyone up for it?

  6. akim333 says:

    Lydia Pantazes is fat.

  7. love5231978 says:

    And republicans wonder why black people vote for Obama when you have such nice people like Bud Johnson making up a sizable majority in the party. I’m sure if you asked him he’d say some of his best friends are black.

  8. love5231978 says:

    This guy is totally inappropriate however he has the right under the constitution to express himself. What he may not realize is that this does not send any message about the President, what it does is send a message about this man and it is not a good message.

    I’m a black and I vote Democrat,ignorance is still alive,but in different forms.Thanks God for this country that we could say what we wanna to say.

  9. phantomsuccour says:

    Typical Republicans bigoted, ‘christian’ and absolutely hateful.

  10. akanickstar says:


  11. BlowtheBridge says:

    You are a Liberal, want to sit in my chair? There is NO difference between the Dems & Repubs. Left Right Coke Pepsi

  12. BlowtheBridge says:

    What station is this reporter from?

  13. Tamayo1980 says:

    That’s what all traitors should get; leave that old man alone.

  14. Tamayo1980 says:

    Old man should have cam out whit his street sweeper.

  15. AllyWolf123 says:

    Dis ant ok

  16. AssbrahamLincolon says:

    I don’t know why he wasn’t perfectly honest about the meaning of the lynched chair. We all know what he meant and most of us can’t blame him a bit for the expression.

  17. Bob Jackson says:

    This man is right

  18. Viajador1 says:

    Obama haters are like the fuckjing islamist extremists. Fucking Idiots!

  19. 3000whateverman says:

    Bud Johnson, you are an idiot. sadly, this is the opinion of most white people in america.

  20. demanso1 says:

    I knew Hank Hill was racist

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