Eligibility Activist LoneStar1776(Rudy Davis) Visited By Secret Service Agents: Agent Asks If He Will Be On Youtube; Agent Now On Youtube! www.BirtherReport.com – Filmed on 5 – Hats off to Rudy Davis @ www.youtube.com
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There must be a shortage of prostitutes in your area…
The brown shirts have turned into dark suits.
Whoops I crossed over into YouTube crazyland! I’ll just move along….
Here we have two morons acting without any legal authority on the order of a mob of illegal Marxist and traitors calling themselves a “justice department” who are themselves acting on the illegal orders of a seditious Kenyan born illegal alien who hates America and is hell bent on destroying it with the help of the cesspool dwelling mob of sewer rats and political whores of the 112th “congress from HELL”. What a HELL of a mess we have got our selves into…AND THE SAD PART IS, WE VOTED THEM IN!
The Secret Service has a job to do. Every American citizen has the right to mention that any usurper should warrant execution for a fraudulent national security risk. But most of all..DON’T ANSWER QUESTIONS. Talking will NOT help. If they had enough to arrest you they would just arrest you. Talking only gives ammo. Anyone who has every seen “COPS” should see how saying ANYTHING will only get you in more trouble. Refuse to cooperate (i.e “No, you may not search my car/house”), get a lawyer.
How did you know the ‘Secret Service’ was about to ring your doorbell?
And for crying out loud, use a little OPSEC people! Ugh!! Stop giving the Gov’t all the research they need on you, and your capabilities. Cops, the Feds, Secret Service, etc ect…You think they don’t have you on some list, and graded into some stupid gov’t security risk color code like your some cut of beef?
I don’t even use my own ISP to post on youtube for crying out loud.
“Gov’t should fear the people, not the other way around”
obongo killed his 3 gay ex lovers 2 months before the election this guy had better watch out.
obama is a clone of a pharaoh
WOW, good job, you did exactly the right thing. That was a fine balancing act between what information to give and what info to keep to yourself. You have every reason to feel good about standing your ground while being respectful. Well done. I’m watching this in Indianapolis and I’m a Teapartier… FYI-my family and friends lived in 2 places; here and in Lafayette LA. When our family had special events, weddings, births, etc…we took out ads here AND in LA to inform all and they did the same..
So the paper in Lafayette would give births, deaths of events happening in Indianapolis and vica versa. So if obama had relatives in Hawaii you would post it in the paper that would be read by family and friends. Even people in Kenya got that Hawaiian paper because it was the only one they could get that had major News. I’m proud of you for standing up for ALL OF US!!! Poor Arpio has proof but no one in Justice will listen because they already know the truth and covering it up too.
Like the guy said in the video. It’s not really the fault of the SS agents.
They received their orders from someone much further up the line.
Chances are that Eric Holder gave the okay to send the goons to this guys house.
Eric is a racist because he won’t prosecute Black Panthers for voter intimidation but he will send his goons to harass this guy.
It would NOT help those of us who dislike Obama for anyone to shoot and kill him. NO SIR, we need to vote him out. If he gets killed then the lefties would cry and squall saying he would have won if only he had lived. Once he gets VOTED out there is no such place to make that claim. So work hard and get rid of him. Not that I like Romney. I’m a Ron Paul guy, but Romney in a first term iwould not be as dangerous as Obama in a lame duck second term. Sincerely
Where was the secret service when Bilderbergers said they wanted Ron Paul killed?
I wonder how long before the SS starts to visit us in black helicopters, full body combat gear, and heavy weaponry?
Amazing how the one SS guy keeps trying to imply that Rudy threatened barry. He kept saying that it’s a crime to threaten someone, yet when the black panthers were making threats and putting bounties on zimmerman’s head, no one took them in. Nice how our system works. Loved the ending – I think this was the only honest thing barry’s ever said!
If the Secret Service is going to start targeting honest Americans then screw them too and lump them in the same category as the Marxist Kenyan in the White House. If you are against the U.S. Citizen, then you are the enemy.
Eric Holder can go to hell! He’s an enemy to this country just as much as is the Kenyan in the White House.
No! Just like the SS didn’t pay John Kerry a visit when he said he could have gone to the White House and “killed the real bird”.
Amen to that!
Okay so why didn’t you close the door, call 911 and tell the sheriff that you had armed tresspassers on your property and demand that they be arrested.
I feel my friend u gave them more time then should of and to much info, like its none of there business if u shoot guns. and who talk to or where u been. i mean these dumb asses didnt even know if u ever been in the army. i hope they dont come back. sorry if i seem cold dont mean to it pisses me off how they abuse us.
You have the right to remain silent don’t be a dummy our founding fathers gave us that right for a reason