NRA Ad STAND AND FIGHT | Protection For Obama’s Kids, Gun-Free Zones For Ours?

Please SUBSCRIBE for the Best Music and Breaking NEWS !! NRA (National Rifle Association)’s New Campaign Ad Calls Obama “Elitist Hypocrite” For Having Secret Service Protection For His Children NRA Ad STAND AND FIGHT | National Rifle Association AD Protection For Obama’s Kids, Gun-Free Zones For Ours? The NRA’s Shameful Day: Shooting App for Kids, ‘Stand and Fight’ Ad The shooting app for 4-year-olds, one month after Sandy Hook, was bad enough. Then came the ad deliberately insulting the president. The NRA’s just doubling down on indecency, says John Avlon. The National Rifle Association board might want to quiz its communications shop. With President Obama set to unveil his gun proposals on Wednesday, the NRA spent its Tuesday “no-commenting” on what was apparently a sponsored shooting app geared to 4-year-olds, and releasing an ad calling Obama a “hypocritical elitist” for having the Secret Service protect his children. The common denominator? Guns and kids. One month after Sandy Hook. It was a rare and ugly combination of cluelessness and callousness—and almost makes you think someone inside the NRA is trying to ruin its reputation. But such offensiveness is what happens when groups become consumed with speaking only to their base, self-satisfied with the sounds of the echo chamber. It’s the same dynamic that left members of the conservagencia so shocked when Mitt Romney lost the election: they were looking only at their own “unskewed” polls. By focusing only on the

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13 Responses to NRA Ad STAND AND FIGHT | Protection For Obama’s Kids, Gun-Free Zones For Ours?

  1. Jordan Garretson says:

    Love it

  2. starbuck4774 says:

    Whenever you think the NRA can’t get anymore despicable

  3. brian butler says:

    Liberals…please.go jump off a cliff and croak pos…

  4. StyleWithGrace says:

    How is this equal? I thought all people are equal. No??

  5. Nicolas Boillot says:

    I once thought of becoming a member of the NRA. No longer.

  6. mack3dg says:

    N.R.A.National Racists Association.
    racist people are trashy tacky and very terroristic…

  7. Iamtheonegod666 says:

    Let them keep their guns, Americans have been killing people all over the world for years, let then shoot each other for a while. It’s karma.

  8. sesquey says:

    Classy. Well, what can we expect from the NRA I guess, an organization that even alienated former President George H.W. Bush enough that he renounced his lifetime membership. Nice going there!

  9. Terrell3906 says:

    If you really think the 2nd amendment is going anywhere you are a dumb ass Obama isn’t saying he will take away your personal freedom. He is simply trying to get a better way to run background checks to see if a person should have them. Plus is you are truly a freedom fighter why the hell did no one cause a uproar with the Patriot Act that limited your freedoms in way you cant even imagine. People can be so stupid

  10. 11B30Inf says:

    So how many stupid pills did you overdose on that made you the moron that you are today?

  11. 11B30Inf says:

    …..I join the military, took the oath to defend the constitution, Retired from the Army and never gave thought to join the NRA ……until one day on 26 of December 2012 …….. Now I am a member and you foolish haters of the 2nd Amendment have awaken the sleeping giant… The sleepers of the Silent Majority have awaken!

  12. MNyamaha14 says:

    I have a joke for the liberals/anti-gun addicts (not every liberal is anti-gun)…
    “Why did the chicken cross the road? Because its Bush’s fault and your a racist.” Does this sound about right? There is nothing wrong with this ad. It is the truth, and if we can not call out our nations leader.. Then who can we?

  13. Jaime zx says:

    The constitution is just a peace of paper if you don’t fight for what it stands for.
    Need insperation? AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL by Ray Charles

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