Mystery White House Official Goes Shopping with the Secret Service in Chicago

Watch the video. At least someone is protected from crime in Chicago.

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8 Responses to Mystery White House Official Goes Shopping with the Secret Service in Chicago

  1. rockfordteaparty says:

    Im thinking you should have sidestepped the Secret Service guy and told him not to touch you since touching you was Assault. Those people were in a public area and thus they had every expectation that they could be videotaped.

  2. Jack Foobar says:

    You’re thinking incorrectly. They have a bubble that they have to protect around the principle(s). They would have snapped his arm, and swarmed him if he breached it. SS is not your local law enforcement. They don’t adhere to the same laws.

  3. ahgeechee says:


  4. Jamie Outube says:

    If I use the same logic of this guy, I would ask: hey, there were a lot of people died during Katrina, could you give them the same housing as the WhiteHouse? Remember every single president, vice-president during office, and their close entourage, have SecS protection, it was true for Bush, true for Reagan, for Clinton, etc. Even former presidents have better security/treatment than common people. Chuckle all you want retard. WishU had pushed tht agent a little and end up in big trouble.

  5. TheWelshBen says:

    Lol this is silly

  6. MrUli84 says:

    it’s ok don’t worry about it

  7. oldmac1 says:

    LOL. Not really. First, the agent was very polite and professional in performing his duties. Second he has a right an a duty to keep a secure perimiter around a protectee, which is what he was doing. A law enforcement officer in the performance of his duties has authority to block a person and give a lawful order. He did that. Had the videographer “sidestepped” the agent, I’m quite sure he would have experienced that authority

  8. oldmac1 says:

    I don’t know if the poster is trying to be a dick, or if he is just one by nature. You seem to have wanted to harass the protectee and were told very politely by the head of the detailat 0.09 to “stay back please.” You chose to ignore that, so at 0:23 he radiod “Morrison, Check what’s behind me,” prompting one of the shift agents to politely stop your progress. These gentlemen have a specific duty. It ain’t to answer your stupid questions OR patrol the streets of Chicago.

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