How Free is America’s Economy? The 2011 Index of Economic Freedom Is the American Dream dead? How free is America’s economy? Check out the 2011 Index of Economic Freedom for all the answers.

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23 Responses to How Free is America’s Economy? The 2011 Index of Economic Freedom

  1. Niv6548 says:

    Govt loves to spend our tax money on food stamps. Wic, medicaid. Watch my video “Govt Nutritionist exposes d truth”. It will b eye opening.Watch m

  2. HeritageFoundation says:

    while it’s true that scores dipped last year as a result of the financial crisis, the global average increased this year. america’s continued drop is a result of its policies (reckless spending, growing government) which must change.

  3. 3rdStoneObliterum says:

    yes it is dead.  this was a gay video.

  4. travelecomomy says:


  5. jcondon11 says:

    Right wing extremists didn’t care at all about the deficit while they launched two trillion-dollar wars, handed out no-bid contracts to their military friends, a sweet prescription deal to the drug companies, and huge tax breaks for the rich. Now they are crying about the debt they ran up as an excuse to attach Medicare and Soc Security. Looks like a good reason to slash the Pentagon budget to me.

  6. jcondon11 says:

    yes, reckless growing military spending must change. Cut it by half at least. I’m sure $400 Billion a year will still be enough to protect us from donkey carts.

  7. swh1123 says:

    obama has raised our national debt more in two yrs than any president in history… thay might be why we are complaining.

  8. Lentenlands says:

    The Rothschilds are enslaving the People of the US via the fraudulent criminal conspiracy known as the illegal, unConstitutional Federal Reserve. The entire US government is now simply a puppet of the Rothschild banking dynasty.

    “End the Fed”

    Every political candidate must be evaluated based upon this single all telling crucial issue. You are either with the People or you are with the Rothschilds and their agents, the international bankers.

    This is the new American litmus test.

  9. treid100182 says:

    FREE enough for the RICH to scam us in ’08 with a false economic meltdown…

    Heritage foundation= a GOP suck-fest.

  10. amielanquist41 says:

    thanks andrea haha!! nice album..just downloaded this in downloadmusic .im

  11. shakemahead says:

    A wise man once said, be nice to people on the way up because you will be meeting them on the way down!

  12. nadz109 says:

    they want eveybody dumb, broke, and under controll.

  13. NssOssPtm says:

    lol, if those government spendings didnt take place, american economy would have been CRUSHED. dont let people who made this video (which is obviously for their own benefit) confuse you. if anyone dont believe me pick up a book on macro economics (types they use to teach at universities, not crap random people write to bash the governments) its about 100$ but its worth it. there are also free editions online and used ones for less tahn 40$

  14. rogatto1 says:

    Stop blaming Obama,blame Bush and his war on imaginations.The American dream,spend money like there is no tomorrow.

  15. Esoteric0714 says:

    This is absolutely correct. Policies such as massive corporate subsidies, and reckless tax breaks for the wealthiest (and least productive) members of our society have led to a continued drop in U.S. economic freedom. As far as growing government however, one must remember that the U.S. is a democracy. The people are the government, and they have a right to defend themselves from the war on the middle class.

  16. sipraomer says:

    Can’t a Super Power live peacefully and learn to survive within its own resources? Is it impossible?

  17. utimo1122 says:

    3 words “deport the illegals”

  18. lvll138inrs says:

    government spending and taxes are disgusting.

  19. onstageagain says:

    National debt is now $14,639,000,000,000.
    When Obama took office Jan 09, national debt was $10,626,000,000,000.
    Fed owes a whole lot more now, including to China, $4,247,000,000,000 in just 945 days. The fastest increase under any president ever.
    Obama says yes, we can get control of the debt. But every time he says that he adds trillions of $-$ in infrastructure repairs R needed . With interest rates so low, according to the thinking of Obama , now is the time to borrow more!

  20. httm241 says:

    its people like the koch brothers that are killing the american dream

  21. DuBarryFilms says:

    NO simpleton we are in crisis because of financial unfair advantage!~

  22. ukusapillage says:

    go to the debt clock and youll see total debt 54 trillion then you see small biz assets and peoples assets and big corops assets youll see the big corps numbers growing and the small peoples or main street middle class shrinking this is a buy off of america cheap since 2000 they are buying up america

  23. TheCAS1983 says:

    And don’t forget vaginal secretion.

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