Economic Collapse: More Poor People in America

More poor and homeless people, many of them now younger people and women. How much longer can the public beauticians (law enforcement) shove this under the r…

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25 Responses to Economic Collapse: More Poor People in America

  1. vaccinescause autism says:

    blame rothschild and rockefeller, they took all our money

  2. Duck Manson says:

    There’s no sound.

  3. elwad elmasry says:

    1:10 – The woman is sitting in nowhere, she is not bothering anyone, yet
    the pig is looking for a way to harass her to show that he is a very
    important guy. The same filthy mentality of the NYPD sergeant who harassed
    me for more than a year. Pigs are pigs, no one can modify their behavior.

  4. TheShospitali says:

    thank you, you freeking Globalist, you scum bags

  5. Marco Tyson says:

    Bill gates has over 70 billion dollars. If he gave each family $10,000 he
    could help 7 million families. The problem is the super rich are paying
    less tax than people making over 100,000 a year. I’f super rich and even
    people with over 100 million dollars were taxed 80% they would still be
    able to buy the world. It’s an unfair system and must be changed but what
    can the little guy do, nothing!

  6. slol28 says:

    i won’t pick up white people (and I am white). Hello, all serial killers
    are whites and whites are more evil and dangerous than any other race.

  7. nelson kiiru says:

    @SLOL28 Talk about really admitting to your own races’ fault and not
    making excuses for it as most white people would. Gosh! am shocked and
    somehow inspired by your sincerity. Your no hypocrite for sure!

  8. nelson kiiru says:

    @ Jim Witnessofson Totally agreed totally satanic system indeed rob from
    struggling people and give or reward to the rich especially the super rich.

  9. riseofbabylon says:

    send money to israel

  10. riseofbabylon says:

    fucking christians they buy their souls to jews zion many centuries
    christians believe fake jesus (antichrist) back and he rule in israel and
    they will gonne all to the heaven all the wars who make and killing people
    around world and they want go to the heaven u can not imagine how
    christians is stupid and jews are smart lol

  11. couponbarbie says:

    Why is it that they can always afford cigarettes?

  12. Bob Benson says:

    The corporate takeover of the government in America. Only the CEOs get paid
    with your tax dollars and you get nothing. Citizens United is the beginning
    of the end of America.

  13. Bob Benson says:

    Keep supporting corporate overseas wars and the corporatists who buy your
    politicians. They own your government. When are you going to take it back?

  14. Jay Say says:

    The F35 is 7 years behind schedule and over 100 billion over budget. Now
    the US is building this iron man suit for the military. Also, the
    government is still butting in everyone’s business in Europe and Asia.
    Meanwhile, people are starving back home. Ask yourself, who wants to
    invade a country that’s in debt more than the whole world combined, 50
    million on food stamps, 1/3 of adults are obese? Trim the military.

  15. Felix Uhnger says:


  16. kutukupret says:

    Life is nothing if we have no love for anything

  17. kutukupret says:

    Life is nothing if we have no love for anything

  18. Daath144OccultistMaster says:

    This is like having a discussion on the internet about something.

  19. Thy Vo says:

    They looks sad

  20. Henk Smit says:

    The only reason that a biljonaire want more more more more money is for
    social status in his verry small social groep.(it is lonely at the top)
    There is not a groep where the social competition is so strong as in the
    groep of the ritch.
    A mantra from the ritch: when i stay ritch or become with no work ritcher
    than it is good for the poor.
    Another mantra from the ritch: i pay to mutch tax, let another pay.

    Stange inof …when a ritch person losing everething suddenly he has in no
    time the same idees as the poor and middle class (as far there still
    is middle class in Amerika)

    The ritch people finding it compleet normal to get everething for free and
    find themeself “a superior ras” and the “rest “find them genious.
    I think they are the same insite as the “rest”, wy is there not more
    Everyone benefits from more solidarity…..even the ritch. 

  21. Himali Pradesh says:

    Please, tell me if a single IMMIGRANT in America is unemployed ? Those poor
    are not poor and unemployed because the immigrants took their jobs but
    because they are lazy so-called American dream followers to whom life just
    ENJOY and HAVE FUN. Hard workers merely become poor in the USA.

  22. Aigabyl Ikhsanov says:

    If you want to eliminate poverty, change your government!

  23. jhon cunty says:

    fuck u americans rednecks now go sleeping in vans 

  24. Kim Myers says:

    So why are we taking in all these refugees when we have our own ppl living
    in these conditions. All that money could be helping our own but no we take
    in people that have 8 to 10 kids per family and then take off to fight in
    the middle east. Makes no dam sense to me.

  25. Deon K says:

    Poor white trash fuck white people fuckin crackers

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