
A secured loan is often set in an obstacle-free way, but not necessarily in your hands and even some time for a considerable period. But if you want to take …
Debt Help! Instant Debt Help Letters & Templates – New Price!
A secured loan is often set in an obstacle-free way, but not necessarily in your hands and even some time for a considerable period. But if you want to take …
Debt Help! Instant Debt Help Letters & Templates – New Price!
I claimed bankruptcy last year and I tried to find out the information on the debt then and the company could not find any record of it. I received a credite report by mail that the company still is owed. Is there anything I can do to resolve this headach?
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I have a Capitol One card thas has not been paid on for five and a half years. They have never taken me to court. It is now up to 5300.00 dollars. I have moved a lot which may be the reason there is still no judgement. My current state of residence has a three year staute of limitations for obtaining a judgement on this type of debt. What is my best approach?
Are any collectors trying to collect on this debt right now? If not, then your best approach is to sit quiet and not stir up trouble for yourself as the statute of limitations may have passed, meaning that the debt is time barred. Technically, a debt collector can come after you forever for defaulted debt…however, once the statute of limitations is up, which it probably has in your case…they’ve lost the power to successfully take legal action.
There is no such a thing as morality when dealing with financial predators like CapitalOne or any of the sleazy collection agencies that they might hire. Don’t stir up a hornet’s nest by renewing contact with them. If you contacted them they’d probably start screaming at you and demanding an instant payment of $3,000…and they’d demand to have your checking account numbers. They’d view you as a sap who deserves to have his bank account emptied. With a credit card default, repaying the debt back after a default with not fix your credit rating, so if you cut them a check for $5,300, you’d STILL have bad credit anyway.
If you are sure that the SOL has expired and they do contact you, send them a cease communications letter and be done with them. – http://www.budhibbs.com/cease_comm.htm
Thomas Jefferson, a Republican, became president, and Republicans took control of the Congress.
Thomas Jefferson and James Madison wrote the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, which were debated during the period 1799-1800
President Washington had been attacked because of the Proclamation of Neutrality in 1793, his actions to suppress the Whiskey Rebellion, and his acceptance of the unpopular Jay Treaty.
John Marshall served in the Virginia legislature (1783-89) when Virginia planters refused to pay their debts to English merchants.
First of all, Jefferson was not a Republican. Lincoln was the first Republican. Jefferson was a Democratic-Republican. Big difference.
John Marshall hated Jefferson’s philosophy. As a Federalist, he thought that policial power belonged in the hands of the wealthy – not in the hands of the common people, as Jefferson would have preferred. Marshall would not want to educate the people because he wanted to retain power. Jefferson wanted education available to all.
to understand John Marshall, you need to understand the history of the ratification of the U. S. Constitution.
When the ratification of the constituion FAILED, Federalists Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison began writing letters to the editor of a NY paper. These letters became known as the Federalist Papers. When they couldn’t convince the people to approve the new constitution, Madison said that he would personally propose a Bill of Rights to the first session of congress if the states would ratify the constituion – as written.
It was done. The states gave their CONDITIONAL ratification, and Madison did offer the Bill of Rights. Three years later, the Bill of Rights passed. From that moment on, the all-powerful government became a very limited one. That is because the 9th amendment says that there are some rights so basic to a human being (example – being born homosexual and being able to be with that person) that no government has the right to deny those core human rights.
The 10th amendment says that government shall have no power unless granted it by the constittuion.
Then came along the was of 1812. Alexander Hamilton (Secy. of the Treasure), James Madison (president) wanted to establish a Federal Banking system. Now this had been discussed in the constittuional convention and it had been rejected. The members of the convention thought that it was too dangerous to mix government and banking because the whole system could be corrupted (which today’s newspapers show that it has been)
This didn’t stop the Federalists. Madison violated the constitution and established a federal bank in Maryland. Maryland didn’t like it and sued. It went to John Marshall’s court. How convenient — eh??
John Marshall threw out the constitution. He said that the 10th amendment that said that government can only have those powers granted it by the constitution should be understood to mean that government may have EVERY power not specifically denied it by the constitution – and even when certain powers are specifically denied, congress can still have those powers under the necessary powers clause.
In an instant, our constitutional republic was dead. the constituion was no longer our governing doctrine. The states were no longer sovereign. The Supreme Court GAVE ITSELF the power to do this – and established a system that we call “balance of powers” that was never part of the original government. That’s why America is such a mess today.
John Marshall was a dishonest, corrupt jerk. Thomas Jefferson was his antithesis. James Madison did lighten up some thanks to his friendship with Jefferson. Anything that undermined the idea of a strong and all-powerful central government strengthened Marshall’s resolve – that ended in a coup d’etat of the United States.
Federalists wanted to be kings among kings. They thought that they were better than everyone else. they didn’t think that they had to follow laws, and they believed that the little people needed people like them governing them.
I have a quesetion — when I was younger, they taught us lies in school Are they still doing that? I wouldn’t have known this part if I hadn’t gone through the original documents (the states ratifications of the constitution and their chartering constitutions, and had I not begun researching supreme court decisions.
If this was helpful, please remember to choose me as best answer so that I can collect 10 points. thanks
On Dec 14th I made a huge payment spread through all my credit cards reducing most to $0 and leaving low balances on the rest ($20,000 paid towards revolving credit of $30,000). How long before it is reflected in my credit score? It’s been over a month and I don’t see any change.
The $20k used towards the revolving credit is not from another bank loan. It was obtained from help from within the family. No paper trails.
As a general rule your credit score should change the moment adjustments are made to your report. Since it is all done by computer, the change is instant. However, you are talking about credit bureaus and they are not exactly known for their honesty, integrity or accuracy. They only care about selling the information, nothing else matters.
Now, what should happen and what does, as you have found out, aren’t always the same. But there are other things to consider as well. Did you obtain that $20k you used to pay down your credit cards through a bank loan? If so, your credit score will drop because of taking on a new debt and all the credit to debt, debt to income, income to credit, ratios are factored into the equation. Then the secret equation is run (and it truly is a secret, even the credit reporting agencies don’t know what it is because Fair Isaac doesn’t tell them) and a magic number is popped out.
Now, through years of observation by people with all kinds of letters after their names we have been able to figure out the basics of how the program works and have tried to educate the population about proper credit management as we understand it. But the truth is that there is only one person in the United States who knows EXACTLY how your credit score is determined. And he doesn’t play fair. His name: Fair Isaac.
You know, when it was thought that Schwarzenegger was doing a bang up job in California. I remember clearly many Republicans who had no problem with a foreign born President, and a Celebrity to boot.
Why all of a sudden in a few short years the change from not wanting a presumed foreign born or celebrity as President?
One I’m not a Liberal, and two, Liberals’ talking points pale in comparison to the amount Conservatives have from what I have seen.
Liberals don’t agree enough to have true talking points.
I am a conservative and have never wanted a non naturalized citizen for President. I don’t even want 99.9 percent of the politicians who are in office to be president. I definitely don’t want Barack with all of his socialistic policies. He’s divided the country. We are at war with each other. I have traditional conservative values. Being an old man who served his country in combat overseas, I lived in an era where your word was as good as gold. Where your handshake was trusted and you could seal a deal just by that. You didn’t have to lock the doors every time you left the house. Back in the fifties and sixties I never heard of a car being keyed. Or schools having metal detectors. The sanctity of marriage was between a man and a woman. Hardly anyone (guy and gal) lived together unless they were married.
Children were just begging to cut your grass to earn a buck or two. I hardly see that today. I think when people have less they appreciate things more. And when almost everything is given to them it spoils them. We use to have to save up to buy a car or TV. We had piggy banks when we were little.
There were no credit cards to continually give us instant gratification and put ourselves in so much debt that we would hardly ever pay it off do to astronomical interest rates.
I think there has been a steep slope downward in the morals of this country since the beginning of the early seventies. This is just an opinion of an old man. I have enough money cause I worked hard all my life. I always saved a certain amount of my paycheck. I invested in blue chip stocks like Coca Cola etc. I knew I wouldn’t make a killing but my money would grow over time. My wife and I used news paper for garbage instead of paper towels. We used dish cloths to clean things instead of paper towels. We didn’t have fantastic and 409 to clean with. We used soap and elbow grease. It not only cleaned it made us strong. We got down on our hands and knees if the floor needed a good scrubbing. We didn’t use plastic bags for garbage. We wrapped things in news paper and threw everything right into the garbage can. If the can needed cleaning I hosed it out.
The news paper came right to our front door and we dealt directly with a human being and not some letter coming in the mail.When we called someone we got a real live person to talk to and not a computer. Washing our windows. Cleaning the house. It doesn’t take much cleaning material but it takes a lot of muscle. If I saw a penny on the sidewalk or in the parking lot I got excited, picked it up and put it in my pocket. I had to roll the car windows up and down. For the most part I had a standard shift in my car and was always working my legs and my one arm to drive.
I went to church each Sunday. I belonged to Christian organizations who distributed food to the poor. I wasn’t a penny pincher.I treated people righteously and fairly. I put a certain amount of my money towards good works to help people out. It felt good. I sacrificed for the good of those who were not as fortunate as I. I made a mistake because I think I gave my kids too much money too early. I should of waited till they were in their thirties. It’s good when people work hard for what they have. The pace of today’s society is too fast for me. I like to sit out back and look at the grass grow. I don’t like to rush around like a fart in a windstorm. I’d rather go to a hardware store than go to Home Depot. It’s a mad house in there. I like a slower pace. If I’m in the hardware store I like to take time out and talk to people there. You learn a lot of things from talking to people. I learned how to do plumbing and electrical wiring from friends in the trade. I figured it would come in handy and save me some money. I learned how to work on cars. I could rebuild engines.Today I even help people out cause I studied the new emission systems of cars. I have a 100 dollar code checker to check cars newer than 1995 and a paper clip and code book to check the computer systems of cars 1995 and earlier. It doesn’t take much talent. If you can read and if you’re not afraid to fail at something you can accomplish a lot of things. I was a mechanical engineer and I used my government money from the military to put myself through college. I don’t consider my self to be any more intelligent than the next guy but I was an over achiever. I knew I had to work hard to accomplish the things I wanted to. I was given lessons on the piano, accordion, and organ from six years old to eighteen. Things were different in my day. I am an old 63 year old man, happily married to the same girl for 33 yrs. I have four wonderful children. I don’t like Romney but sometime you have to pick the least of two evils. God bless you.
Im writing a letter to a close friend who has found God, but has totally cut off her life long friends. Can you give me some bible verses relating to turning your back on your loved ones? I also need verses dealing with hypocrisy. Thank you and God Bless.
Here is one related to this situation which warns us about not forgiving or reconciling with our brothers and sisters which includes this situation as she is rejecting and condemning her loved ones:
The Parable Of the Ungrateful Servant
Matthew 18:21-35 (New Living Translation)
Parable of the Unforgiving Debtor
21 Then Peter came to him and asked, “Lord, how often should I forgive someone[a] who sins against me? Seven times?”
22 “No, not seven times,” Jesus replied, “but seventy times seven![b]
23 “Therefore, the Kingdom of Heaven can be compared to a king who decided to bring his accounts up to date with servants who had borrowed money from him. 24 In the process, one of his debtors was brought in who owed him millions of dollars.[c] 25 He couldn’t pay, so his master ordered that he be sold—along with his wife, his children, and everything he owned—to pay the debt.
26 “But the man fell down before his master and begged him, ‘Please, be patient with me, and I will pay it all.’ 27 Then his master was filled with pity for him, and he released him and forgave his debt.
28 “But when the man left the king, he went to a fellow servant who owed him a few thousand dollars.[d] He grabbed him by the throat and demanded instant payment.
29 “His fellow servant fell down before him and begged for a little more time. ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay it,’ he pleaded. 30 But his creditor wouldn’t wait. He had the man arrested and put in prison until the debt could be paid in full.
31 “When some of the other servants saw this, they were very upset. They went to the king and told him everything that had happened. 32 Then the king called in the man he had forgiven and said, ‘You evil servant! I forgave you that tremendous debt because you pleaded with me. 33 Shouldn’t you have mercy on your fellow servant, just as I had mercy on you?’ 34 Then the angry king sent the man to prison to be tortured until he had paid his entire debt.
35 “That’s what my heavenly Father will do to you if you refuse to forgive your brothers and sisters[e] from your heart.”
The best verse for hypocrisy is from Christ Himself -” Pick the pole from your own eye before picking at the splinter in your neighbor’s “and as he said to the crowd wanting to stone the adulteress, ” Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone!”
Michael Kelly
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i lent someone 200.00, she told me she would pay me back in 2 days. it has been almost 2 weeks and other people i know have had the same problem with her. since i doubt i will get my money back anytime soon, i am considering small claims court. i would like to ask what i would have to do to do this. i have the copy of the check, and texts she sent to me asking for a loan and promising me to pay me back. thank you.
You can go to your local court house and ask for the paperwork to file a small claims suit, typically this is district court. Piece of advise, draft a letter demand of payment and send it certified mail return receipt and signature required AND have someone else who is not involved (a friend or acquaintance) send it and either fill out a declaration of mailing or type and sign a personal statement. Write down any type of contact (past present or future) regarding the loan and repayment you have had with this person in a notebook to include the initial repayment/loan agreement (verbal or otherwise). The more documentation, witnesses, etc. you have the better case you have. Document any sort of damages you have encountered as a result of the other party’s failure to repay the debt. If you can get in contact with people who have had the same issue with this person to request they type and sign a personal statement and possibly appear in court to speak on your behalf it would also do wonders for your case.
Good luck
To add:
Any costs associated with small claims CAN be included in the amount you are suing the other party for. Typically if you show you made an honest active effort to collect the debt prior to taking the other party to court you will receive reasonable damages, filing fees, and other fees associated with collection. I would suggest continuing to make collection attempts for at least another 2 months; this makes it look more sincere when you take them to court…the court wants to see that a suit is a last resort of a trail of honest efforts on your part. Make sure you read up on fair debt collection practices to ensure you cannot have legal action taken against you.
WHOA! Isn’t it amazing just by typing in the word “loan” as a keyword all the loan sharks post junk all over your question page…spineless…maybe they should READ the question before offering “great” loans! FYI there is no great trick to loans, trust me I’ve been in the banking industry for 5 years…if you have good credit your bank/credit union will approve you…if you don’t then they won’t…don’t ruin what credit you do have not to mention wasting time/money on these so called “instant approvals”. Just wanted to throw that in there!
I called H&R Block and they don’t know what to tell me. I call HSBC Trust Company and I can’t talk to anyone. (its all automated) I want to pay this debt so I can get my taxes back. What do I do??
It says if I don’t pay it within 30 days they will automatically withdraw the debt, and I will then receive my money. I don’t want to wait that long though.
sounds to me like you signed up for an “instant refund” .. which is actually a loan. Or that you couldn’t pay the preparation fees and they’re being borrowed from your refund.
H+R Block arranges the loans with HSBC, I believe.
tired of all the surveys that lead to other surveys or opportunities that cost to start
There is no such thing any more for zero start-up fees.If there are, the sweat is worth the zero investment and usually you get zero results.I have researched for years what to start with zero, bought books and in the end, paid more than i could have invested because of all the research purchases. I gave up and had to pay! It’s better to look for the best and reasonable, then go for it!
One day I came across an opportunity. I thought to myself, ‘it’s one of those get-rich-quick schemes’. Little did I know that my riches were actually going to be born by it. I dumped it immediately and forgot all about it. As time went by, a friend of my suddenly started becoming successful. I thought, maybe she got a promotion so I ignored and didn’t ask. Before I knew it, she had quit her job! This is when bells started ringing in my mind that there should be something. I decided to observe. Within 2 months after quitting, her success was tripling. I couldn’t resist to ask anymore. To my surprise, the very same opportunity that was making her succeed so fast was the very opportunity I dumped almost a few months back. I couldn’t waste anymore time and acted immediately with her assistance. To date, I average $45,000 a month! On top of that, I’ve been able to open yet other businesses with my profits and my income is more than I can say!….You could be next. It all lies in you to make a choice…
So you want to become rich too? Spending less and saving more may seem like a simple, antiquated method to the road to riches, but it is actually one that does work. Becoming rich is not about instant riches, unless of course you have the financial answer that garners you a million bucks.
Spending money may seem like a past time of the wealthy but there are always sound financial decisions made prior to each purchase and of course, a handsome investment portfolio doesn’t hurt either. The point?, Live simply, take it one day at a time, and stick to your plan.
Rich people work hard, are often self employed, and consider work a joy. They are frugal and live below their means. They save and invest well. They are disciplined. They buy assets, not non-appreciating liabilities. Understand that creating wealth initially has nothing to do with money but more to do with discipline and establishing (and following) good habits! Establishing financial goals, a time horizon and risk tolerance, for example. By so doing, the odds are in favor to create a future path to financial success. Below are the strategies I used myself to get rich! I was deep in debt but my determination and flexibility to try and take risks beyond procrastination paid off! IF YOU IGNORE THIS EMAIL AND THINK IT’S ONE OF THOSE ‘SCAMS’, I’M TELLING YOU YOU’LL LIVE TO REGRET WHY YOU DIDN’T TAKE A CHANCE! I AM ENJOYING THE BENEFITS OF ALL MY RECOMMENDATIONS!!! Atleast one person is coming with the truth of what really makes money in this world. All the opportunities stated here can be done part time and still yield same results!
Here’s the opportunity:
No uploading web pages… no joint venture marketing… no writing copy… no ftware programs… no start up costs… and no technical stuff…Dear Entrepreneur friend,
have just published a brand new report called NO WEBSITE REQUIRED – how to cut and paste your way to $1 000 a day online! This really is one of those hold-my-hand online marketing guides you’ve been crying out for. I’ve written down everything you need to know in simple, easy-to-follow instructions, with illustrations and bullet points.
It’s the exact blueprint I use to make this business work. And you can read it without risking any of your own money. At the end of this letter, you can click on a link and order ‘No Website Required’ for a trial review.
But I’m going to be honest with you here… because there IS a catch…
Just a tiny one…
You don’t need special knowledge or experience to make this work, but you do need to know how to log onto the Internet, search web sites and write plain text in Microsoft Word.
There’s one other thing you need to know…
This is not some phony cash generator or multi-level marketing opportunity. There’s no million rand jackpot at the touch of a button. You WILL need to put a little effort into this business. You can’t just sit back and let the grass grow under your feet.
Every minute makes you money…
So you could work 5 minutes a day and make $30 per day… or an hour and make $1 000 a day – with no real difficulty… It’s up to you.
But wait, so far we’ve talked just about using other people’s articles and products and turning them into a constant income stream…
But you haven’t heard half of what’s on offer yet!
There’s so much more I’m going to share with you. Such as:
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* How to create a small classified ad (or hundreds or thousands of small classified ads) and within minutes have people all over the world responding and sending you money! ‘Classified ads’ are cheap, easy to write, and can make big money. I’ll show you a way to place hundreds of free classified ads every day. You can even set up an automated ad system that repeats your most profitable submissions in hundreds or thousands of places on and off the Internet.And here’s the clever part…
I’ll even show you how to get a website of your own, packed with high demand products, overflowing with promotions and primed to attract thousands of hits a day. Your customers will buy products or click on links and make you handsome profits from major companies like Google, Yahoo and other pay-per-click advertising giants. Best of all, I’ll show you how to claim this site and even have it uploaded for you by experts and maintained forever free of charge.
I have to confess, I’ve only mentioned a few of the easy projects included in my new report: There are many more, but I urge you to see for yourself.
Review my strategies and try them yourself – completely RISK-FREE
You can take all my strategies and read them yourself. If you don’t think you can make money from them (or simply don’t think it’s for you), send it back and I’ll refund your full purchase price.
But there will be more for you to look at than I’ve mentioned even here. You see, there are projects I prefer to keep secret for now, but I will reveal to you when you order your RISK-FREE package.
I make no apologies for this. I don’t want people copying my ideas who are not also my customers. But if you order your risk-free package today I will send you a workbook and CD that reveals everything.
Now let’s take a closer look at what you’ll get when you try out No Website Required…
* How an article that takes less than half an hour to create can fetch thousands of dollars in easy profits… and why that article need not be your own.
* How to have hundreds of different income streams each month, all featuring fabulous order pulling web sites, all designed by experts and hosted for you free of charge and already set up to attract search engine traffic right from day one.
* How to place low-cost classified ads that have people flooding to your product without ever creating a web site yourself.
This last one is really sneaky, because these advertisements can take minutes to write, cost nothing to place… yet they take readers directly to professional, product packed web sites, all earning commissions for you!
You can actually have hundreds, even thousands of web sites, each earning several hundreds of Dollars or much more each day. But you’ll never have to upload them… or learn html… and you won’t be charged hosting or design fees EVER!
Think about the possibilities… making money from thousands of products you NEVER even created on websites you’ve never built!
One article can make you a regular income for years! So imagine having thousands of articles published online, drawing traffic to your products that you promote for huge commissions.
I’ll show you how a website where there are more than 10,000 of these products. And get this – more money is made by the seller (i.e. YOU!) than the person who created the product.
It’s amazing but true.
So instead of spending weeks, even months, creating your own products, you can spend all day promoting them… hundreds of them… and make much more than if those products were entirely your own.
And I’ll show you another trick…
This one means that publishers will pick up your articles and republish them on their own web sites, with links leading directly to YOUR sales page (remember you won’t need to upload them yourself, design them or even pay for them).
Once an article is published online, a kind of snowball effect follows. Just ten people might see your article the first day it’s online. Then ten more the next day… ten the day after… and so on, potentially forever!
Load that article to another site, and there’s another ten people reading your promotions each day, every day. Load it to another site and there’s another ten, and another ten.
See how it’s working now? Pretty simple, isn’t it? Your business goes on expanding through thousands of articles and hundreds of different article directories.
All these postings make you reg