Investing Easy teaches you how to invest profitably and safely. It shows you strategies the pros use to increase profits and protect you from loss.
Investing Easy
The Uses of a Passive Investment Strategy
Author: Phoenix Delray
Investing is one of the things that used to take an awful lot of training and experience to get right, but with the birth of the information age, it seems that more people than ever before are able to use their extra money and create something spectacular from it. One of the easiest ways of getting your investing portfolio off the ground is to use a passive investment strategy. In the simplest possible terms a passive investment strategy is one that does not use any type of forecasting and rather sticks to a pre-determined investment route.
With this in mind, a passive investment strategy will not use any type of market timing or stock picking, and rather relies on a solid history of specific investment to make a decision well ahead of time. In most cases, the companies and brokers that use this sort of strategy will pick indexes that are basically made up of several well performing stocks. Although the profit level of these investments is not as high as some other strategies, it has proven itself to be reliable time and time again. This is probably why so many newcomers to the investment game decide to go the passive route.
The facts that you need to pay attention to here are the averages of cost versus returns on investments. A passive investment strategy is basically an attempt to lower the cost of the initial investment rather than fighting to try and beat the averages on returns. For anyone who makes a living from investment, this also removes a lot of the stress associated with the task at hand. While there are no guarantees when it comes to making investments, there are certain methods that are known to be consistently profitable, and passive investment is one of them.
If you are looking at using a financial institution for your investments rather than going it alone, you should be on the lookout for one that uses passive investment as their staple strategy. This means that you are firstly more likely to see returns, and secondly, that you can start off your portfolio with a lot less money. Most companies that use these strategies will have a group of individual investors working in a pool. With a passive investment strategy, they are more likely to turn a profit for everyone involved, including themselves making this strategy a sound business decision in anyone’s book.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/investing-articles/the-uses-of-a-passive-investment-strategy-5957955.html
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