‘Shape-Shifter’ Alien in the Secret Service ?

The video shows the president addressing the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and focuses on an admittedly oddly behaving agent first standing in fro…

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24 Responses to ‘Shape-Shifter’ Alien in the Secret Service ?

  1. Faishal Sandel says:

    looks like the guard behind him is also afraid it seems that way
    but also ready to take him out
    to me it looks like everone behind obama is watching this bald head guy
    if this bald head is a alien i guess that this was just a way to say this is humanity
    it could be a lot of things
    for example what if the bald head is a alien and he was just checking up how humanity was doing
    well i say leave a comment

  2. Marcus Akins says:

    Aint no such thing as aliens. They are all fallen angels

  3. thandeka husstla says:

    looks like an ugly gay bartender…lol

  4. Kevin Fitzgerald says:

    Who knows

  5. mrvelveeta says:

    looks like a burn victim.

  6. Maria Flores says:

    red eyes in the back round

  7. ajummajum says:

    Lol lord voldemort

  8. FrametoFame says:

    OMG- It’s Yul Brynner back from the dead! LOL.

  9. dmaskell92 says:

    Yea that makes sense, because outside the atmosphere is heaven right? Your stupid lol. That’s like saying, Aliens are Vampires, because you are comparing one fictional thing to another. Don’t bring fictional Holy genre’s around Aliens. You will see Aliens, and UFO’s before you ever see god, why? Because Aliens could exist, but god will still just be fucking fiction with no proof.

  10. bunnybinksoncp says:

    Wow, that guys editing skills are good.

  11. Brianna Claire says:

    Haha I’m LAFFING.

  12. Brianna Claire says:

    I actually feel bad because this guy is a normal fucking human being who’s was protecting our states LEADER and all we can do is call him an alien. He probably has kids, a wife, and a very happy life. And you guys are calling him scary and ugly!

  13. Thomas Mueller says:

    Reptilians have set up all wars  on this planet to hold the human population small…. ….lets see what will happen in 3 to 4 years when A LOT of humans will notice the reptilians ! I think the 3rd world war will be HUMANS AGAINST REPTILIANS ! Thrilling Times are awaiting us !

  14. Jan Badinski says:

    Then you fight such a war.

  15. Jan Badinski says:

    Secret service usually don’t marry or have children because of the nature of their job. They don’t want to endanger their family, if they had one, or have them held for ransom, or any other vulnerability. They put their job before themselves.

  16. TheVamp106 says:

    Maybe this is all true but I wont jump to conclusions bc thats what youtube videos seem to do. Especially when u might be a reptilian but ur not causing wars and killing ppl

  17. Deshon Brown says:

    Naww Hes just a ugly ass nigga

  18. Conor James says:

    It’s fucking Voldemort!!!

  19. kingnoviceone2314 says:

    Dam its demons yous need to quit taking so much mushrooms n watching stargate sg 1 lol alian war thats real funny shit

  20. kingnoviceone2314 says:

    There’s gona be war but humans will be the ones to destroy our only habitable planet in the galaxy

  21. kingnoviceone2314 says:

    Because of pride hate greed and pleasure our people wont last another decade

  22. kingnoviceone2314 says:

    Its sad but true to many people murder for no reason and think there doing good for their religion but killing is all bad

  23. AdvisoryCashew says:

    The Silence will fall.

  24. jnperez01 says:

    lol, poor guy

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