Are you kidding? A American Secret Police Force in a unmarked vehicle with standard license plates and illegal Michigan drivers and passenger window tinting!…
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The britsh police are much nicer
Hahahahaaaaaaaa I be damn. This is what america looks like with out white supremacy being applied.
This reverse police harassment will not end well I predict.
LOL. wtf man you freaked out.
“Oh look, an unmarked p car ” *Gets out and yells “aay!! aayy!!”
the government is gonna shut down and the cops wont obey the law. I believe chaos will happen in a couple of days. have a good day
The government gonna shut down, that’s good right? I got the cops taking care of, no problem. have a good day yourself.
It will go well, there is no choice. We have a duty to our sacred constitution to be vigilant to ensure a government that acts in the way as to honor its contents.
Im sure there are some people in the government you contact and send them the video maybe the police department of your state or media like CNN or something like that, but you really need to clam down and talk with them with sense
The guy who posted this video is a dangerous lunatic who is going to snap and try to kill a cop, no doubt in my mind. Listen, the local cops have NO control over what the federal government does, nor do they report to them or carry out some secret agenda led by the federal government. Most of the cops I know can’t stand Obama and they despise politicians.
Let’s hope.
Dude, cops are fucking pieces of shit and I feel ur anger, but you are going to get srsly hurt confronting them like this. They are psychopaths. You got lucky this time. The fact that you did this proves you are a true American. My guess is you’ve not had a lot of dealings with cops. Take it from me they will shoot you in the face and say you tried to grab their gun. Just be careful. We need more ppl like you not less.
It’s a police Vehicle? What if it’s stolen that person can get away with it? You have a right to get pissed he thinks he has extra rights.
No, wrong guy. I do like to think I am dangerous lunatic to the idea of our government not acting as public servants that honors our founding documents. At what point do we the people demand our government works to protect our God given rights and not as a dictator. How far do we let a double standard of one set of rules for the public and another set for public servants?? You must be young and tainted from a government education.
Young and tainted, eh? Wrong on both counts. Here is a news flash: The laws regarding tint in your state are set by the legislators. You don’t like tint on cop cars? That is NOT a Constitutional issue, guy. Take it up with your state representatives, THEY are the ones who write the laws. You remind me of a whiny kid bitching about your sibling getting an extra cookie, or something: “But it’s not faaaaaair”.
This guy is a hero man you dont know what you are talking about and he is very sane. He is also awakened.
This is what he is saying Cops don’t follow the laws they set or that are in place.
Outstanding video. Hope you win in court Oct. 9th. Keep us posted. It’s not worth getting shot over tinted windows by law enforcement but you’ve brought their double standard out in the open and that’s great.
If you aren’t a christian please become one. John 3:16
Ecclesiastes 7:16 Be not righteous over much; neither make thyself over wise: why shouldest thou destroy thyself? (KJV)
Okay, I’m sorry but this youtube channel has gotten really weird and I’m worried (just by the way this guy speaks) that he has a mental illness. I’m all for sticking up to cops and defending our rights, but this guy is weird.
don’t u think u should have your insurance/reg paperwork in order before going out and blowing your horn at police. That has not been the first time you recorded yourself with
missing paperwork from your vehicle.
It is the first time ever I was missing paper work. I had zero intention to pull over a cop. He nearly caused a crash, as you can see he failed to obey MI mandatory turn signal law. I was a little PISSED!!
This country was founded with the Christian belief as a guide line as to allow for the greatest nation in the history of man. Only with Christ our Lord will this great nation continue to be blessed. This is proof of truth, this is what makes us different than other nations. God Bless and thank you.
“Why was I so dam mad?…, this officer attempted to cause a traffic accident with me and would have cause to shoot me…”
Hello “savemyrepublic” On Nov. 10th 2010 the police tried to cause an car accident with me /watch?v=39y9EBS3xEM at the 5:01 mark
The “republic” was founded by and fallen to the secret societies “freemasons”, etc running it! Revelation chapter 17 explains this fact. We (I) can’t change anything but warn others to turn to Jesus for salvation John 3:16
You don’t have that power because you’re not a police officer? We the People are the public referred to in the term Public Servant. So he had every right to pull over his servant and tell him to stop violating the law.
subscribing. nice videos
Yea these jerks can have dark tint than hassle u for yours .