Secret Service Documentary Part 1

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9 Responses to Secret Service Documentary Part 1

  1. NowKillYourself says:

    That martial arts expert towards the end of this segment is fucking QUICK. But, he’s fast when demonstrating.. It’s not that easy during a surprise attack or ambush.. The dude will have 3 to 5 shots off by the time he can react.. Meaning, the President is dead.


    i like these documentaries and all but what if a assassin is smart enough to watch this to know what they should not do?

  3. AnitaCock says:

    Govt. controlled lamestream media HAS to stick to the ‘1 lone assassin’ story; they don’t want you to know about how the SS set up JFK in a AMBUSH: /watch?v=WUx1Xb7v8rQ And they don’t want you to know about MAC WALLACE; LBJ’s personal hit man, who’s fingerprint were found on the 6th floor where the snipers nest was. AND DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT GOOGLE OR YouTube “GARY McKINNON”. You must not figure out why lamestream media keeps a tight lid on what he did & discovered. Google “GARY McKINNON”

  4. Scoop Robinson says:

    who don’t love the usss…

  5. Zeke Crafter says:

    Not really bro the Martial Arts Expert won’t be able to surprised by a attack he will be able to react with it Thats Called “Reflex” he would be able to react to the attacker to save the president. ISN’T WHY HIS A MARTAIL ARTS EXPERT?! his an EXPERT!!! NOT A STUPID AMATEUR

  6. pvtrichter88 says:

    probably because not every little trick or nuance is actually revealed in these documentaries it ‘s certainly easier to sit there with a bong full of pot and envision this than to be even a crappy assassin to pull this off and as one agent states plan A and even B is not good enough we need plan Z hopefully these agents stay safe and God is watching them my thoughts and prayers are with people who protect the free World!!

  7. joemelortegaable says:

    Amazing technique! I like it. Being a Security Guard. It’s applicable also to my job.

  8. tminusc23 says:

    the kennedy family?

  9. Rich White says:

    I am so sick of shows showing media bias. They claim Kennedy was in danger due to right wing extremists. lee Harvey Oswald was a Democrat.

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