Obama – STOP Immigration! Stop middle age suicide

I have to agree with this comment so much that I am posting it on its own.

They are here illegally.  They felt no guilt about performing an illegal act by coming here illegally.  What makes Rubio and Obama and the Committee of 8 think they will think twice about committing any other crime.

They will require and get free health care, free education, and don’t think for a minute that there are not people out there who will make sure they know how to access every benefit in America, while so many of our own people are still without homes, without jobs, etc.

And it is a real joke that they will learn English.  Why would they learn English when everything in America is now in Spanish and we are forced to struggle through trying to find or hear English in our own country.  If they love their ways and their language so much, why not stay in their own country.  Oh, how silly of me.  They get everything here, jobs, health care, education and still get to keep their garish colors and Spanish language.  No need to stay home.

Politicians just want their vote.  How do they vote if not a citizen.  Oh, again, silly – Obama knows how to do that.  He must have taught politicians.

So why did I see a surprised comment about so many middle aged Americans committing suicide these days.  Well … no home, no prospects of job, illegals being groomed to take any possible jobs that might become available, family living on street or with relatives… why would they not commit suicide!


Where is President Obama’s head?
He takes the time to personally make a phone call to congratulate some sport star about being gay! My My, that is so important!  NOT!

Does he take the time to call the soldiers who return from these foreign countries to congratulate them for making it through a senseless war?  Does he help them get through bein maimed and ruined for life by these stupid involvements in other countries?  Does he ever stop to think that perhaps these other countries might hate us a little less and perhaps lessen terrorism if we kept our nose out of their business.  We are not the keepers of the world if we cannot even take care of our own!
Does he take time to contact the 69,000+ homeless veterans in America?
Does he try to help the suffering homeless Americans living with children on the streets because they have no job and have lost foreclosed homes.
Does he take time to stop banks from buldozing bank owned foreclosed homes to the ground when we have so many on the street who could use those homes?
He thinks millions of criminals, we call undocumenteds or illegal aliens, who are committing a crime by being here illegally are more important than our own Americans who have paid their way, but now have no job, or graduate from college and can’t find work.  Oh it is so important to take on millions more illegals so we can give the jobs to them.  Perhaps if we sent them all back and stopped immigration for 3-5 years, we might get this country back on track and then be charitable to foreigners.  But why don’t we work on helping our own Americans first.
Marco Rubio is full of it if he thinks these illegals will not be getting free healthcare, jobs, welfare, education, etc.  They will get it long before an American citizen will get these.
Does OBAMA or any politician care about America at all?  Looks like they care about building more of a base of foreigners who might get to vote for them on the next run.
It seems not.  But OBAMA cares about  foreigners or some gay person making a splash!

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