OBAMA ALIEN demon UFO ghost 666 devil SECRET SERVICE

This is secret.

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25 Responses to OBAMA ALIEN demon UFO ghost 666 devil SECRET SERVICE

  1. o Mayalexy o says:


  2. nicolasamargo20 says:


  3. Almir Avdic says:

    They are removing this video on youtube,this dude is not human! ! !

  4. abtrkttv says:

    You’re an idiot.

  5. lamonawantsthat says:


  6. tavitjjj says:

    look normal to me

  7. aksniper0658 says:

    Holy crap looks human ecept for eyes,ears,and mouth in thermal vision O_O

  8. tkdwarriors2 says:


  9. SKYFISHBAND says:

    This is ridiculous. Stop digging for conspiracies.

  10. Ivanna perez says:

    Crack cocaine + Heroine+ weed = Creepy movements + holutionations + that

  11. France Brooks says:

    Oh here’s an idea president, you know those super secret aliens that came
    from unknown areas of space to work as your security, we should totally
    place them in view of cameras, pictures and the general public. Good
    fucking idea.

  12. Blake Hardeman says:

    Mr lee actually looked scarier than the mystery man himself.

  13. m sven says:

    hahah this is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. I love how they
    change the color to try and make it look like IR/thermal imaging. After a
    long day of school, I needed a good laugh! Thanks!

  14. Maddiethehedgie says:

    Lmfao are you kidding me

  15. STLCODPS3123 says:

    Can’t find the Jane trivum version it had ova million vews

  16. teletubby9999 says:

    You are now in the Twilight Zone. And I am Rod Stirling reincarnated.

  17. MakeMeAPizza01 says:


  18. Andrew Angus says:

    why don’t you interview the person to prove your theory ?

  19. jozyman31 says:

    Well what is it an alien, a demon, a UFO or a ghost

  20. ryeable says:

    No, you.

  21. tammyterry says:

    You are a total IDIOT!!!

  22. Tuyen Dong Van says:

    Mr Lee Rosenberg

  23. elis fraguada says:

    Fake as hell!

  24. Jérémy Mailloux-Garneau says:

    Not Human

  25. Daniel putzer Jr. says:

    Just looks like a normal demoncrat or republiscum enforcer to me.

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