The Miss America Pageant…how is this still a thing? They claim to give more scholarships to women than any other organization, and, unfortunately, they’re ri…
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John Oliver is probably the best investigative reporter of the past 3
decades. The actual media should be ashamed of themselves.
seems everyone is missing the point…corporate accounting using lies in
order to make a few people really rich…Miss America saying they gave out
45 million but really only gave out 482,000…so where did the 44.5 million
go?…this helps me to understand why someone like Donald Trump would be
involved in this stuff, get tax breaks by saying you are a non-profit, and
then use accounting deceit to funnel most all the money to the top.
Very good and all, but I don’t get why there’s a need for women only
scholarships. If we are really talking about gender equality, shouldn’t
there be a men only scholarship as well? But no, that would be sexist…
It’s weird the number of body building competitions, strong man
competitions, etc. I mean, its very sad that Miss America Pageant is the
biggest scholarship source for women but how many men’s only scholarships
are there? I’ll give you a hint, its less than 1. Most scholarships do not
discriminate, and men are objectified at least as much, if not far more
than women in these kinds of competition. In order to even make the running
as a man you have to be in conditions that are literally extremely
hazardous to your health and few live beyond 50. So I’m not sure I really
like this, aside from keeping corrupt organizations accountable.
Ever wonder where all of that scholarship money goes? Does the money
actually exist? MUST WATCH!!!
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Miss America …:
I just have a thought provoking question for those who see this comment.
Let it be pre-claimed that the intention of this question is to make you
think rather than objectify logic/concept holes in arguments concerning
gender equality.
Mixing the recent feminism speech delivered by Emma Watson, which delivered
a classical reapproach to feminism = gender equality, and the current topic
at hand, i.e. Miss America scholarships, are Miss America pageant
scholarships as well as all other gender-specific scholarships, ethically
I’ll leave it at that in its most basic form.
What’s with the liberal media and the attack on beauty pageants?
First time to dislike a video for you Oliver and I call myself a liberal.
Women love to look beautiful (Beauty ranks high in their value system and
probably vanity too) while men in general can be attracted to bodybuilding
“pageants” because physical strength and power rank high in our value
system and probably vanity too.
So, I don’t see why you’re making a big deal out of this and trying to stir
the pot with all these phony grievances. Don’t we have enough probs already
on our plate in this world?!!
John Oliver, sobre concurso de Miss America 2014 – recomendado por Daniela
In the last few moments of this video drops, and for all the bittersweet
laughs we realize (if true) that other organizations are doing NOTHING to
posture themselves any better . :C
So, WHY aren’t there bigger/better scholarship programs for girls/women?
To quote Mitchell Hundred,
“Fuck…I’ve got 30,000 homeless peole sleeping in municipal shelters andat
least another five freezing to death out there…and people care about
Liberals criticize Conservatives for focusing on unimportant trite but then
John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher and John Stewart do things like
In my opinion, both groups can fuck off.
Well, the more I see this show, the more I fucking hate it. John Oliver is
clearly a funny, intelligent fellow, but having a geeky-looking
motherfucker with an English accent ruthlessly criticize everything he
possibly can about America is not only rude – it’s boring. Listen up, you
fucking communist asshole: we will only take so much of your horseshit
before we turn against you en masse. You can’t immigrate here and then shit
on your host country – that’s only tolerated from Muslims…
Why aren’t there men-only scholarship?
Harvard University founded
USA, Ohio: The first co-educational university, Oberlin College.
1833-1636= 197 year gap.
Women were often discouraged from learning. One of the reasons used to be:
“their brains would hurt from so much knowledge”
What the fuck is wrong with your country America
There is only hamburger on your mind or what ?
It is with this video that I learned that Miss America and Miss USA were
different things.
As sexist as it was for Donald Trump to say that the woman wouldn’t have
her job if she wasn’t beautiful, he’s not wrong.
I find it more offensive that we live in a society where that woman
wouldn’t have her job if she wasn’t beautiful, then what Donald Trump said.
Not defending Donald Trump, just sayin…
The only way Donald Trump’s statement would be the “more-offensive” of the
two is if both genders were already equal, because his comment wouldn’t
have made any sense; the genders are not equal so…. Red Card goes to
society on this one. =/
Its a sad day when I see more investigative journalism exerted for a John
Oliver episode than on CNN in any given day. :\
It’s not going away any time soon, or, in my life time. I grew up watching
this and hearing all the judgement words from my family regarding the
contestants, and everybody really thought/think it’s ok. Thank you +Last
Week Tonight with John Oliver for bringing this up and for pointing out
that our next generations don’t need this crap.
Fuck you Giuseppe!!
? those are easy questions. i guess in the situation they are but the one
asking about the response to the isis beheadings was too intence because
even our president doesnt have a fucking clue. BUT THAT GIRL ANSWERED THAT
This is beauty pageants all over the world…we should stop people feeling
like they have to go through this to have a life…
No argument against the theme of the program. Does he represent the way
true blue Americans speak? When one looks at American TV one could assume
that half of America speaks with a British accent. They take the best media
and TV jobs and they aren’t that special. Why?
Seems that John Oliver has nothing against beauty pageant involving men. He
only has problems women showing flesh. Also, not making fun of Conchita
Wurst, the man that pretends to be a woman that has a beard, but a fake
beard (even though as a man he should be capable of a real beard). John,
instead of his usual ridiculization suddenly calls Conchita Wurst
“wonderful” and that’s it. No jokes, no funny comparisons, no nothing.
Isn’t it ridiculuos? If anything is even a bit heterosexual, like the Miss
America beauty pageant, he’ll find a zillion things to dissect and
ridicule. But if it’s gay, then it’s “wonderful”. Well, thank you for
showing us your orientation, John. It explains your bias.
This still exists because women watch it, and if there was a Mr America
pageant guys wouldn’t give a damn
Lots of these contestant have or are getting a good education. Some are in
college getting master degrees…but you can’t possibly ask someone to
answer those kind of questions in 20 SECONDs…i mean seriously The
Congress cannot even give a good answer and they have days to debate on
important matter…
Work done. Yomped w/40lb pack.
Time for “Last Week Tonight” with John Oliver