Invest In Property to Build Wealth


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Investing Easy

Invest In Property to Build Wealth

Author: Kaye Dennan

Property as an investment, is becoming more and more popular, but interestingly enough, it is like many other types of activities.  It is the minor number that makes the real serious money, with the majority only owning one or two properties. Not that owning one or two investment properties is anything to sneeze at!

A property investor may stop investing in property because after the initial excitement they run into one or two problems and they start to think that property investing is not as easy as they thought it was.

Property investing needs careful research, careful planning and most definitely it is not for the person who likes to have things go easy for them.  Investing in property is dealing with a lot of money and if it goes seriously wrong, can cost a lot. That is why it pays to get together a group of experts that you can work with.  People who have experience in property investing.

When a person owns investment properties they do need to make sure that they are looking after them at all times.  If a property is not maintained it can quickly become a liability rather than an asset.

When using property investment to build wealth there are certain steps to take to ensure you are taking the safe road as much as possible:

Finance: researching and taking out the right finance package for your investments is important. Do make sure that your finance structure will be set up in such a way that you can easily add properties to your portfolio or sell properties if you wish to without affecting other properties that you hold.

Personal Income: this is very important, especially if you have a family reliant on your earnings.  To ensure that you are covered here take out income protection insurance once you have signed up for an investment property. We can never predict the future so it is not worth the risk nor the trouble to the family should something go wrong at a later stage.

Property Insurance: all the properties you own should be insured.  Your own home should be insured (especially if it is providing the equity on other properties) and your investment properties should be adequately insured.

Landlord Protection Insurance: there are various covers within this insurance but the least you would want would be total damage, loss of income due to damage, rent default and tenant damage or theft by tenants

Purchasing An Investment Property

If you have done all your due diligence researches when purchasing a property you should have most potential problems covered and checked.  Make sure you have the property checked for drainage, easements and anything else that might affect the future use of the property or the selling of the property at a later stage.

Once you own a new investment property do not put it in the “set and forget” category, an investor should keep up with market trends, finances and the current state of the property at all times.

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About the Author

Kaye Dennan has been involved in property investing for many years personally and also as a licensed real estate principal. For more insight into property investing go to

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20 Responses to Invest In Property to Build Wealth

  1. Justin says:

    These answers should be from the CFA institute under their ethical conduct… These are two other questions:

    ~How does the Code of Ethics relate to these funds and to investing in general?

    ~In  investing  and  in  handling  investors’ money,  what  role,  if any,  should  moral  
    social convictions, and/or political correctness play?

    Please show sources if possible.. Thanks!

  2. Anandganesh says:

    Hi planning to invest some money in chit funds as I heard that It is giving high interest rates. Can anyone help me whether it is the wise way or all chit funds chea????

  3. Aaron says:

    i know little about how the market works, but am looking to invest some money in penny stocks. preferably a site with no minimum.

  4. ilovebasketball says:

    Many people made millions and billions before 2008, can people still do the same now in days? Has anything changed, not allowing people to abuse the system, and etc.? Thanks!

  5. BillTakesSchitz says:

    I have thought about doing it although it does seem like a losing proposition to me but I would like to learn more about it. I would appreciate any tips/suggestions/websites.

  6. N says:

    I’ve been reading about people investing their money in metals, gold, coins, etc. to have their value secured when the U.S. economy goes all “digital” (plastic money or something of the sort) or just that cash loses it’s value greatly.

    Then there’s people that also say they wouldn’t keep their money in banks. Is that bad or good? Would not keeping my money in banks affect the economy? Is it better to keep cash at home then or invest it internationally?

    Is it wise to open bank accounts in different foreign countries to keep it “dispersed” and when one country’s economy falls, it won’t be a big hit to the person that did so because he/she still has money in the other accounts? In what countries would it be best to invest money?

    If I have a good amount of money saved, should I be investing it in certain things that over time increases my amount of money, like stocks or bank investments? if so, what would be a good example?


  7. LizPierce says:

    What is keeping Americans and other people around the world from investing their capital in countries in Africa? Are people skeptical over the pace of Africa’s growth? What makes some African countries more economically successful than others? What’s into the future for Africa? Thanks!

  8. Justin says:

    Since Obama was elected Tuesday, most stocks have dropped. Smith & Wesson increased though. My question is that should I invest in .INX stock, S&P 500? -BC they are doing pretty bad right now. They will be back up? If not what stocks do YOU think are gonna rise?

  9. Peter says:

    I have an AR-15, and a Walther P22.
    Id eventually like to suppress both.
    As money is an issue, would you advise getting one can for both( a .223 suppressor), or just start with a .22lr can?

    I have been doing my research on the suppressor selections, but i still have yet to come to a conclusion. Which would you prefer?

  10. ARUNA says:

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