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Free Debt Grants With Federal Government Assistance
Author: Austin Warty
The available federal funding in the form of debt grants is a little known secret to most Americans. This money is available not just for low-income families, but for single mothers, people who were duped into buying too big a home, those who lost their jobs, and even those who have jobs but their expenses exceed their income.
Debt relief grants help people get the financial aid they need without filing for personal bankruptcy or destroying their credit. The typical American who is deep in debt will do one of several things:
- Allow the debt to go in to default, which means fighting with collections
- Visiting a debt counselor, who will advise on how to consolidate and re-negotiate debts
- File for personal bankruptcy
The problem with these three scenarios is that none of them are good options. Dealing with debt collectors is one of the worst experiences people can face. These people are ruthless, they threaten you, and harass you at work. In addition, allowing your debts to simply go into default status will destroy your credit, which could take a minimum of 7 years to repair.
Debt counselors, while they can do great things, will also ruin your credit. While re-negotiating and consolidating your debt won’t impact your credit score directly, it will have an impact on your lenders willing to do business with you in the future. When you use professional help to get out of paying their bills, those creditors lose money, and they are not happy about it. As a result, they will put a note on your credit report that you used professional help to avoid paying your bills, and you will have a tough time finding anyone to lend you money in the future.
For those without any options, filing for personal bankruptcy is a last resort – worst case scenario. It can take up to 10 years to repair the damages that personal bankruptcy will cause, but it can wipe the slate clean.
Interestingly, none of these options are good for the lenders and creditors, and they have profound negative effects on the economy. That is why the government and other private institutions are willing to help by providing free grant money to help you get out of debt.
If you qualify, this is money that is provided to you to help you get back on your feet and avoid all of these horrible consequences from the options above. There are agencies willing to help, but you need to ask for the money. As a result, you could receive federal financial assistance to help you become debt-free just by asking for free grant money.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/debt-consolidation-articles/free-debt-grants-with-federal-government-assistance-718933.html
About the Author
See if you qualify to claim some of these debt grants and get the cash you need today. Get a check in as little as 7 days just by asking for free grant money…