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Category Archives: America’s Economy
America’s Economic Addiction to War: MICC-TT Part 4/10
Nomorenarcissism: Military, Industrial, Congresssional, Think-Tank Complex (MICC-TT) www.combatreform.com We see in Part 4 that Eisenhower’s warnings that the MICC-TT would infect every part of American society with racketeering for military weapons and equipment $$$ have been to date unheeded. He … Continue reading
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged corporations, greed, iraq, micc-tt, profits, racketeering, war
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America’s First Great Depression
Video Book Trailer for AMERICA’S FIRST GREAT DEPRESSION Economic Crisis and Political Disorder after the Panic of 1837 by Alasdair Roberts www.cornellpress.cornell.edu For a while, it seemed impossible to lose money on real estate. But then the bubble burst. The … Continue reading
Jim Rogers CNN Money June 2011 – America’s Debt Ceiling Crisis – Free Food Offer Below!
Visit: www.bankonfood.myefoods.com toclaim your free emergency food. Prepare your food reserves now. I found a company who is giving away 12 servings of free emergency food. Get yours and tell your family and friends to get theirs. Company’s goal is … Continue reading
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged 2011, America, armageddon, attack, bank, Beck, bush, Ceiling, China, Collapse, crash, crisis, currency, Debt, disaster, Dollar, earthquake, east, Economic, economy, emergency, fake, famine, federal, fiat, Financial, flooding, floods, food, fox, Freedom, Glenn, Gold, government, hunger, hurricane, IMF, iran, iraq, israel, Jim, Jones, june, market, middle, military, monetary, Money, natural, nuclear, Obama, Oil, peter, Prices, Reserve, riots, rising, rogers, russia, Schiff, shortage, Silver, storage, storm, strike, survival, tornado, us, weapons
America and the World
America and the World: Foreign Policy Issues for the Next President. Cornell faculty members discuss America`s evolving economic and political relations with the rest of the world, and critical challenges facing the next US President. (Jun 6, 2008 at Cornell … Continue reading
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged cornell, diplomacy, economy, elections, foreign, international, policy, politics, presidency, relations, uchannel, us
Cultural Degeneration of America – S. Gurumurthy
An excellent speech by S. Gurumurthy on the main reason of American socio-economic crisis- the enormousness cultural degeneration of America after the Second World War, due to the state of euphoria propagated by American politicians, corporate and economists. Full Speech … Continue reading
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged America, cultural, Culture, degeneration, euphoria, family, gurumurthy, india, s, second, swadeshi, United States, war, world
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Rob Reich “Aftershock: The Next Economy and America’s Future” Part 2 of 4
In this brilliant reading of the economic crisis and how we should deal with its aftermath, Robert B. Reich suggests the cause of the 2008 meltdown was not Wall Street. The real culprit is structural: it lies in the increasing … Continue reading
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged Aftershock, discussion, economy, Rob Reich, Strand bookstore
Max Keiser: Goldman Sachs – The Real Pirates behind America’s Economic Implosion 2/3
Alex talks with Max Keiser about who the real criminals are behind the implosion of the american economy. www.maxkeiser.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged 300, 9/11, Alex, analysis, bilderberg, bombing, China, cia, committe, communism, conspiracy, debate, discussion, Economic, endame, england, event, false, finance, Financial, flag, Gold, goldman, goons, group, illuminati, infowars.com, interviews, iran, israel, Jones, keiser, korea, mafia, max, middle east, military, mossad, north, okc, politics, Queen, rape, ridge, ruby, russia, sachs, Silver, street, talk, thugs, trading, waco, wall, warfare, ww3
America’s Economic Addiction to War: MICC-TT Part 10/10
Nomorenarcissism: Military, Industrial, Congresssional, Think-Tank Complex (MICC-TT) www.combatreform.com Think Tank Looniecons like Richard Perle think that they’ve tainted America into never-ending war for never-ending corporate profits because we’ve been corrupted by his Leo Strauss mentality. What he didn’t bank on … Continue reading
Lawrence Summers on America’s Economic Landscape in a Post-Recession World
Lawrence Summers, former Director of the White House’s National Economic Council and President Obama’s former Chief Economic Adviser, discusses America’s economic landscape in a post-recession world, for the National Constitution Center’s Eighth Annual John M. Templeton, Jr. Lecture on Economic … Continue reading
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged Constitution, Economic, economy, finance, government, hot topics, lecture, Obama, politics, recession, Summers, Templeton
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Rebuilding America’s Schools Act
90 Second Summaries: Season 2, Episode 22 HR 2394: Rebuilding America’s Schools Act Introduced 6/24/2011 Sponsor: Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY15) Watch this episode of 90 Second Summaries at bit.ly Cosponsors: 1 (Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO2)). Number of cosponsors expected to … Continue reading
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged Charles Rangel, economy, HR 2394, jobs, Recovery Act, school construction, stimulus
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