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Category Archives: America’s Economy
America’s Economic Addiction to War: MICC-TT Part 3/10
Nomorenarcissism: Military, Industrial, Congresssional, Think-Tank Complex (MICC-TT) www.combatreform.com In Part 3, we see that the majority of the American people are good, decent folks who do NOT want us in everybody else’s country fighting wars but naive and ignorant of … Continue reading
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged air, fascism, micc-tt, militarism, profits, racketeering, show, war
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Rob Reich “Aftershock: The Next Economy and America’s Future” Part 3 of 4
In this brilliant reading of the economic crisis and how we should deal with its aftermath, Robert B. Reich suggests the cause of the 2008 meltdown was not Wall Street. The real culprit is structural: it lies in the increasing … Continue reading
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged Aftershock, discussion, economy, Rob Reich, Strand bookstore
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Max Keiser: Goldman Sachs – The Real Pirates behind America’s Economic Implosion 3/3
Alex talks with Max Keiser about who the real criminals are behind the implosion of the american economy. www.maxkeiser.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged 300, 9/11, Alex, analysis, bilderberg, bombing, China, cia, committe, communism, conspiracy, debate, discussion, Economic, endame, england, event, false, finance, Financial, flag, Gold, goldman, goons, group, illuminati, infowars.com, interviews, iran, israel, Jones, keiser, korea, mafia, max, middle east, military, mossad, north, okc, politics, Queen, rape, ridge, ruby, russia, sachs, Silver, street, talk, thugs, trading, waco, wall, warfare, ww3
Suggested Solutions to America’s Economic Problems
he following suggestions should be considered as part of a new plan to recover American industry and economic health: · Appoint an economic minister, a major cabinet post, to develop an industrial policy that would: 1. Create conditions to make … Continue reading
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged bailout, economic issues, fair trade, free trade, NAFTA, Obama, US economy, Wall Street, WTO
The Professors: Wall Street and America’s Economic Health Part 1 of 2
The Dow is up, the NASDAQ is down and the S and P trimmed its weekly gain. Reports like this are familiar to anyone who watches the news. They’re often the only economic data reported in a nightly newscast. Are … Continue reading
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged chicago, economy, Financial, pbs, the professors, Wall Street, wycc
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What does America’s future look like, a timeline to Economic Collapse (NWO ECONOMICS series)
‘QUALITY INFORMATION’ (QI) is ‘WEALTH’ – ‘FIND IT’ – ”Yousearxch” – the ‘PREMIERE’ educational ‘VIDEO’ ‘SEARCH’ tool. This is a ‘YOUSEARXCH’ ‘SUPPORT’ and ‘FEEDER’ channel dedicated to providing easy ‘VIDEO’ ‘ACCESS’ to ‘QUALITY’ ‘NEWS’, ‘CURRENT EVENTS’ ‘LECTURES and other important … Continue reading
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged yousearxch, yousearxch-a, yousearxch-all-series, yousearxch-america's, yousearxch-collapse, yousearxch-does, yousearxch-economic, yousearxch-future, yousearxch-INDEX-nwo-economics, yousearxch-look, yousearxch-news-&-politics, yousearxch-the-you-archive, yousearxch-the-you-archive-TV, yousearxch-timeline, yousearxch-to, yousearxch-what, yousearxch-youcollection, yousearxch-youinformation
Ben Hart: “Has America’s Economic Collapse Arrived?” – Part 2
Go to http;//escapetyranny.com for more conservative news, info and comment.
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged ben hart, Economic Collapse, economic meltdown, financial collapse, financial meltdown, US economy
“CASINO”: Don’t Let Wall Street Gamble America’s Economy on a Derivatives Crap Shoot
“CASINO”: Don’t Let Wall Street Gamble America
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged casino, derivatives, Financial, goldman, market, nyse, reform, sachs, stock, street, wall