America’s rich moving jobs out of the country?

When it comes to the US economy, America’s ultra rich look for new and more creative ways to hide their money while millions seek gainful employment. Many American goods are produced abroad – namely in China and India – and jobs are being moved outside the country. To explain more about whatever happened to trickle down economics, RT’s Kristine Frazao is joined by Karl Denninger of The Market Ticker Like us and/or follow us:

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24 Responses to America’s rich moving jobs out of the country?

  1. ulaghchi says:

    Dude, grow up and read Carroll Quigley.

  2. joepeeler34 says:

    The source of the outsourcing is an inhospitable environment for capital/business in U.S. To address that, production taxes and the regulations that slow production and create barriers to entry would have to eliminated.

    Imagine that no Jews existed…pause for your orgasm. If central banking, fiat paper currency, rigged/planned interest rates, subsidies, limited liability corporations, regulations to create barriers to entry, collectivized risk, etc. sill existed, you got the same problems.

  3. bamboo4tameshigiri says:

    And they may be barriers to some, but you cannot do away with regulations of the megacorps even if we do for mom and pop shops. One little place changing brakes and oil can’t do the kind of damage a national chain can do even if they tried really really hard. Big business MUST be taxed and regulated. We tried it your way in the US already, it didn’t workout very well. Human nature took over and we had little things like the coal wars break out. FUCK your “job creator” parasites.

  4. joepeeler34 says:

    Don’t have to be rich to create jobs. If you have capital and won’t to trade your access to capital and money for someone else’s labor, then you have created a job. A “job” is nothing more than an extended trade. No one owns a job. It’s ridiculous that people speak in such terms.

  5. joepeeler34 says:

    If you own machines, tools and use them to produce goods, you are a capitalist. Lots of non-rich people do that. To demonize every rich person as part of some evil monolithic group is clueless.

    We don’t have free market capitalism. We have a corporatist/socialist hybrid economy. It’s heavily centrally planned. It was largely erected by New Dealers and the early progressives. They had a similar world-view as you. Observe the results.

  6. bamboo4tameshigiri says:

    You should get off the Rand nonsense and try reading an ACTUAL history book. We tried it your way in the late 1800s and early 1900s. It lead to people being worked to death for company script that always seemed to manage to just barely cover the cost of living no matter how much the “wages” went up. People are selfish, greedy and evil; rich people even more so.

  7. joepeeler34 says:

    Americans are too stupid to abandon the idea of central planning. They seem to love central banks, paper currency, planned interest rates, subsidies, welfare state, regulations to create barriers to entry, limited liability corporations, collectivized risk, govt. guarantees, minimum wage laws, production taxes, mandates, etc.

    In short, Americans will never be free because they think too much like you.

    Repeat after me: We don’t have free market capitalism.

  8. bamboo4tameshigiri says:

    Inhospitable? Big business hardly pays taxes in the US already and we even give many of the most profitable ones welfare. Seriously. Wages have been flat for 30 fucking years while the gluttonously wealthy have doubled and tripled their earnings. Pensions are gone. Bonusus are a thing of the past for REAL workers outside of the parasite den of Wall St. They just want slaves. They don’t want workers and they don’t care about this country. They care only about profit.

  9. joepeeler34 says:

    I’ve read a synopsis of his book. I’ve read people who have read the book, e.g. Griffith.

    If you had read the book, you would understand that most of the people that compose the establishment don’t realize that they are part of a heavily planned system. If you understand that, it’s absurd to demonize all of the rich. Many of the people that make the current system operational are not rich. They are functionaries.

    The current system is a corporatist-socialist hybrid. It’s not free market.

  10. ulaghchi says:

    You actually believe in that nonsense capitalist rhetoric called the ‘free marker’?

  11. joepeeler34 says:

    A free market has existed before. It requires no belief.

    What is odd is that you believe that the current system is anything remotely like a free market.

    Let me help: A free market doesn’t have a central bank, fiat paper currency, planned/rigged interest rates, subsidies, mandates, welfare state, regulations to create barriers to entry, public-private partnerships, collectivized risk, govt. guarantees.

    The system in place was set up during New Deal/Progressive eras. It’s not free market

  12. ulaghchi says:

    The free market propaganda was developed during the Cold War.

  13. joepeeler34 says:

    Also, I think central planning is “the nonsense.” But that isn’t a refutation is it? Any more than identifying free markets as “rhetoric” or “nonsense.”

    The system in place is largely centrally planned. That’s what Quigley was explaining. Cecil Rhodes and his disciples along with others of a central planning mindset were the creators and current functionaries of the system.

    You have a lot in common with these people. They are statists that believe in central planning just like you.

  14. ulaghchi says:

    It’s a ‘free market’ for Americans but not for those who they exploit. Hmm.

  15. joepeeler34 says:

    A free market didn’t exist during the Cold War. Both parties try to pretend that we have a free market.

    The concept of a free market existed far before the Cold War. It predates the existence of the U.S.

    A free market occurs naturally. It’s an emergent order. I disagree with Quigley and his ilk in that I don’t believe in state collectivism.

    If you read Quigley’s book, you didn’t understand what you were reading.

  16. ulaghchi says:

    You’re a sick human being.

  17. harveybirdmannequin says:


  18. gcheves says:

    What does he mean you can’t do anything about people off-shoring manufacturing and then importing to the US. Has he ever heard of tariffs and tax incentives?

  19. idrobinhood says:

    the rich take the money American’s spend to keep the rich, Wealthy. Then they don’t invest back into America. Keep that money back into the USA. The rich white business people are hoarding money to keep out of the hand of the majority ethnic population. The USA will be looking more an more like a apartheid state that ever before.

  20. idrobinhood says:

    Its Fraud Down Economics.

  21. MrRougeasassin says:

    Thats true.. Well my comment was meant to be sarcastic.. relating to the speakers comment who said.. Rich create jobs.. so..

  22. bamboo4tameshigiri says:

    The only thing that ever trickles down is sewage.

  23. 98bigbutt says:

    They’re doing because they don’t want to deal with unions and benefits but to abuse their workers anyway they want.

  24. TheHouseofVespucci says:

    Of course to be closer to their vacation homes…

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