America’s Economic Addiction to War: MICC-TT Part 5/10

Nomorenarcissism: Military, Industrial, Congresssional, Think-Tank Complex (MICC-TT) Corrupt Vice President Cheney cashed in on his governmental ties to the tune of M and oversees his former greedy, incompetent company Halliburton over-charge the tax payers doing tasks that should be done by Soldiers themselves. See “Iraq for Sale” videos: By hiring civilians to do the uniformed military’s dirty work, we prevent our military from getting its act together and becoming ready-to-fight with BATTLEBOX containerization (LTG Gavin’s KIWI pods)that is mobile, re-usable and fortifiable but instead have to tolerate huge, vulnerable FOBs with flimsy shacks, tents and buildings the occupation racketeers want so every time we go overseas they get money starting-from-scratch. What Americans don’t understand because they are ignorant of racketeering in general and military best practices specifically is that our current “American Way of War” is NOT the best we can come up with and is DELIBERATELY DESIGNED SO A TRICKLE OF OUR BOYS GET KILLED SO AS TO KEEP THE POPULACE IN A BLOOD RAGE and in a kill-ragheads frenzy. There is a direct connection between ego/greed and deliberate incompetence creating our needless flag-draped coffins. General Butler’s War Racket Theory only scratched the surface quantitatively how profiteering gets us into big messes; it also makes these situations qualitatively worse by preventing military excellence

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1 Response to America’s Economic Addiction to War: MICC-TT Part 5/10

  1. BlacktailFA says:

    The military historian Vegitius explains that the roots of the Roman Empire’s collapse were — at least in part — the “Germanization” of the Legions. In other words, the wholesale outsourcing of Rome’s security to German mercenaries.
    The resulting corrupt, complacency, and abnormally obedience of the military seriously compromised Rome’s national security. It also rubbed off on the civilian population of Rome, whose ignorance and decadence characterize the Fall of Rome.

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