American Economic Collapse Is On The Way

American Economic Collapse Is On The Way.

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17 Responses to American Economic Collapse Is On The Way

  1. Jack Sprat says:

    Bullshit. This is all bullshit. Collapse ma happen but your spin is bullshit.

  2. EyeWarnedYouB4 says:

    Jack…..and WHAT do you base you rant on??? This guy has STUDIED the FACTS……WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??? Are you basing your “info” on gut feeling or NORMALCY BIAS??? WAKE UP MAN!!!

    “Denial without Research is the HIGHEST FORM OF IGNORANCE” (Albert Einstein).

  3. EyeWarnedYouB4 says:

    Good video and RIGHT ON!!!  THANKS FOR POSTING!!!!

  4. EyeWarnedYouB4 says:

    Boomers had as much to do with what the Govt was doing back then as the present generation has to do with the present Govt!! WAKE UP!! We all vote, but when it’s all RIGGED…..WE ALL SUFFER FOR IT!!!

    The Dumocraps and Repugnicans are simply two heads on the SAME BANKSTER SNAKE!!

  5. MrWarriorClass says:

    The massive influx of immigrants into this country is no less than the theft of America from the American people through the destruction of the middle class, theft of jobs and resources, and death of our small-government freedom-loving culture. The America we knew will no longer exist and our culture of freedom but a distant memory. “Conservative” Senator Ted Cruz wants to expand legal immigration, most of who will vote Democrat or Big Government Republican once they get here and take your job.

  6. Chazreal says:

    Interesting video, I consider myself a paradox, an impossibility duality hologram of two bodies, matter and energy, possessing the same time and space, here and now. I consider myself the infinitely universal conscious love energy that determines the matter of matter by way and right of that which came before me, the form I subconsciously perpetuate, and as well as externally supplement. I am a time space paradox supernova of universally infinite conscious love energy experiencing human life. <3

  7. BodaBoom BigAl says:

    Problems, problems, and still no solutions.

  8. doommantiagb says:

    Denial denial denial. The facts are there, go hunting and you will be shocked. Stop burying your head in the sand like the Germans did, the warnings were there but they done nothing.

  9. OZHKAR1 says:

    you disagree with?

  10. OZHKAR1 says:

    video and your qoute it’s talking about denial, obviously Jack can’t listen or read that word, he’s completely on denial, most of the time it’s fear to accept the truth and reality they know it but they don’t want accept it.

  11. OZHKAR1 says:

    it’s 99% percent of humanity against 1% of evil people who wanna take control, simple mathematics I guess 99% it’s superior, the sleeping giant it’s us.

  12. vincentyeo88 says:

    all the sovereign wealth funds from creditor countries like China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Brunei, Dubai, UAE, and Saudi Arabia are pumping hundreds of billions of dollars in America, buying up bonds, stocks, and real estate.

    i don’t think the whole America will collapse. only those towns and cities whereby the foreign money doesn’t flow into will suffer. so you go to where the money goes to earn your living.

  13. vincentyeo88 says:

    earlier this year, the sovereign wealth fund from my country spent $400 million and bought an office tower building in San Francisco.

    the newspapers in my countries reported last week that hundreds of rich people from my country have bought luxury condominium apartments in New York city.

  14. ttlomliam says:

    Way to copy storm clouds gathering word for word asshole

  15. Tylenole says:

    Wow how about you come up with your own words dildo

  16. lmtlsss says:

    Perfectly articulated. Well done.

  17. OmegaSconer says:

    America is fucked. It will be some circus to watch on the news from ireland when the shit hits the fan. Im hoping that most industrial farm close at the event. We all know nothing is worse than the life of an animal on this planet thanks to us. We deserve a lot more than the collapse. The govenment is gonna start a nuclear war before the collapse….as a cover up

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