1% tax on all bank transactions HR4646

1% tax on all bank transactions HR4646
Watch for this AFTER November elections; remember this BEFORE you VOTE in case you think Obama’s looking out for your best interest.
1% tax on all bank transactions HR 4646
This government just cannot think of enough ways to hurt the American people! I sure hope this dies!!!!!
1% tax on all bank transactions HR 4646 – ANOTHER NEW OBAMA TAX SLIPPED IN WHILE WE WERE ASLEEP. Checked this on snopes, it’s true! Check out HR 4646.
President Obama’s finance team is recommending a one percent (1%) transaction fee (TAX). Obama’s plan is to sneak it in after the November elections to keep it under the radar.
This is a 1% tax on all transactions at any financial institution – banks, credit unions, savings and  loans, etc. Any deposit you make, or even a transfer within your account, will have a 1% tax charged. ~If your paycheck or your social security or whatever is direct deposit, it will get a 1% tax charged for the transaction. ~If your paycheck is $1000, then you will pay Obama $10 just for the privilege of depositing your paycheck in your bank. Even if you hand carry your paycheck or any check into your bank for a deposit, 1% tax will be charged. ~You receive a $5,000 stock dividend from your broker, Obama takes $50 just to allow you to deposit that check in the bank.. ~If you take $1,000 cash to deposit at your bank, 1% tax will be charged.
Mind you, this is from the man who promised that, if you make under $250,000 per year, you will not see one penny of new tax. Keep your eyes and ears open, you will be amazed at what you learn about this guy’s under-the-table moves to increase the number of ways you are taxed.
~Oh, and by the way,if  you receive a refund from the IRS next year and you have it direct deposited or you walk in to deposit that check, you guessed it. You will pay a 1% charge of that money just for putting it in your bank. Remember, any money, cash, check or whatever, no matter where it came from, you will pay a 1% fee if you put it in the bank.

Some will say, oh well, it’s just 1%. Are you kidding me? It’s a 1% tax increase across the board. Remember, once the tax is there, they can also raise it at will. And if anyone protests, they will just say, “oh,that’s not really a tax, it’s a user fee”! Think this is no big deal? Go back and look at the transactions you made from last year’s banking statements. Then add the total of all those transactions and deduct 1%. Still think it’s no big deal?

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1 Response to 1% tax on all bank transactions HR4646

  1. Cat says:

    I doubt you will read this, but I wonder about your take on what is happening to the average American. We are lowering our standard of living in America in order to send trillions of dollars to other countries in foreign aid, essentially to raise their standards.

    Well, think about it – these people have lived like they have always lived.

    We have so much more illness in our country due to stress of losing homes, giving up everything they have worked for, living in cramped apartments when homes have foreclosed, committing suicide because they can’t face the shame of living as they are now forced to live.

    It seems pretty clear that our country could quickly return to financial strength by stopping all foreign aid ( we owe these people nothing before we owe a better life for our own). We borrow 40% to give it away while considering cutting medicare, social security, etc. How dumb is that! Why hurt Americans by reducing life standards to pay for improving life for others.

    Also, if medicare rates are increased, there will be even more elder starving, stressed, getting no health care, sicker elderly on welfare – again, how dumb is that.

    Forcing people to wait for social security past 65 is not going to help anything. Most people struggle to work and make ends meet without having anything left to save. They plan on retiring from jobs that find a way to dismiss just before they get retirement or after the age when any other company would hire them. Health starts to decline even at 60 years. Again, we will just have more elderly on welfare, or on the street. Believe me, one can plan for retirement, invest along the way and think they are doing everything right, but find they have lost everything before they can retire and enjoy it.

    Also, we need to close all immigration for 5 years to stop the drain foreigners and illegal immigrants have on our economy, via schools, hospitals, taxes not paid, jobs that Americans might get if illegals were not here, etc, etc.

    We need to stop turning our country into Spanish. We have spent enormous amounts on changing labels, signs, books, etc. Every product cost has been raised to pay for this. If they come to America legally, they should learn English and speak English rather than expect Americans to learn their language. They get benefits that Americans cannot get. These people have never paid into the tax system, while Americans suffer even though they have been paying taxes and social security their whole working life. This is not fair!

    This is not coming from an uneducated person. I do have a Masters Degree from the University of Pennsylvania. I have traveled over many countries and never once would have expected them to learn English. I, however, learned enough of those languages to survive.

    Recently I had an offer from someone to clean my house. She has been in this country for eight years and cannot speak English. She has a friend who tries to interpret. I refuse to support this. I will find an American who can clean house!

    Again, I could rattle on and on about anger as an American and wonder why politicians and the columnists, journalists, analyzers and the President cannot see that throwing our Americans under the bus to save foreigners is just plain stupid!

    I could go on and on, but feel it is so useless.

    I know I wrote some of the same comments on http://angryamericaspeaks.com, but it bears repeating many times.

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