‘US Hides Real Debt, In Worse Shape Than Greece’ – Economic / Economy Collapse is HERE

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25 Responses to ‘US Hides Real Debt, In Worse Shape Than Greece’ – Economic / Economy Collapse is HERE

  1. lynnej1970 says:

    youd think so after all they are supposed to be the land of the brave,,but i havnt seen it.

  2. mjpitche says:

    Why can’t they just take the money we pay toward SS in our paychecks and invest it. They should have more than enough to cover SS payouts. What happened to the money that was paid in??

  3. MyITRcom says:

    They sniffed it up their noses.

  4. astromanism says:

    The government borrowed against it for years. Who is going to pay it back??? People who are not even born yet!!!! Never believe anything this government tells you. THE GOVERNMENT IS TRUTHFUL IN THE WAY THAT IT LIES TO YOU!!!!

  5. astromanism says:

    It is now the land of the freeloaders and the home of the people brave enough to flaunt the law….

  6. astromanism says:

    If it comes to that, I am sure the people over here will just take the stuff in stores and start shooting anyone who tries to stop them. Revolution is now the only solution and this is all planned. Repudiate the national debt. Get rid of the Federal Reserve. Get rid of income tax.  Get rid of the declared national emergency. Get rid of this dictatorship and get our republic back. End this government NOW!!!! It is not here for us, or this country. That is fact not fantasy.

  7. cafeshakti says:

    I love the music

  8. cafeshakti says:

    She cut in good point young guys

  9. Per Roennov says:

    10:13 – Faith based banking, paying the old – robing the young. Giving life to the elderly but not to the young!
    What you need is to get rit of faith in any way other than logic and commonsense. Start by killing the rich and take over the land as in a good old slave revolt.

  10. AlOlmsteadChannel says:

    “Generous to our old people” like hell! I paid my retirement annuity for fifty years. Over the past seven years, I’ve lost forty percent of my buying power and now, at 73, I work full time to take care of myself.

  11. Kevin Chandler says:

    Hey guys, you guys should try Firepa.com if you want to make money online! I am making over $3,000+ per month! Visit FIREPA.COM and start making money now! FIREPA.COM Is paying me and my wife $10.000 / Month

    The color extrapolates the taste.

    The system assigns the lead.

  12. majinjared says:

    US doesn’t take care of any of it’s citizens…

  13. Nichole Moore says:

    Prepare yourself by staying informed. Find all of the latest news at frogpots.com

  14. kde439 says:

    Stock up on water,food & bullets. Bullets & beans! The ride will soon become even more interesting.Take care of yourself & loved ones.Dont look to any form of government to help you.Help yourself!

  15. jomjose333 says:

    i am from india. I am curious if youtube is blocking most of the collapse videos in america. I beleive americans are secretly blocked and kept in the dark by mainstream media.

  16. jomjose333 says:

    educate yourself

  17. dakippins says:

    Yeah yeah yeah , yadda yadda yadda. Gimme your “worthless Fiat” in exchamge for my gold. Fuckin scam artists

  18. dakippins says:

    Get a grip. Water food and bullets will be of little use with the slow decline of the west and the emerging east

  19. we4zell says:

    Ya, this guy is an idiot saying we are in debt because we take care of our old people. Maybe we are in debt because we have a ridiculous military defense budget. And we have to make fake enemies so that we have an excuse to keep making jets, tanks, WOMD, etc. This guy has only been looking at the white paper budgets, not counting any grey area of black budgets.

  20. we4zell says:

    They get wealth in 2 main ways to answer your questions. First, they just print more money. It takes value from the money currently in circulation which in turn devalues all money. Another way is fractional reserve lending system. If someone puts 100k in the bank, they instantly can loan out 900k on paper to customers just on that 100k deposited reserve. This just creates money out of thin air. 10% fractional reserve banking will destroy any economy eventually

  21. phuQguys says:

    what about credit?

  22. kde439 says:

    If you think WATER & FOOD, have little use you must be a mutant!!(or an asshole.) Yeah cause Food & Water dont help sustain life. As for bullets, The japs didnt invade America because of there being,”a gun behind every blade of grass”.If things get bad its a goodthing to have the means of resisting & stopping others from attacking you,or to stop theft.Your the one that needs to get a grip dumbass.

  23. dakippins says:

    You could not store enough food, or water to guard against decades of slow degeneration. You are living in some kind of a twilight zone. You will be holed up in your useless survival shack dor a while, while society manages to help the The sick, the poor and the old, until you eventually realise that you and your family are in need of assistance. And meanwhile the wealthy will be creaming it, on their yachts and jets.

  24. kde439 says:

    You could not be more wrong.Its about a combo of things.Stocking up is a part of it. Being able to sustain yourself on going, year after year,after year.It is about creating connections of groups of people with skills & professions that are valuable when all systems fail.As it stands right now, there is nothing I need from the system.Never have & never will.

  25. Skibum Willy says:

    watch “fake speech corrects mankind’s course”
    A “better” lip read, the Independence Day inheritance cap introduction. Emergency executive order is enacted to employ all, and eliminate national debt. Is this “balancing act” the systematic redirecting mankind’s momentum so desperately needs?

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