US economy: Taste of its own medicine?

The US managed to avoid the first default in American history, but other countries have had their economies collapse. In the past the US has advised solution…

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25 Responses to US economy: Taste of its own medicine?

  1. Iceyyyyyage says:

    “every generation should pay its own debt as it goes” Thomas Jefferson.

  2. oblivionwolf122 says:

    They are only delaying the inevitable.

  3. marco39120 says:

    You pessimistic people in the comment section of every video that RT puts
    out make me sick. America’s my homeland and I wish/want it to be better.
    I’m not gonna count it out or wish for it’s demise like Russia and RT does.

  4. mirabilo says:

    more hot chicks.

  5. idontbelieveinDeath says:

    The Russian people are strong.

  6. Ranger4564 says:

    @oblivionwolf122 No. In fact, the delay is intentional specifically to make
    it worse for us and the Europeans, and the rest of the world. The strategy
    is to try to cripple all economies.

  7. slavixtube says:

    @RTAmerica >>’The USSR had come to an end as communist economy collapsed’
    Who the hell rights text at RT? Did you not have any education? Incredible
    ignorance level for a Russian channel. Soviet Union NEVER had ‘communist’
    economy. Why is it so hard for you brainwashed westerners to understand?
    Soviet Union had SOCIALIST economy.

  8. R12WAN1 says:

    @asus3571 prepare for getting fucked hard and cumd all over your faces lol

  9. pmarie2003 says:

    How does Viktor keep his mind on the interview?

  10. sparky pogo says:

    insanity = asking the people who got you in a mess to now get you out of it

  11. Daigon says:

    @fonkymaster idiot roflmao russian economy has many things better than usa
    its not bigger and it wont surpass it in any future cuz usa has 312 million
    people to russias 142 million but russia has a lower unemployment rate, one
    of the lowest public debt in the world, ahack lot of recourses, 500 billion
    dollars foreign reserves, a lower gini, the industry is 33% while america
    has 20%, the rest is all services, usa also imports more than exports while
    russia has the third largest net exports

  12. kroovyandcal says:

    Prettiest little thing

  13. USFullOfLies says:

    U.S. 4-star General Wesley Clark (Ret.), explains that the Bush
    Administration planned to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria,
    Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran (2007 up to 2012) youtube.
    com/watch?v=bX7hMj2NKTc youtube. com/watch?v=lpBAC9dPr-o “Japan’s
    government, threatened with more HAARP attacks, pays 60 trillion yen to
    Feds” eclinik.wordpress.

  14. USFullOfLies says:

    U.S. Invasion of Libya Set for October infowars.
    com/u-s-invasion-of-libya-set-for-october/ youtube. com/watch?v=35ndI5Z0C2A
    RETREAT uk/news/world-africa-13997322 youtube.
    com/watch?v=i7hqcdWYRJk No Fly Zone Over Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant Due to
    “Hazards” ncrenegade.

  15. USFullOfLies says:

    Clown’s Message on Debt Agreement youtube. com/watch?v=y82n1vSM4v0

  16. BoudiccaBlanc says:

    @Ranger4564 The same people, “Banksters,” are going to loot the USA and
    Europe. They’ll do it a little differently, but the result will be the same.

  17. BoudiccaBlanc says:

    @MrViTopol The Americans can be foolish However, the real reason is private
    banks and fractional reserve lending It’s the same system that shafted
    Russia! The “Banksters” just repackaged it, like they always do If you
    haven’t seen it, watch “The Secret of Oz” (If you’ve seen it, spread the
    word!) “The Secret of Oz” (Fractional reserve banking, money supply and
    private banks) /watch?v=U71-KsDArFM Video info: “The world economy is
    doomed to spiral downwards…”

  18. BoudiccaBlanc says:

    @usy444u That is only part of the problem. The book “The Wizard of Oz” was
    written with symbolism describing the private banks taking over the USA’s
    free markets and government’s banks (late 1800s/early 1900s) This move
    explains the takeover. Also there is current info. “The Secret of Oz”
    (Fractional reserve lending, money supply and private banks)
    /watch?v=U71-KsDArFM Video info: “The world economy is doomed to spiral
    downwards …” If you like it, share it! :))

  19. BoudiccaBlanc says:

    @Ranger4564 Thank you. 🙂 Most people have heard of the book. The USA’s
    battle with private banks is the world’s history in microcosim. Did you
    know that after the US Federal Reserve Bank was chartered (1913) the “Fed”
    flooded the market with money, which fueled the “Roaring 20’s” The US
    Federal Reserve Bank is a private bank owned by J.P. Morgan-Chase & “Making
    Fortune on Poverty: JP Morgan’s Big Food Stamp (S.N.A.P./ E.B.T.) Business”

  20. CheEliyahu says:

    Dammmm This reporter is HOT!

  21. orpado1968 says:

    lol. ..its like turning the fish aquarium into a fish soup. the difficult
    part is to turn it back to an aquarium when the fish are dead.. excellent
    metaphor. YaVoo

  22. Justin Templer says:

    @somebungholio Cuz doing away with currency and working for FREEEEEE makes
    so much more sense? Enjoy your slavery.

  23. Justin Templer says:

    @somebungholio Siily, if there are no resources then there’s no reason to
    have slaves.

  24. somebungholio says:

    @justintempler HAHAHA, BEST reply. Speaks for itself! “Something exists,
    therefore it MUST be infinite, so let’s build a system based on the
    delusion that it is infinite!” Too good.

  25. MrLivePositive8 says:

    So, is Russia better off? Should I move there?

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