The Secret Service 2014, Scarlett Johansson Black Widow, Gal Gadot Wonder Woman – Beyond The Trailer

Colin Firth turns to action with The Secret Service in 2014, plus who will get a movie first? Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow or Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman? h…

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25 Responses to The Secret Service 2014, Scarlett Johansson Black Widow, Gal Gadot Wonder Woman – Beyond The Trailer

  1. X Bow says:

    they did that before their other heros..

  2. Fleming Friis-Jensen says:

    no no no no NO! Do not take the brilliant short “Pixels” and hand it to
    “hurrdrrr poopybutt lol adam sandler.”
    I blame everybody who went to see Grown Ups 2. I’m not a violent person but
    if i ever heard a person say the phrase “i really enjoyed grown ups 2” I
    would kick them in the crotch out of pure reflex

  3. Strav91 says:

    Concerning Lupita Nyong’o, I agree, Grace, that it’s appalling that we are
    having discussions about skin colour in 2014. However, the discussion is
    fairly apt…there are very few actors of African descent working in the
    entertainment industry that have very dark skin like Lupita. Successful
    entertainers of African descent are nearly all a light shade of dark or
    have slender “European” features. Even Viola Davis has discussed how
    difficult it is for her, an acclaimed actress, to get good roles. This is
    more a discussion about Hollywood playing it too safe all the time and
    trying to appease the young white, heterosexual, able-bodied man than an
    attack on Lupita herself. I think people are hoping that she can buck the
    trend and bring some much-needed diversity to Hollywood and there’s some
    concern as she has not had a role since 12 Years a Slave. If she were a
    white actress, she would probably have loads of projects lined up.

  4. Michel van der Molen says:

    Why is Catching Fire being called a surprise ? To me it was pretty obvious
    is was going to be big., part 1 made a lot of new people (teens) interested
    in the series so everyone started reading the books so when 2 came out all
    the new book fans and the old fans all came to see the new movie, no one
    saw that coming ? Even though it’s allot better/smarter it shares a big
    part of the audience with Twilight which was like the bigger succes series
    of the last decade..

  5. KingOfMadCows says:

    If Days of Future Past is really successful, Fox might beat both DC/WB and
    Marvel/Disney to making a movie starring a female superhero. Some of
    Marvel’s most popular female characters are part of the X-Men franchise.

  6. Lew Archer 1949 says:

    And one has to remember that for Male actors, the window of opportunity to
    hit it big is a lot bigger than for females. Colin Firth has time. Just
    look at Liam Neeson’s renaissance

    Actresses have a harder time of it. It’s a sad double standard, but it’s a
    reality. Just like the “Light Skin vs. Dark Skin” idiocy regarding actors
    of African background or descent. It’s ugly, but it’s true. 

  7. James Brown says:

    I’m looking forward to Pixel. I’m into the “stupid” comedy of Adam Sandler.
    Although I have to admit, his recent films haven’t been hitting my funny
    bone. This is over gaming, and Adam Sandler is a gamer, so it will be
    interesting to see how they play it out. Also, I wonder if they are going
    to try and incorporate a lot of gaming references, much like how Wreck-it
    Ralph did with Bowser, Pac-Man etc. 

  8. leslie kelly says:

    Drug Mules have all the fun. 

  9. Cassandra says:

    Tyrion is definitely the main star of GoT I agree

  10. Oscar Tafolla says:

    I just can’t understand why some people assume Gal Gadot is not charismatic
    or talented, she hasn’t been given a leading role in a feature film or been
    given the opportunity to demonstrate it either. This whole “hey everyone,
    let’s pounce on Gal as if we were hyenas” is really annoying. Sure it’s
    obvious that i’m Wonder Woman fan, but all I’m saying is be patient until
    BvS hits theaters, and besides we don’t know hoe big a part she’ll have in
    BvS. And if done properly a Wonder Woman film does sound more appealing
    than a Black Widow film. I mean fighting Gods and Monsters and other DC
    Villians sure beats ANY villain Widow has to offer.

  11. P_E1994 says:

    I LOVE Black Widow, but I think a Black Widow movie would be very redundant
    since she’s been featured so heavily in the MCU. Personally I want an all
    female Secret Avengers movie with Black Widow as the team leader. It would
    be beneficial in that it could introduce many female characters like
    Mockingbird, Spiderwoman, She-Hulk, and Monica Rambeau and it would still
    make money because of the name Avengers in the title. It would also develop
    her character more while having a kick ass supporting cast. That’s my two
    cents but if they would make a Black Widow movie I’d still go watch it.
    Grace what do you think? :)

  12. Sara Samaletdin says:

    QUESTION: Grace when you mentioned Russell Crowe you said that you do not
    get the credit for box office if you are not a lead. I usually do agree.
    However I saw an article mentioning that Emma Watson was driving fans to
    see the movie on opening weekend. Do you think that supporting actors can
    occasionally have big effect on films box office? And if Emma actually
    ended up helping Noah´s box office will the studio executives notice and
    will that help her career?

    PS. This is my first time asking a question but I have been commenting here
    forever. Is not very important question so I do not mind if it is not
    picked 😉 I am from Finland and morning movie news always brighten up my

  13. MariaVosa says:

    I want Wonder Woman, Black Widow, Captain (Ms) Marvel and Wasp movies
    And a stand alone Kitty Pride movie.
    If you film it we will come.
    Oh – And a Teen Titans team up movie with Robin, Starfire, Wonder Girl,
    Cyborg, Beast Boy and especially Raven!

  14. KMerrill03 says:

    I would love to see a stand alone Black Widow movie, but how would they
    keep it interesting for two hours?

  15. Becky Samuels says:

    +Grace Randolph Is there a link to that Lupita Nyongo article? also
    Dinklage in a Sandler movie? Why?!

  16. Tebigong101 says:

    Why would it be surprising that Lupita’s dark skin tone would be an issue
    when Hollywood is making movies that replace Asian and native characters
    with white actors and entire movies based in northern Africa and southern
    Asia have all white cast. Several movies with black leads and racial themes
    with only one being nominated for an Oscar.

    Hollywood ignored the voices in the black community and Ms. Simone’s family
    regarding brown skinned Zoe Saldana’s casting as Nina Simone. If they had
    to darken her skin an ad prosthetic doesn’t it make more sense to hire an
    actress that more closely resembles Nina.

  17. Nicholas Yanes says:


    Hey Grace,

    Given how low comic book sales are, and given how expensive the cost of
    printing and distribution is becoming, do you see the printed comic book
    market as it is now surviving for another decade?

    Keep up the great work!

  18. Alberto_Orive says:

    Hi Grace I here with a bit of a wishful thinking question. I think we all
    agree that Daniel Craig is killing it as James Bond, but as all his
    predecessors he must eventually leave the role. So I think it would be fun
    if you told us how long will that take and who do you think should replace
    if he felt the franchise?
    PS Love the show, watch it everyday here from Guatemala 🙂 

  19. joel1975 says:

    (I think this initial comment might have been deleted?)


    We need Wonder Woman to keep her iconic outfit, and not changed to ‘cover
    her up’ to satisfy prudish or pseudo-feminist opinions. As aforementioned
    in other videos, Batman or Superman wouldn’t have their outfits changed,
    why does Wonder Woman have to?

    What if we were to have another standalone Supergirl film? Would she also –
    according to you, Grace – have to be ‘covered up’ just because Superman is

    It’s interesting you mentioned Luc Besson and strong ladies. Milla Jovovich
    wore little, yet kicked a lot of ass as Leeloo in ‘The Fifth Element.’ And,
    Jovovich kicked a lot more ass in the first ‘Resident Evil’ film in a red
    skirt and black boots. She was sexy and lethal. And, her outfits have
    varied in succeeding RE films, even though the scripts got worse and worse.
    (She remains the only reason those films are still being made).

    I personally think Johansson’s Black Widow is bland, and I think her outfit
    is bland. (The only sexy and tough thing I found about her character is the
    poster for Winter Soldier). As a contrast, I thought Halle Berry’s Catwoman
    outfit was silly, as well as her character. If Berry had a costume that was
    closer to the current DC comics, as well as her personality and attributes
    closer to the DC character (i.e. they made her Selina Kyle), that would
    have added appeal to her character.

    It’s interesting, too, that you fail to mention the two times male
    superheroes have been called ‘hot’ or made to appeal to female viewers.
    Once, when Steven Rogers has his shirt off in the first ‘Captain America’
    film….a woman, without permission, touches his bare chest. In ‘Man of
    Steel’ another female soldier makes a comment on the ‘hotness’ of
    Superman…without permission. (You can’t tell me that Superman’s outfit
    for ‘Man of Steel’ is supposed to be sexy, since it is shiny and skintight).

    Overall, if it ain’t broke – like the Wonder Woman outfit – don’t fix it.
    Just get an actress who can ‘act’ and a strong script. If the character was
    an older, obscure character…then maybe an updating of the character would
    suffice. However, I would still be against change to fit some prudish or
    pseudo-feminist agenda.

    The New 52 also tried to change characters, but those changes didn’t
    exactly work according to what I’ve heard from the fanbase and comic
    readers. Many of those changes have caused many titles to stop their run
    (e.g. Mr.Terrific).
    Of course, story is paramount as well.

    Wonder Woman was handled excellently in the Justice League animation
    series, yet I always found her comics to be boring. And, that can be
    attributed to the writing and/or the art. Her – Wonder Woman’s – portrayal
    in the animated series also was helped by Bruce Timm’s amazing art. Like
    Milla Jovovich, Wonder Woman was sexy and lethal. (Note: Wonder Woman was
    also pretty cool in the DC animated movie).

  20. AnimeAngel88 says:

    To me, Pixels is sounding like a cross between Wreck-it Ralph and Tron but
    taking place in the real world.

  21. erzan says:

    “Is there work for dark skinned actresses?”

    I can’t believe someone even made that comment. Thought that language was
    left behind in the slave trade. The irony…

  22. K Smith says:

    I went to go see Her just for Scarlett’s voice!!! I will be going to see
    her in anything she does!

  23. GH3TTO R1CHIE RICH says:

    I would rather see a Wonder Woman film but WHY did they choose Gal Gadot
    she has no resemblance to WW? I like Scarlett but I don’t have a lot of
    interest in a Black Widow movie, I think it would look like Agents Shield
    on the big screen.

  24. TheAppleCowProdigy says:

    I love X Men: First Class and absolutely adore Kick Ass so The Secret
    Service would have been near the top of my most anticipated films of 2014
    but I thought it was delayed until 2015, that is until today! Thanks for
    the update Grace!

  25. Vaaman Burr says:

    LUC BESSON does not disappoint. No surprise his script sounds super
    original. He writes well for females.

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