The Engineered Economic Collapse

On the Monday, February 11 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex expounds on the banking elite’s deliberate agenda to usher in economic chaos in the U.S. and …

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15 Responses to The Engineered Economic Collapse

  1. Reason Man says:

    Instead of football game and pizza they have country retreat with $5,000 hooker, mistress and eat sushi. They don’t retreat to a cabin to find a cure for cancer do advanced math or write a great American novel necessarily. They are like you with better toys. Change? We must elect the nerds to rule us. The smartest amongst us.

    The ones with the biggest brains not biggest mouths.

  2. jannmutube says:

    There was 9/11 right after the bubble. Although war often stimulates an economy it’s not a given. And then there was the prescription drug program that decimated Medicare. It is reported that between 2007 and 2009, Americans lost 11.2 trillion dollars of wealth/IRA and investment savings. By 2009 the national debt was 11.9 trillion which includes the 700 billion bank bailout by the Bush Administration and the 787 billion stimulus program by President Obama after he took office in 2010

  3. jannmutube says:

    According to “McConnell Brue Flynn macroeconomics 19e” (2012), even though the bubble burst in 2001 there was still a surplus in the budget. Congress complained but finally passed tax cuts of 96 billion in 2001, 144 billion in 2002, and $350 billion in tax cuts on dividends & capital gains in 2003. Tax breaks for lower incomes didn’t start until 2008 – some got a one time $600 check but the rich got millions.

  4. jannmutube says:

    According to “McConnell Brue Flynn macroeconomics 19e” (2012) the Social Security fund has enough money to be solvent for the next 20 years. The problem is that money is having to be paid out of the fund now instead of only from tax revenues. I have heard that the government owes the fund some money. GW Bush should have paid it back from the surplus instead of giving tax cuts to the wealthy.

  5. jannmutube says:

    Speaker Boehner has said within the last week that the House will raise the debt limit and look to pass a Job Skills Act. It’s the most positive thing I’ve heard from Republicans in some time. It’s the Sequester that they are still holding hostage. My understanding is that the Sequester allows the President to increase the debt by about 1.6 trillion but it requires 1.2 trillion in automatic spending cuts.

  6. jannmutube says:

    Maybe it’s a new sound bite… or, by “anti-free market” they may mean they want a “laissez-fair” market. The textbook definition of a “laissez-faire” market ideology is that the government should only provide protection and infrastructure for business and that financial regulation is not needed. It sounds like the so-called “conservative” ideology for “smaller” or “limited” government is their objective. It is a libertarian concept to throw off rules and constraints and the winner(s) take all.

  7. jannmutube says:

    “Many commentators have stated that the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act of 1999 repeal of the affiliation restrictions of the Glass–Steagall Act was an important cause of the late-2000s financial crisis. Some critics of that repeal argue it permitted Wall Street investment banking firms to gamble with their depositors’ money that was held in affiliated commercial banks.”

  8. jannmutube says:

    Alex - when you say that regulations and bureaucracy ruined everything you sound like the 1%. from wikipedia.” — the Banking Act of 1933 limited commercial bank securities activities. and affiliations between commercial banks and securities firms. Starting in the early 1960s federal banking regulators interpreted provisions of the Glass–Steagall Act to permit commercial banks and especially commercial bank affiliates to engage in an expanding list and volume of securities activities.”

  9. Tapor E says:

    Yeah, you miss how Thatchers de-regulation actually caused massive divisions that still scars the UK.

    I think you have to stop making it fit your theory.

    In fact, Alex Jones, many with your similiar theories point to unregulated free-markets as being behind the crash a la “Shock Therapy.”

  10. marieatthelake says:

    Have the backbone to vote for third party candidates.

    And be careful who you trust.

  11. Yaala Lozangel says:

    Are you upset with how this country is being run and want your voice to be heard? Here’s an idea: Starting April 1, 2013 Do nothing. Sit at home and chill. Don’t work, drive, eat out or spend money at all! Stock up on a month’s worth of supplies, like food, medications – and do nothing. If more than half the United States does this all at the same time, can you imagine the sort of response that would be triggered? Search “Operation Inaction” Here on YouTube and pass it on!

  12. Tamara Mackintosh says:

    Alex, if there’s one thing I have to say in response to your comment, “I love God, I love humanity and I hate the new world order”, it’s “Amen”. God bless you Alex and keep up the good work.

  13. Stan Malone says:

    Who’s doing the engineering? see Conceptual Mechanics of Private Money and Practical Mechanics of Private Money on youtube.

  14. TheHero189 says:

    Believe that Jesus Christ is your savior for all your sins. If you truly believe in Jesus Christ to be your savior for all your sins then you will go to Heaven. If you believe in Jesus Christ then you are saved and you are in salvation and you have gained God’s righteousness. It matters not how much you have sinned in the past, in the present and especially in the future. Believe that Jesus Christ is your savior and you will go to Heaven forever and that is the whole truth. Spread the truth.

  15. FlowMingalin says:

    I love all of you, even the retarded elites who are symptoms of our psychosis

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