The Century, America’s Time: Best Years (1 of 3)

Exhausted but victorious, American GIs return home to a changed nation. The enormous task of rebuilding Europe falls to the only capable Country –the US, but after four grueling years of battle, would we be up to the job?

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17 Responses to The Century, America’s Time: Best Years (1 of 3)

  1. The559California says:

    I love Learning about Americas Time and History.
    It is full of learning and its great.

  2. sheeeraj04 says:

    america best time was when there was no european there , when the native american were there, that i call the best time , a free land

  3. David C says:

    Churchill hated Stalin. Roosevelt was on Churchill’s side, but had to play peacemaker between the two. 

  4. Defence4tw says:


  5. Dilawnn says:

    you sound so ignorant haha

  6. travis whitemore says:


  7. travis whitemore says:


  8. HugeRedneck7 says:

    Josh is a fagggggg

  9. HugeRedneck7 says:

    dirty Jew cocksucker gandalf looking mother fucker. second semester seniors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ps fuck you mike.

  10. ajcool240 says:

    @sheeeraj04 For native Americans you mean.

  11. SuperLiamaustin says:

    reaction to comment at 10:45 actually, there was a civil rights message sent to congress by Harding and twice by Coolidge. JUST SAYING

  12. atnfn says:

    Is that just your assumption or you base it on facts? I honestly don’t know too much about the native Americans in north America. From what I’ve heard about other native Americans like the Aztecs, Maya and Inca with evil practices like human sacrifice I certainly wouldn’t have liked being part of their civilizations. Perhaps the north American natives were more peaceful and loving. No idea. But if they were anything like their neighbors to the south I wouldn’t call it Americas “best time”

  13. sheeeraj04 says:

    fact, the time the native american were doing evil human sacrifice , same time in europe there were more than that , people were being tortured to death as execution , not only in europe but all around the world , if u check the type of torture of that time i would say …that is more evil

  14. Mark Pontius says:

    If it weren’t for supreme ignorance and stupidy, racism against blacks could have ended with the Civil War.

  15. disposableutopia says:

    It wasn’t America then..

  16. Brian Morgan says:

    how did a violent psychopath like stalin ever survive to old age without ever being assasinated. he had no rhyme or reason as to who he would have sent to the gulags or have wacked. he would have truly loyal followers wacked just to make an example of them. it seems like someone like that would’ve been assasinated sooner or later.

  17. alex1zbeast says:

    miss hanrahan.

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