Secret Service Investigated Ted Nugent Now GOP Guest at Obama’s State of the Union

Gun-loving musician Ted Nugent, who was once investigated by the Secret Service for threatening Obama, has been invited to attend Obama’s State of the Union Address by Texas Republca Rep. Steve Stockman… This clip from the Majority Report, live MF at 12 noon EST and via daily podcast at Majority.FM

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25 Responses to Secret Service Investigated Ted Nugent Now GOP Guest at Obama’s State of the Union

  1. redhulk111 says:

    Not intrested is your childish links little tot. It appears now we know were you have so much hatred for guitars,lol. Yes child, guns are my fetishes appose to your insest ones,lol.

    Now child, go play video games with your kid sister.

  2. Phillip Miranda says:

    you used an incest joke lol. Its been a pleasure, redhulk. take it easy buddy

  3. redhulk111 says:

    It wasn’t a joke tot. Take it easy Phillip Miranda. Sorry i struck a nerve,lmfao!.

  4. Phillip Miranda says:


  5. cosmosgato says:

    Who better than Ted Nugent for the GOP.
    A white guy having a bad midlife crisis.
    The republican party is Ted cloned roughly 30 million times.

  6. Flamingo Barnes says:

    i don’t wish death on any fellow primates, but how cool would it be if the secret service killed ted nugent.

  7. Flamingo Barnes says:

    I heard he attended as a representative for Justice Scalia.

  8. icemansify says:

    To bad we cant clone himthen we wouldn’t have to listen to no talent cock suckers like this fuck or you dumb fucks posting comments

  9. aimext27 says:

    polite remarks on youtube
    yeah that’ll be the day

  10. BigDwarren says:

    And we wonder why our SOCIETY is absolute shit and getting worse. We should just all devolve back to cave men with no laws, no morals and just rape, pillage and plunder. I have my club ready.

  11. Hilux244 says:

    Would China or russia place a Bill Smith or John Johnson in power? No, they are far to wise for that. Has something to do with allegiance. But a very dumbed down sitcom saturated America will a foreigner with zero allegiance.

  12. aimext27 says:

    =) why so serious?

  13. Ronak Patel says:

    LOL …..i am just trolling but ur comment was funny i will give u that!!!!

  14. Hal Barbour says:

    These are not sweeping generalizations, he literally shit his pants to stay out of Vietnam. Because he didn’t go, someone else did, maybe they were killed or mamed. If a liberal had done what this shitstick did there would be cry that would be heard to the heavens, and rightly so. He spouts his rightwing crap, talks about Country and Our military, all the while knowing he hasn’t got the balls

  15. dan littlebear says:

    You’re nothing but a lame sheep who is gong to piss himself and whine when this neo Hitler (Obama) starts locking you and your family up.

  16. OMGWUNSIU says:

    If someone else went they chose to go and accepted whatever the consequences were. Their choice, their decision, their life. Ted is entitled to his opinion just like you and I and your characterizations of his thoughts as “rightwing crap” are just that – your characterizations and nothing more.

  17. aimext27 says:

    I almost forgot
    make youtuber contradict and/or make a fool of him/herself by proving “ignorance is bliss”
    crossed that off my bucket list

  18. BigDwarren says:

    When you find someone who does those things let me know. I can give a shit for you.

  19. Hal Barbour says:

    These people were drafted into Vietnam my friend. People didn’t get the choice, Nugent got out by deception.Yes he is entitled to his opinion, but opinions have weight to them when the person giving them steps up and walks the walk. This guy is a coward.

  20. OMGWUNSIU says:

    It would appear you are incorrect. He DID HAVE A CHOICE MY FRIEND. Wouldn’t you agree? Did he not choose to find his own way to decline the U.S. Governments invitation to go to VietNam? Free will is something many people don’t understand. We all make choices in life and many, many people chose not to go to VietNam just like Ted. I don’t hold it against them. You do. So be it – let it rest. Question(just for fun) how do you feel about Jane Fonda?

  21. aimext27 says:

    when you ran out of “original” things to say, you resorted to making the comment I replied to twice
    if a caveman society is what you desire, then you comply with “ignorance is bliss”, but obviously that was sarcasm
    still, instead of making a credible remark of where our society could realistically end up, you chose the easiest “blissful” path of just invoking anarchy through psychological devolution (not likely & inane)
    in laymen terms that is = to “making a fool of yourself”

  22. Homolyth says:

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  23. Hal Barbour says:

    You want to make excuses for this guy knock yourself out,YOUR’E CHANGING THE SUBJECT. we’re not talking about Jane Fonda.

  24. OMGWUNSIU says:

    Not making excuses, just trying to explain to you even though MOST people are sheep and unable to think and or act on and for themselves, Ted isn’t one of those people. Some of us don’t wish to be asked, bullied, coerced, forced, shamed or whatever into doing ANYTHING we don’t want to do based on our own moral beliefs. Most people just don’t understand it – I get that and it’s OK. Some people lead, others follow. Most followers need to put others in neat little boxes with labels – understood.

  25. Hal Barbour says:

    Hey, I understand you think this guy is a great American patriot, he plays a mean guitar, he travels a path not known before.Whatever your opinions of the Vietnam war and our involvement in it there were a lot of men who stood up and said no, maybe they went to jail, maybe they went to Canada, Ted shit his pants. That is a fact, and because of that fact he did not go and someone else went in his place,maybe they would have went anyway but he showed not fortitude or courage for his beliefs.

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