Ron Paul – Unemployment Rate 20%

Ron Paul Says Real Unemployment Figure is 20% (CNN) — A week after proposing his economic recovery plan, Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul said Sunday that the true unemployment rate in the United States is higher than the 9.1% estimated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. “I think the downturn in the economy occurred in the year 2000,” Paul told CNN, adding that there have been no new jobs since then “and yet we’ve had a 30 million increase in population.” “Just go out and talk to the people – unemployment rate in the true numbers (is) over 20%, so there’s been a depression,” Paul said after an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” Ron Paul 2012 – The Rise of Last America ‘s Hero – Please like, share, subscribe & comment http — Fighting Media Censorship of Ron Paul Email updates: Ron Paul is America’s leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, sound money, and a pro-America foreign policy. For more information visit the following websites: http http http http Ron Paul 2012 – The Rise of Last America ‘s Hero http – Please like, share, subscribe & comment — Fighting Media Censorship of Ron Paul Email updates Ron Paul is America’s leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, sound money, and a pro-America foreign policy. For more

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18 Responses to Ron Paul – Unemployment Rate 20%

  1. SilverNowPeople says:


  2. SilverNowPeople says:


  3. SilverNowPeople says:


  4. SilverNowPeople says:


  5. SilverNowPeople says:


  6. SilverNowPeople says:


  7. SilverNowPeople says:

    The folly of the federal government’s misappropriation of funds can best be summed up with a quote from an Obama Administration official whom Norquist and Lott interviewed for their penetrating book. As she explained, where government spends taxpayers’ money doesn’t matter because “giving out money is good for everyone.”

  8. SilverNowPeople says:

    The amounts given to states ranged widely. For example, while Florida only received $553 per capita, the District of Columbia walked away with $3,745 per capita.  And as Norquist and Lott reveal, “The patterns early show that the money went to the places the Democrats represented.”

  9. SilverNowPeople says:

    Furthermore, states with high foreclosure rates got less, not more, money. Specifically, for every percentage point increase in a state’s foreclosure rate, a state received $217 less per person.

  10. SilverNowPeople says:

    In Debacle, Norquist and Lott catalog the stunning degree to which Stimulus funds were allocated to the very states that needed them least. For example, richer states got more, not less, Stimulus money. For every additional $1,000 in a state’s per-capita income a state received an average $86 more per capita in Stimulus money.

  11. SilverNowPeople says:

    As Norquist and Lott’s data reveal:

    There is a perverse pattern: The states hardest hit by the recession received the least money. States with higher bankruptcy, foreclosure, and unemployment rates got less money. And higher-income states received more. Obama may have claimed that he was motivated to help out those in the toughest shape, but it looks more likely that Democrats were more interested in helping their supporters.

  12. SilverNowPeople says:

    Put another way, Stimulus money went to precisely the states that needed it the least but were more politically connected to the Democratic Party.

  13. SilverNowPeople says:

    Richer Democratic States With Lower Unemployment Got Bulk Of Obama Stimulus

    In their explosive new book Debacle: Obama’s War on Jobs and Growth and What We Can Do Now to Regain Our Future, Grover Norquist and John Lott, Jr. uncover a startling fact: heavily Democratic states with lower poverty rates, lower unemployment rates, lower bankruptcy rates, and lower foreclosure rates received most of President Barack Obama’s $825 billion Stimulus.

  14. SilverNowPeople says:

    ____ Richer Democratic States With Lower Unemployment __Got Bulk Of Obama Stimulus
    Richer Democratic States With Lower Unemployment Got Bulk Of Obama Stimulus_____

    ____Richer Democratic States With Lower Unemployment __Got Bulk Of Obama Stimulus
    Richer Democratic States With Lower Unemployment Got Bulk Of Obama Stimulus_____

  15. TheArbiter74 says:

    Tell her, RON!!!!!!

  16. RomulanFord says:

    Ron Paul is an African woman from Libya, dressed as a man. She had her teeth pulled out one by one over the years, until she has got no teeth left. Now she wears full dentures (fake set of teeth) but took them out while filming video in front of a TV camera. She’s another ni*gga* imposter trying to make some doe in America. Maybe this ni*gga* had stolen some too. You know none of the ni*gga*s are any good.

  17. MishuTaste says:

    Neither Gov. Romney nor Pres. Obama would give such intelligent answers.

  18. originevo8 says:

    I live in vegas just got laid off on 4/30/12. Thought this 6 month employment would stop. But nevada is one of the hardesst hitting states with highest forclosures any where in the us. Yes i’m a union member and they’re benefits are way better and they fight for your rights and wages. But this fight was lost. Companies don’t care how short dept. Are getting. We need real change and need it fast.

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