Obama and Romney fight over economy

On Thursday, President Obama addressed the nation over the economical state of the country, but GOP nominee Mitt Romney countered the president’s speech by d…

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25 Responses to Obama and Romney fight over economy

  1. tERtasdf says:

    “and they might even have a black president but he’s useless, cuz he does
    not control the economy stupid!”

  2. poreofthemachine says:

    they don’t fight over the economy. they play their part in a show to make
    the American public believe the have a choice in that system. they don’t.
    they are owned like slaves.

  3. gwellyn taylor says:

    Good cop,bad cop acting, people are not that stupid,they can see this a
    mile off.

  4. Hijynx87 says:

    But some are, and can’t see for crap! =p.

  5. Obey Silence says:

    The economy controls the american government.

  6. zonkedforlife2 says:

    Its sickening to see these criminals on air, Obama needs to be jailed and
    Romney needs to be pulled out of the election NOW!!!

  7. peepeevagi says:

    The Romney allegations are true, but only technically :U

  8. Christopher Stacherski says:

    I love how all you hear about is Romney and Obama. Yet, Ron Paul is still
    in the race as well. LOL!

  9. Hijynx87 says:

    And india =p

  10. DubGamingVids says:

    fuck india, fuck africa. what happend in the well known “black hawk
    down”??? we just wanted to help them. we waste millions in “aid”.

  11. MrDeejayjfx says:

    you guys need a new system.

  12. sixxdegree says:

    Obama: I refuse to talk about the derivatives! Romney : No, I refuse to
    talk about the derivatives!

  13. Michael Gerke says:

    Nomi Prins is either a liar or a moron. Barry soetoro’s actions directly
    destroyed thousands of jobs while producing none. He is waging a war
    against the oil companies, destroying thousands of american jobs, he’s
    spending millions of taxpayer dollars to send gm manufacturing plants to
    china, which gets rid of a lot of american jobs, etc, etc, on and on and
    you dipshits still support that antiamerican lying fraud pig. Romney is the
    exact same evil globalist puke as barry is, he’s just more white.

  14. Zamajama says:

    “Obama and Romney fight over economy. Gary Johnson wins”

  15. Steve W says:

    What would these 2 idiots know about the economy…

  16. Michael Gerke says:

    You’re talking about barry soetoro and romney, right? Neither of them has
    any idea about the economy obviously. They only know how to lie and sell
    out americans’ future while lying about it.

  17. huntingtonbeachify says:

    or 1776 Ron Paul or 1776

  18. Michael Gerke says:

    Who will we vote for? The only other available candidate is romney, the
    next nwo picked satan worshipper who has already made it clear that he will
    continue to destroy america in exactly the same manner.

  19. bseven54 says:

    Not even watching this. Both sides are controlled.

  20. Zooni2 says:

    When 2 c u n t s go to battle.

  21. stinkystu1 says:

    Nothing will ever change until those who caused the mess are held
    accountable. Throw the assholes in prison for what they did, and watch the
    public calm down.

  22. g3rmz23 says:

    lol I hope Romney wins so in 4 years I can watch an rt video of his
    failures too!

  23. vicko77 says:

    p.s. saying companies i meant corporations…

  24. 98bigbutt says:

    True but ROBOCORP will worsen the US more than Obama. So in my opinion,vote
    for Obama.

  25. Wegotallspies says:

    At least Romney has real executive experience in both public and private
    sectors. Oblamer never had any in either. His time as an IL senator was a
    disgrace, just as the last 3.5 years have been. More govt. is never the
    answer for anything!

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