MST3k 520 – Radar Secret Service

You found Radar Secret Service. You know you can watch every full episode of MST3k at right? Its 1950 with Communists under every b…

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25 Responses to MST3k 520 – Radar Secret Service

  1. PCGamer77 says:

    37:48 “Aren’t you happy…in your work?”

  2. Joradet says:

    Probably… they were big RB fans at MST. 🙂

  3. Geof Fantastico says:

    This week’s experiment is season 5, episode 20, *Radar Secret Service*.

  4. crimsontowers says:

    This is speaking from my memories as a tyke watching these in the 90s,
    combined with my current retrospective on this you’ll
    guess by being on 520, i’m halfway through watching every episode..
    goddamn, if a more perfect show was never made haha. I just miss this show
    so i love both hosts & enjoy it all, even watching the ones so shiesty the
    bots can’t save it (hercules & being from another planet come to mind)
    though love Rifftrax, really glad they still are cracking us up

  5. WCOG053 says:

    This is absolutely bizarre. It’s a movie about the wonders of Radar that
    apparently has no idea how radar works or what radar is…

  6. Jane Ellen says:

    MST 3K with Radar Secret Service. Good times. 

  7. ChaoticYak says:

    Uh…I can’t! See? See? Which one of us is the good guy? I don’t know! Who
    am I? (I love that whole exchange!)

  8. pretorious700 says:

    Amazing that they could drag that many laughs out of that depressing short.

  9. Sean Dunstan says:

    I don’t know about you, but the whole Daylight Savings Time thing has
    thrown me off, and I’m pretty tired right now. So let’s enjoy an
    #MST3KMonday that’ll help us fall asleep: the 1950 snoozer *Radar Secret

    The best thing I can tell you about this movie is that it’s kinda short.
    Really, nothing happens. Most scenes just involve the characters standing
    around and talking, or driving around in cars with metal radar globes on
    top of them. Really, radar itself doesn’t play a huge part in
    the proceedings, although it’s worth noting that “radar” in this movie is
    about on par power-wise with computers in 90’s action movies: it can do
    *anything*. I bet you didn’t know that radar can give you a picture as nice
    as a TV!

    Featuring daypos, driving scenes, waitresses, nuclear material, and of
    course RADAR, turn and face the wall and enjoy *Radar Secret Service*!

    “Only radar knows what the hell is going on!”

  10. george campbell says:

    hahahahaha “his face makes no sense.”

  11. BugPope says:

    I like how the Radar Secret Service has a huge sign outside their office
    that says RADAR SECRET SERVICE, in case any passerby would miss that this
    is their secret HQ. Subtle, guys.

  12. mENTALIER says:

    Oh, and remember to use radar

  13. Tim Cook says:

    “The world made sense an hour ago!” The short with the highest amount of
    cool-looking cars.

  14. Monkof Magnesia says:

    “You mean fly over the city in a plane?”
    “No. A duck!” retorts Tom Servo (Kevin Murphy).

  15. Dablkwid0w2008 says:

    Don’t make the mistake these people made…don’t die

  16. borezuma says:

    How Green Was My Radar

  17. william ziegler says:


  18. Bill Davis says:

    30:00 the fishing boats are putting radar on them !! ….. and the rape
    of the oceans begins !

  19. vonzigle says:

    He looks like a werewolf in mid transition. Lol

  20. KittyAngelofDeath says:

    Gypsy wears a bra?

  21. FanBritLit says:

    “Hang the radar in the trees or the bears might get it.”

  22. AJ Fox says:

    Did people really think that Sid Melton was funny back then? “That’s a long
    way for a little joke”

  23. TheKzfisher says:

    39:45 – “Geez the government would collapse without this guy!” 

  24. Wesley Chalmers says:

    I’ve watched this episode five times. This film is so boring and
    inconsequential I still can’t remember a damn thing about it!

  25. Kevin W says:


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