Model Economy: How America’s Debt Problems Are Affecting The UK With 150 billion pounds wiped off the value of the stock exchange this week, investor confidence has been dealt a very harsh blow. America’s credit downgrading is also likely to have global consequences. Jason Farrell looks at what the markets crisis means for us.

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8 Responses to Model Economy: How America’s Debt Problems Are Affecting The UK

  1. David Wilson says:

    As an American I’m glad that the economy of England is sinking due to the USA problems. You started the Revelutionary war and the 1812 and iraq and put us into libya. So this is your payback time. Get out of libya you english limey bastards and french frogs.

  2. Wh47n0w1517 says:

    Are you trying to claim the USA is England’s dancing puppet?

  3. LostEntertainmentUK says:

    never knew the credit crisis would bother a village full of giants so much

  4. Jacksoffalot22 says:

    Half of your statements aren’t true and the rest are no excuse for hoping that people suffer financially. The people of England today are in no way the people that were at war with America. The English are our greatest ally and what we should consider our brothers across the Atlantic.

  5. MrItaliano1900 says:

    David Cameron, spends his holidays in Tuscany (Italy), as a star of Hollywood. He wants ” La dolce vita” . While people are living a terrible economic crisis. This revolt is just the tip of an ice berg. The issue is the social malaise . The Police takes a miserable salary, is a war between the poor. People are tired of this power : politics, lobbying and big traders who speculate and decide the fate of the country. young people can not have children, because have no money

  6. MrItaliano1900 says:

    David Cameron, spends his holidays in Tuscany (Italy), as a star of Hollywood. He wants ” La dolce vita” . While people are living a terrible economic crisis. This revolt is just the tip of an ice berg. The issue is the social malaise . The Police takes a miserable salary, is a war between the poor. People are tired of this power : politics, lobbying , big traders who speculate and decide the fate of the country. young people can not have children, because have no money

  7. dragonangel6 says:

    Pa. Pa. PAHJAHAHAHAHHAHAA LOL! Your comment made me laugh. It also made me full of pride. Full of pride not to be an American. This is how much your country cares about the world, and ultimately, your allies. We started Iraq? ROFL! We joined you you fucking ignorant moron. the ‘Revelutionary’ war? What? The REVOLUTIONARY war from which WE built YOU and YOU attacked US? Understand what a REVOLUTION is you fucking moron. And learn to spell. Honestly, I thank you for the laughs. Dickhead.

  8. cocardeux says:

    Sorry dude, it s your friend Bush who started Iraq, not France or England… Europe just followed USA in Libya. It s prooved that a fifth American can’t locate their own country on a map, by reading you I understand better this incredible fact.

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