JFK Conspiracy: Did Secret Service Stand Down?

https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet http://infowars.com Was a pre-planned Secret Service stand down part of the JFK assassination conspiracy? RELATED: The Video…

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25 Responses to JFK Conspiracy: Did Secret Service Stand Down?

  1. seanlaca says:

    Open and shut. It looks like the first assassin shot from behind but
    missed, which went through Kennedy’s throat. So the second assassin from
    the front made the kill shot.

  2. Hengist McStone says:

    Where exactly is this taking place? I ask because the car is turning right
    but the last turn the motorcade made before the assault was a left turn ,
    Houston onto Elm. A very tight left turn. I seem to recall reading
    somewhere that there was a standing order that POTUS motorcades must never
    make a turn tighter that 90 degrees , which Houston on to Elm was.

  3. itsCONTROVERSY says:

    Ya sure, JFK gave the order to have secret service back away. Blame it on
    the one who cant speak the truth. Why would he have any control on how
    they protect the president?

  4. LinuxUser119 says:

    I think a better question is why did the secret service stand down?
    I know government gatekeepers like Noam Chomsky say we should get over it,
    but c’mon are they seriously saying seconds before shots were heard coming
    from the grassy knoll his secret service were off to lunch?

  5. Robert O'Rourke says:

    stand down orders given,its easy to read the body language,hill,is a
    liar,covering up the S.S. part of the Big conspiracy,Also why not use Elm
    street if you are in the book depository bldg., its a clear shot for a kill
    and the car is going so slow,it nearly stops trying to neotiate the turn,,?
    anyhow,good work,thank you

  6. Bob Johnifer says:

    Well I’m pretty confused, I watched this documentary and they showed a
    video where you could see LHO in the window getting into position, and yet
    the SS ordered a stand down, my theory was that Oswald did shoot him but he
    was working under the CIA and he was there scapegoat.

  7. t4705mb6 says:

    Many of those who’s jobs it was to protect the president in Dallas that day
    have said openly/publicly on record that they were told to stand down and
    the strict procedures of a presidential visit and motorcade were purposely
    NOT followed.

    The motorcade route was changed at the last minute to facilitate the
    triangulation sniper murder. Protection protocols, EXTREMELY strict rules
    ALWAYS practiced, were literally removed. CERTAIN windows were left open.
    Doorways were not locked or guarded. Rooftops were left unsecured.

    This conversation with criminal Joseph Milteer was recorded by William
    Somersett a police informant in Miami on Nov, 9th, 1963:

    Somersett: They are really going to try to kill him?

    Milteer: Oh yeah, it is in the working . . . .

    Somersett: Boy, if that Kennedy gets shot, we have to know where we are at.
    Because you know that will be a real shake if they do that.

    Milteer: They wouldn’t leave any stone unturned there, no way. They will
    pick somebody up within hours afterwards, if anything like that would
    happen. Just to throw the public off.

    Also, JFK was never supposed to make it to Texas. The I-Team had discovered
    not just one, but TWO plots to murder JFK in Chicago in early November.

    Abraham Bolden, JFK Secret Service Agent: “The assassination was SUPPOSED
    to take place during the motorcade that was scheduled to come in from
    O’Hare Airport.”

  8. tracycolorado says:

    over sixteen secret service proticols , were broken that day . The night
    before and till 5 00 A.M In The Morning ,. that same day the secret
    service , was Drinking In a Club , Called ” The Cellar ” And were ALL Hung
    Over During The Assination 

  9. Hal Kenoz says:

    Yes .. It is very clear that he was murdered.. Furthermore Bush I was there
    witnessing his murder:

  10. jack black says:

    as a strategist myself. this doesn’t make sense. i’ve watched the c-span
    talk where he talked about how they needed a senior agent to facilitate the
    leaving party. and hence why the agent was asked to stand down. this makes
    no sense whatsoever. for one. he is assigned as a intimate protecter to the
    president. he would have either stayed there the whole trip. or he wouldn’t
    leave mid protection. and have not been a protector that day. someone else
    would have taken the role. while he went ahead and set up the exit.
    leaving a post ordered or otherwise. to facilitate a change of personel
    when you are in the height of your duties, was a crime in of itself 

  11. dalekmoon says:

    The Secret Service is or was part of the Treasury Department which is
    really just part of The Federal Reserve which Kennedy was going to get rid
    of so it makes sense that they would stand down.

  12. boston son says:

    So what Clint Hill is saying is; that the President of the U.S. and “leader
    of the free world” was left unprotected because his Secret Service agent
    had to take his lunch break? What??? I wonder if he didn’t want to violate
    his union contract!!! And as anyone can see that all other of four or five
    agents in the followup car were to busy warming the car seats to take
    Lawton’s place.

  13. PerrrfictKats says:

    Right in the middle of a important duty and you get told to go eat lunch?
    Yeah, right That makes as much sense as I got to stop guarding the
    President to go take a leak…Its a stretch of credability..I don’t think
    so…too bad there is no one to restify they saw Lawton at lunch at a
    certain time otherwise It loks like Lawton is standing and waiting for new

  14. arkayen666123 says:

    For the record, I do believe JFK was killed by the government. This is a
    really, REALLY weak argument. You keep talking about his shrugs, and you
    also keep ignoring the obvious joking smile he has on his face. Looks more
    to me that he was being a jerk off and blocking the view for the people
    along side the road. Also, this assumption seems to suggest that it was in
    fact Oswald who took the shot. Considering he should have been on the back
    of the car, yes? So which is it, a magic bullet, or a grassy knoll shooter?

  15. Kevin Clancey says:

    Clint hill is lying as he has always done. The secret service is guilty as
    hell in the stand down and the coverup of all the evidence. Also Clint Hill
    jumps on the back of the limousine after JFK was shot so how was he able to
    run so quickly that he could catch the limo had it been cruising down the
    street. Impossible unless the car was at a n abrupt stop waiting for the
    bullets to kill Kennedy. Even the driver who stopped and waited turning
    his head to the right and backward watched Kennedy get shot through the

  16. brenda c. says:

    Nobody ever discusses the oncoming traffic coming from the underpass. What
    were the license plates? Jackie is waving a white masonic glove the whole
    time too. 

  17. Carluchi DiSieno says:

    I totally agree that the body language clearly shows this agent was complex
    over being called back away from the car. This talk by agent Hill that the
    agent was saying “okay guys see you later am going to lunch” is pure
    fucking bullshit and anyone who believes such nonsense is an idiot moron. 

  18. BobbyDeniroX says:

    What about the guy in the secret service car sitting in the back left? When
    the servicemen are told to stand down the guy in the back left bends down
    to get something seems like a gun possibly? Also in pics after that man is
    seen with a gun pointing up in the air like its koaded and ready to go.

  19. David King says:

    Well I don’t know anything about the procedures of these things; but it is
    a big ask to believe that this guy would be sent to lunch during the actual
    event. I mean, this is show time. All hands on deck. Put you game face on
    etc etc. Not see you it is my lunch break.

  20. Rob James says:

    There were numerous death threats to JFK prior to his trip to Dallas.If
    anything security should of been increased not relaxed.

    One other thing is that if Oswald was the assassin (which I don`t believe
    for a minute) his best shot is while JFK`s limo is on S. Houston St. coming
    directly at him as his target would get bigger.Not going away from him on
    Elm St.

  21. Saintly Oswald says:

    This wouldn’t be proof anyway, but, apparently Lawton did go somewhere. He
    doesn’t seem to be on the Queen Mary after this. And, they do all seem to
    be smiling.

  22. Mad Flak says:

    The camera never lies. That man was a proffesional body guard. If he was
    meant to stand down at that moment he would have just stopped walking and
    slipped off without making a scene. His hand gestures were definitely a
    “wtf moment”.

  23. MrDeppness says:

    His hand gestures were clearly that of confusion, disappointment, and
    worry. You don’t shrug your shoulders twice while walking backwards, and
    then turn around after the vehicle passes you and shrug again looking back
    because you are trying to remind the other agents of how great of a lunch
    you are having. This is total weak coverup. No story can hide the evidence.
    That old bastard is lying right to our faces.

  24. Kris Kreecher says:

    LUNCH!!! Bullshit! 

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