How Obama could Really Stimulate American Economy!

Today I see that Obama is taking a multi – multi million, if not billion dollar trip to India and multiple sites, supposedly for the purpose of stimulating America’s economy.

I do not buy that theory at all!

If the President really wants to stimulate the economy in America, he could do so by taking that last $2.5 Billion of stimulus money and actually disperse, in a lump sum, $75,000 – $100,00 to each legal, non criminal adult American.

Does he have any idea as to how this would stimulate the economy?

Think about the jobs that would be created by people finally having the money to actually spend in their own hometown.  People would buy new cars, new appliances, new homes, put roofs on homes, other home maintenance, pay tuitions, pay their own insurances, get dental work done which they currently cannot afford. Many would finally be able to start their own small business which would in turn allow them to start hiring employees. This would certainly stimulate almost every conceivable industry in America as well as the construction industry, automotive industry, manufacturing of every type product, on and on and on.

Dispersement of the stimulus money would reduce health care costs just by the mere fact that such a large percentage of illness in America is caused by stress.  Financial stress reduction would reduce some of the problems with hypertension, cardiac arrests, alcholism, and many many stress related illnesses. There would be less absenteeism and people would be more productive on the jobs that still exist.  Hospitals would have fewer nonpaying emergency room visits and fewer hospitalizations of patients who cannot pay their bills.

Crime would be impacted as well.  There are so many stress crimes committed in America related to finances.  Think about the children who are murdered by their parents when parents believe they have come to the end of their rope and cannot come up with any more food, or are on the verge of bankruptcy, or foreclosure.  Living on the street for families in America is more than some parents can let happen.  They lose perspective and take the life of their own children and themselves. Bank robberies are committed by the most unlikely people trying to get some money for families.  Stress Moms turn to prostitution just trying to make some money any way they can.

You might say we are burdening our future generations, but remember, I am talking about stimulus money that has already been allocated as stimulus.  It is just a bit of that trillion dollar package that got wasted to the executives, unions, car bailouts, bank executives, unneeded road projects out in timbuctu that put 30 people to work for a few weeks, etc, etc.

Think about what the American people could have done if even one half of that stimulus money had been dispersed to them from the get go!

I could go on and on as to how this would greatly stimulate and improve America’s economy, but I just don’t have time.  I must get busy and try to make some money.  After all, my goodness, we must pay more taxes so we can send it to some other country rather than take care of our own!

Oh, and we must pay for Obama’s latest trip to India – oh that’s for another day!

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1 Response to How Obama could Really Stimulate American Economy!

  1. Angry American says:


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