Ex Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino @ Guns Across America Rally in Annapolis, MD – 2nd Amendment

Excellent short speech by an ex secret service agent about the realities of gun control. “We live in a society of wolves. You do not fight back by creating more sheep!”

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25 Responses to Ex Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino @ Guns Across America Rally in Annapolis, MD – 2nd Amendment

  1. NzMaze says:

    thats right u dont see the need for guns. What about Gay’s im not and dont see the reason behind it but im not going to remove his/her rights to express his/her sexual orienation, What about religon im a athiest but im not going to pass laws that restrict your right to freedom of religon. The same goes for gun rights you may disagree but u cant redefine/remove someones rights you can only improve on them. Its all about personal choice. Like you said why punnish 99% of gun owners cause of 1%

  2. NzMaze says:

    you forgot that 66 people that were involved in school shootings were taking or just finished taking ssir anti depressant drugs vallum, prozac etc etc and there are so many that they cant use cause they are allowed access to the data. The fastest growing market for anti depressants are in the 5year and under range. You have to be insane to give a child anti depressant let alone teenagers. How many of these shootings have been done by preadult’s ie under 21 i wonder?. what happened to counsiling?

  3. NzMaze says:

    i completely agree with all that u said. I believe in teaching personal responsiblilty for everything. But like what i said before what kind of parent puts a preteen kid on anti depressants let alone a hormonal teenager full of hate and fear of the future. You should look up some of the unpublished side effects to the dangerous drugs – every one has manic tendacy’s listed only a 5% chance but 1million teenagers and under are taking these drugs so whats 5% of 1million=50,000 kids

  4. NzMaze says:

    great speech

  5. Aturbo1000 says:

    How moronic, what a dumbass.

  6. Aturbo1000 says:

    That was the best speech I have ever heard. Glad he is on our side!

  7. jerryleethe1 says:

    It’s NOT your god given right. This right was payed for by the BLOOD of are forefathers!

  8. tb7694 says:

    It IS our GOD given right to keep and bear arms, unfortunately our forefathers did have to die to protect our freedom from the tyrrany from our own damn government.

  9. sancasmiadas1 says:

    woow good speach

  10. tb7694 says:

    Great speech. Hit the nail on the head when he said there is no gun control only people control. Damn the president and all his little puppets in his regime.

  11. cacapoo8 says:

    you must be talking to yourself in the mirror. go chase a ball into a freeway or something

  12. Lord Ken Jr. says:

    that’s right, i know alot of people who think it is fake. Listen, even my friend also earning well monthly doing surveys and reading mails daily. its worth a try here: bit.ly\XHrQfI

  13. Aturbo1000 says:

    Coming from somebody named cacapoo? Real classy name…

  14. DocSnaxx says:

    someone breaks into your house at night while your sleeping.you wake up.You hear them comin up the stairs.they are armed you are not.i’ll let you figure out the rest.when the criminals dont have guns anymore.then you can sput insanity such as this.As far as i’m concerned your a weak link in an otherwise fucked gene pool

  15. MrYuppynuts says:

    “God didn’t make you free, a man with a gun did…”

  16. f34rall2 says:

    yes i mean it, i couldn’t believe it when my friend told me about this site. and i can tell u, really lucky that i registered and earning more than $40 daily from this web site :). i found it here: bit.ly\XiWnkW

  17. Julie Monroe says:

    911 has no duty to protect you. And the police are only minutes away when seconds count. There are lots of cases out there where the police took more than a 1/2 hour to arrive, even for people who live inside a major city,

    Like the two women who called 911 TWICE when a pair of large men broke in their home, the police didn’t protect them. The women were raped over and over and over for 14 hours.

    I’m not saying don’t call 911, but relying on them is… you’re welcome to make that choice.

  18. Roze Rocket says:

    go danny boy> i love u

  19. 1952Bebe says:

    Good speech. I agree that our rights are God-given, and cannot be taken away by those (government) who did not give us these rights. However, until we get rid of electronic voting machines….voting won’t change anything, imo and that of many others… There is too much proof that electronic machines have been hacked and will continue to be hacked.

  20. dsmith469 says:

    I voted for this man. It’s really too bad he didn’t win but Maryland is so entrenched in the socialist liberal agenda, it’s hard to gain and ground back. At least MO’M can’t run again! And God forbid if Ken Ulman decides to make a run for governor.

  21. gailfilerino0403 says:

    I love this guy. He should have won. Don’t forget THE DAY OF RESISTANCE on February 23, 2013. Go to the website day of resistance or local tea party for location.

  22. joaquinpereafilms says:

    fair point.

  23. joaquinpereafilms says:

    NzMaze– I agree with you.

  24. joaquinpereafilms says:

    birddt3– ok, well said. I think it’s just different for my situation. We have deadbolt screens on front back doors as well ADT (security system), plus we live a less than a mile from LA county sherriffs with a neighbor hood watch. If this wasn’t my situation, I’d probably want the option of a weapon. I see your point. (ACME reference made me laugh.) good one.

  25. Dom C says:

    Good job Danny!!
    I’ll forward to Laura!!

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