Coming Economic Collapse – Peter Schiff RT America

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7 Responses to Coming Economic Collapse – Peter Schiff RT America

  1. wantabejunkie says:

    I thought China already quit buying our treasurey bonds, thats why we began qualitive easying. Is China still buying our treasurey bond? If so, why are we still needing qualiteve easying? 

  2. Steuben1978 says:

    Because Mr. Schiff is a Gold and Silver pumper and China did not sell its treasurys! They are trying to set an alternative against the Dollar long term but they are not in a position to dictate anything to the US. As long as the dollar is tied to oil and it will stay that way until Saudi arabia decides it wants Yuan (which will lead to an invasion in Saudia arabia by the US) nothing will change! Get fuckin real! Gold and Silver are not the holy grail u think it is! Hedge against inflation=oil!!

  3. wantabejunkie says:

    Get Fucking Real? Pretty harsh language. Anyway, the holy grail is to fear and obey G-d. I figure gold and silver can atleast buy me some time in the coming collapse of the dollar. America won’t invade the Saudi’s. In that time we will be overwhealmed by our own problems to invade the Arabs. America surrounds itself with military enemys as well as economic ones. If the S. Korea war would breakout, goodby S. Korea, Japan stock market, good chance we would follow.

  4. Steuben1978 says:

    From a german point of you thats not really harsh! XD
    Iraq wanted to trade oil in euro it got invaded! The message the USofA wanted to send was quite clear and my own government is doing what ever the US government wishes! If germany would side with Russia and China the US Dollar would be in big trouble! But that wont happen! Yes the US is going to decline somewhat but a Hyperinflationary collapse is very unlikely! Southern europe however is a different matter!

  5. Steuben1978 says:

    BTW there is no chance china would let North corea invade the south! China has no interest in a big at its doorsteps!

  6. wantabejunkie says:

    U.S. will get itself in a war with Russia before N. Korea. China is Russia’s biggest enemy, (unspoken by mainstream or alternative medea). China is N. and S. Koreas biggest threat, (unspoken by mainstream or alternative medea). This next war will give Israel its G-d Promised boundaries. The would will turn upside down. China will secure the land around the S. China sea. Russia will recover the Ukrain, Germany will recover Selesia, and most of east prussia, but not all. Damascus be in burnt ruins

  7. wantabejunkie says:

    Mr. Steuben 1978, Do your homework. G-d is bigger than you or me. I did’nt write it. It was written long before america or germany became a state or cilivised. I hope you are not offended with false pride. Its not an intelectual thing.

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