Bursting Obama’s Bubble with Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino

Alex is joined via phone by former high ranking Secret Service Agent and congressional candidate Dan Bongino to discuss the horrible but true facts of what i…

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25 Responses to Bursting Obama’s Bubble with Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino

  1. Terry Carter says:

    you can bet your’ bottom dollar that before Obama goes down fully when what
    he’s set up falls down on their head, he’ll start something big to
    perverbially “poison the well”

  2. Ramona Stone says:

    I see “That’s why these girls would get into a yellow Volkswagon with Ted
    Bundy,” huh, why that’s Alex cause these women are good – you see that’s
    doesn’t jell – the women get into the car with Ted Bundy cause he’s good
    looking and charming – iow – women are superficial.

  3. Ramona Stone says:

    On one level, yeah, men and women, i.e. people who are called humans, want
    to dominate other humans, and some humans rise to the top and therefore,
    just are playing the game of domination – but on another level – God is
    judging the humans.

  4. VinnyPizzaLover says:

    Obama this, Obama that.. etc etc.. just like Clinton, Bush on and on.. They
    will reign their 8 years and off to the next antichrist to crucify.. It’s a
    endless cycle of alarmist sensationalism with zero resolves for the real
    problems in America and that is.. The trade deficit

  5. Christopher O says:

    Do not buy this guys book. I repeat DO NOT buy this tyrants book.He is part
    of Obama’s plan, sent out to confuse and blind people of the real truth.
    show is crazy trying to push this dan guy along as a hero. To stand by and
    watch and not say anything is not heroic. There is no way you could work
    for a president and write a book about him when he is still in office.
    Think about how foolish this is. Do not buy into this guy.


    Listen, all red blooded Americans, when a top advisor and head agents says
    he removed himself as obama’s secret service agent because he was fed up
    with the corruption, it’s time to perk our ears and pay attention. We all
    know that our country’s government is corrupt and GUILTY of all TREASONOUS
    acts, now we need to hold all parties accountable. We already lost, is a
    phrase uttered by cowards and weak minded individuals, we, who are smart or
    highly educated need only to acknowledge that fact we know what they don’t
    want us to know. We make them nervous and induce apprehension, fear fills
    the empty hearts … 1984 = 1776


    Ha haa.. right on Alex, I wander what Dan was thinking when you remarked on
    obama’s homosexual tendencies .. classic Alex ..
    Answer :-Don’t laugh at loud:-D

  8. hedwegg says:

    At 12:23 – 12:30…The former agent makes a “decisive point”…”Handcuffs”!
    The individuals & groups have a “Prostitution, Drug & Porn” Mentality.
    If I get caught (V.D., AIDS, etc.)… so what…that’s part of the trade
    1. Put the “Handcuffs” on the “criminally lawless” & send them to jail
    2. This is your “D.A. & Attorney General” as well as “Special RICO Units”.
    3. This is the “emotional & mental make up”…the carnal nature… of the
    who trade & do business in these professions. i.e. elected politicians,
    police fronts
    for prostitution & drugs, county wide porn, etcetera.
    Solution: RICO
    If you want to stop them permanently hit the elected politician, the police
    fronts, the countywide porn groups with RICO.
    1. Porn is over a $500 Billion Dollar Business in the U.S..
    2. Traffficking (Police fronts & Lawless Vice Groups) over a $Trillion
    Dollars in the U.S..
    3. Medicaid $1.5 Trilllion Dollars with “30 million Immigrants”
    (Illegally in the U.S. for the free ride!).
    4. So Let’s use RICO to “empty the bank accounts & fight crime”
    at the “political & law enforcement levels”.
    P.S. We’re really the only country with RICO laws.
    All for Family & Constitutional values,
    Never for Global Government (Send the immigrants back to their home
    illegals & false oath takers especially).

  9. honey badger says:


  10. Bigg Phillips says:

    I am sorry Dan. They are evil and do not have ethics. So no matter if you
    hold onto your oath.

  11. Jacob Sanders says:

    Shouldn’t the Secret Service finally be the ones to put Obama in
    handcuffs? They could do it on Nov.22, and I think we would all agree to
    forgive them for their role in Kennedy’s murder.

  12. Jacob Sanders says:

    20:32 – Alex, you can’t say ‘colored TV’ that’s racist. You must now say
    ‘multi-prism pixelated television’. However, the word ‘vision’ is
    offensive for those who have an eye sight impairment. But we have to wait
    to see what Seattle wants to do about that one.

  13. Lookup Sonshines says:

    While I respect your Opinions and Share them ten fold, What I Didnt
    hear…was ANY New or incriminating or unfolding evidence that even
    suggests, much less Proves “Its Worse than we Think” So is it possible
    youre just trying to scare people into votes? I mean is this another “You
    have to sign it, to know whats in it”??? FRANKLY, Im tired of insinuations
    and accusations, I want cold hard FACTS!!!!

  14. mjenniferromeo says:

    o-kay…things r starting to get inneresting…
    funny, how a couple of women sprout she-ballz, start spillin’ the beanz, &
    the ball starts rollin’. now, they’re comin’outta the woodwork.
    potus imposterus,.et al have, i think, nearly achieved redundancy; i
    predict much of the filthy lot to shortly achieve room temperature.

  15. TimothyMcGay says:

    What ever happen to all them bleeding heart obama loving Liberals you use
    to see posting here on the Alec Jones YT channel ?

    They all seem to not be posting anymore which I think is a good thing 🙂

  16. GoodLightKnight says:

    It looks like Dan Bonjela has sore gums from his photo! I bet if he gets
    voted to congress he dumps Alex! Everyone uses Alex to make waves. But his
    out right refusal to answer some of Alex’s question shows hes still scared
    of the SS! Hes got tit bits of info, nothing major unlike what Alex reports!

  17. ingo four says:

    Mr. Bongino said in a different interview that it’s worse than you
    know…because it IS worse than you know. You consider the fact that the
    general public is virtually completely unaware of what’s really going on,
    combined with the psychosis that everyone is in, which is part of it all,
    and its much worse than many people think or could honestly even completely
    grasp at this point.people, by all rights, should be scared.

  18. UserName11 says:

    The way people marginalize information in society is killing me. If people
    keep on with nothing but silence, nothing but apathy, i’ll probably be dead
    within a year

  19. David Bermudez says:

    Bongino won’t reveal EVERYTHING in his book just the scraps of corruption
    that went on while he was in SS.

  20. British Bug says:

    Plan for White geNOcide that “anti-racists” implement:
    1) Flood EVERY & ONLY White countries with MILLIONS of non-Whites
    2) Force integrate these immigrants into White communities. This is done
    with the aid of Federal Laws
    3) Push interracial relationships night and day in the media & newspaper
    advertisements, in ONLY White countries
    4) Anyone that objects is called the r-word!
    5) Then, inform the Whites of their inevitable brown future
    Anti-Racist is a code for anti-White

  21. chungxingseoul says:

    Well , Danny Boy, if you are not going to get all the dirt out, because you
    don’t want any trouble, because you was correct when you worked for the
    white house, well you are already dead.They got you marked, Danny boy.


    Funny how thugs won’t even ask me for a cigarette or the time of day

  23. hedwegg says:

    At 18:52 – 19:15…Alex tones in on “Fear & Flight”. i.e. Gangs, Bullying &
    When I was in college I wanted to understand what “Fear & Flight Response”
    was all about. My teacher taught medical school. So what did I do?
    “Fear & Flight” to the Quik:
    1. I walk the streets of New York City at three (3) o’clock in the morning.
    2. Sure enough a gang of young toughs approached me. [(5) in number.]
    3. My body froze. My legs & feet wouldn’t move. I had all my senses.
    I could hear the gang leader say, “Give me your wallet!” I knew I couldn’t
    I wanted to move but I couldn’t. “Hey, didn’t you hear what I said, Give me
    your money…Now!”
    4. I decided to try to communicate with my body since I couldn’t
    communicate with these predators. It worked! Slowly I was able to move my
    fingers – then my feet –
    till my entire body gained back its motion (movement). I responded.
    5. I pulled out my wallet & offered it to them. To my surprise the gang
    refused my friendly gesture. They changed their mind. They didn’t want the
    money. They wanted me. Cheerfulness, friendliness & reason was not part of
    their “characters”.
    6. I told them quite assuredly, You’re making a mistake. They didn’t listen.
    I guess they felt I was prey. Big mistake.
    7. I was wearing a Blazer, grey slacks, white-button down shirt & silk, red
    I removed the jacket. I removed the shirt & tie. I removed my shoes & socks.
    They couldn’t believe it. They became edgy & attacked.
    8. After the attack I placed my shirt back on, shoes & socks, tie & jacket.
    [Very quickly yet not in haste, fear or flight].
    9. I knew now what the “Fear & Flight Response” was all about.
    I knew I would never have that response again. Why?..The Brain &
    10. The Daily News carried a news story, the following day, that a gang of
    five were found on the east side by Medical personnel.

  24. thegingerbreadman420 says:

    ppl havent been so bothered about this all because they havent been
    informed properley about it and when the ppl only have the tv and media to
    look to for truth wich is the only lie theyre being fed then they arent
    going to know a difference and they become passive with it because they
    make it across i a way that it may be a good thing in certain ways of
    criminality but when they think all the world is criminaly mindd thats
    going too far!!

  25. Bree Craw says:

    Well, that was a useless interview. This guy is more concerned about
    selling his upcoming book than informing the Americans on what is truly
    necessary to know.

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