America’s Weak Economy

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25 Responses to America’s Weak Economy

  1. Spockthelight says:

    The only thing I like out of Obama care is forcing companies to not
    discriminate against those with predispositions. My family pays almost 7k a
    year for my insurance and because of my mental health problems. If i left
    that company I would have no insurance. These companies have people like my
    family bent over a barrel.

  2. alexsim011 says:

    I wish we had statistics on the amount of people in the labor force that
    were underemployed. Now that would be a real give away as to the extent of
    the deceit the government plays on the masses with its “economic recovery”.

  3. TheVocalMale says:

    Never some truer words uttered, Bern. You get the most attention from other
    women when you have one on your arm. Yep, that made me chuckle!

  4. BigDirtyBasterd says:

    I dont need to be shown facts. I work in the service industry, it’s painful!

  5. Zac6230 says:

    big deal the country is being destroyed

  6. DeusExWolksvagen says:

    Obombo is just final nail in the coffin of US economy. I was there when the
    soviets collapsed, Ive seen a super power in its twilight years, and what i
    see in US does not look promising.

  7. BecauseIAmABoy says:

    So you have to give Obama credit for keeping his election promise to
    changed America…

  8. pdittimus says:

    HA, Ha I remember that vera de milo character. Oh man wouldn’t be a riot to
    make a music video with vera de milo clips using a Miley’s song.

  9. Nualaboala says:

    This campaign slogan will be “A lot done, more to do”. :/

  10. PissedFechtmeister says:

    Back in the 60’s Nixon instituted a wage ceiling. This caused a labor
    shortage so the only way to get people to work for you was to give them
    benefits, which weren’t counted as wages. It became common for people to
    get health insurance through their employers. When the ceiling was
    eliminated businesses found that employees wanted to keep the benefits. The
    current mess is the result of do-gooder government.

  11. xelenty says:

    So true about negotiating a lower price, despite what we know about fiat

  12. christo930 says:

    While I would agree that Obama’s presidency has been a complete failure and
    should be impeached, the problem goes way back to about 1971 when Nixon
    closed the gold convertibility window. The 70’s were horrible with
    stagflation, the 80’s were a bubble, we recovered from that bubble and then
    we had the tech bubble, then the housing bubble and now a bond bubble.
    American savings rate started declining in the 80’s as the personal debt
    took off. The savings rate even went negative for a couple years.

  13. christo930 says:

    Obama has made the situation far, far worse, but government has been
    failing us since FDR. It’s going to be really, really painful when the
    ultimate collapse happens or even if Bernanke was replaced by a
    Volker(which would save the dollar). Even worse is all of the unaccountable
    bureaucrats in all the agencies that impose endless regulation. There are
    so many laws and regulations in the US that i doubt you could go a week
    without breaking one of them. But Obama has clearly been the worst.

  14. christo930 says:

    3:08 That 1.9% is far more misleading than you would think. A lot of
    Americans who still have jobs don’t have the same jobs they had. People who
    used to work at good paying, full time jobs are now working well below
    their skill level or with dramatically cut hours. You also have to back out
    all the jobs that were “created” by the government. Since 2k, how many
    government jobs have been created? None of those people are creating
    wealth, they are spending it.

  15. christo930 says:

    You might want to consider a section 8 type renting out of your condo. If
    you generate a positive cash flow on your place, who cares what it’s
    assessed value is? Also, in my area at least, the city/state will pay for
    any repairs for damage the tenants cause.

  16. Donovan Worland says:

    6 million, that’s 6 San Franciscos at 2pm, like every single body man,
    woman and child! And one day people will ask, well where did they all go?

  17. goody8504 says:

    does the city/state reimburse you for all of the appliances and furniture
    that will be stolen as well?

  18. christo930 says:

    Appliances like refrigerators, garbage disposals and the like, I think they
    do. Section 8, from what I know doesn’t include furniture. It is a HUGE
    hassle to get the license though. I was going to do it myself with my

  19. pretorious700 says:

    There will be no economic recovery. The whole US fiscal/monetary system is
    in a death spiral. The endgame will be witnessed in the next 3-5 years.
    What happens when the Fed can longer prop up the bond market? Implosion.

  20. Zac6230 says:

    Has to be at least 20% unemployed and Krugman is a fool

  21. wildshape says:

    And on a non economic note: he is starting an other war. The president who
    gotten a noble peace price for claiming to stop the wars.

  22. christo930 says:

    That was something YT did. It’s just a random shot from a video I mirrored.

  23. cheeseaura1 says:

    I’m one of the 6 million, but by no means do I have the ability to go Galt.
    There simply are no jobs, or as you mentioned, they won’t hire you unless
    you already have a job?

  24. cheeseaura1 says:

    Supposed to be a period there. -_-

  25. Agent1W says:

    I actually may argue that the Millennials’ main arguing point for not being
    employed would be based on the ‘Going Galt’ idea. I wouldn’t put it past me
    that they realize that they have nothing to gain from working or likewise
    being self-reliant. Refusing to work for nothing is not the same as
    refusing to work because of unwillingness or laziness. We as a generation
    are trying to game(exploit) the System or work around it, but we sure as
    hell do not work *with* it.

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