America’s Economic Addiction to War: MICC-TT Part 8/10

Nomorenarcissism: Military, Industrial, Congresssional, Think-Tank Complex (MICC-TT) According to the MICC-TT the PUBLIC DOESN’T HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT what it does. Once their son or daughter has “volunteered” into their racket they have to STFU and die and go to war with “the Army you have got” as 74-year old Rumsfeld said without any danger to himself. He really meant you STFU and go with what we give you and die or be maimed with a smile on your face because you rolled the “death dice” when you joined in order to get middle-class wages and benefits. After Vietnam, the military sought to censor the press and turn it into their propaganda organ by deny access to anyone that reports their failures (don’t even think about investigating corruption!) and embedding reporters who sing their tune. A retired USAF officer told her sons not to join the US military because they wouldn’t be defending America they’d be advancing some corporation’s greedy interests. The American people don’t understand that defending freedom by war means defeating an enemy who is directly threatening the US; Iraq had nothing to do with the S11 attacks. Freedom is not defended by denying it to the American people who deserve the truth. The Best Way to defend Freedom is with Freedom–this means not denying problems but solving them. You can’t do this if you are an egomaniac or bought-off by the MICC-TT. This should be changed by Constitutional Amendment. General

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4 Responses to America’s Economic Addiction to War: MICC-TT Part 8/10

  1. BlacktailFA says:

    “We’ll be greeted as liberators”(!)

    Well, they DID run up to the US troops with open arms… but mostly as suicide bombers.

  2. MILITARYEX says:

    Excellent! Why this is so difficult for people to understand is just amazing and yet so tragic. The reason why so many of our military members are dying in this war based on misinformation! Our military members are pawns of THIS war. Then as VETS benefits denied, delayed or decreased. Military members are BRAINWASHED. Their is mass programming. NO ONE IS THINKING or using common sense. They are bullies that are mass slaughtering others for an IMPERIALISTIC AGENDA. SAVE YOUR LOVED ONES LIVES.

  3. Mobbin01 says:

    I dont understand it either. It seems in order to accept these facts, your have to CHANGE or QUESTION your beliefs about our country and the world, and that is something the majority or people are unwilling to do. Less we as a country say enough is enough and finally unite, but there are so many safeguards from the MIComplex to stop that scenario, that at times it seems HOPELESS!!!????

  4. eeixen says:

    The kid admits he cant take care of himself but he thinks hes going to be a helicopter pilot? Sad.

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