America’s Economic Addiction to War: MICC-TT Part 4/10

Military, Industrial, Congresssional, Think-Tank Complex (MICC-TT) We see in Part 4 that Eisenhower’s warnings that the MICC-TT would infect every part of American society with racketeering for military weapons and equipment $$$ have been to date unheeded. He also noted that it would be disastrous if the future President of the United States were to not know as much about the military as he did as a 5-star US Army General. That disaster is already upon us as several POTUSes to include the current one are totally ignorant of the military profession to have an independent opinion and not be hood-winked by the MICC-TT. Successive generations of POTUSes have bought into the push-button war, firepower bombardment madness of the USAF created as a self-serving separate service in 1947 along with the incompetent marines who constantly get themselves killed ashore by the populace who don’t want America meddling in their affairs. We have become the red (white and blue, too) coats–the snobby British imperialists we rebelled against in 1776. Corporations within the MICC-TT tilt the playing field in favor of their snake oil by speading the manufacture of their system’s parts to as many Congressional districts and states as possible so as many Congressmen/Senators have $$ and votes tied up in their junk being bought.

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3 Responses to America’s Economic Addiction to War: MICC-TT Part 4/10

  1. jpmacion says:

    if USA really wants to spread its so called “DEMOCRACY”, i suggest they invade china or russia. but oh! i forgot, china and russia can defend themselves!


  2. abandonallhopebx says:

    that was the truest s@#t i ever heard come out of a US Presidents mouth!!!!

  3. MrChris1316 says:

    perhaps the least known president in many peoples minds but possibly the one with the most forthought,to make that as his last statement shows the importance he felt for the subject.

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