America’s Economic Addiction to War: MICC-TT Part 2/10

Nomorenarcissism: Military, Industrial, Congresssional, Think-Tank Complex (MICC-TT) In this video the Leo Strauss fascist/failed marxist PNAC Think Tank looniecons spin their web of national survival-in-peril so they can con the American people for their imperialism and shamocracy by gunpoint. The sad part is they are not even good at war; full of their mankind-worship illuminist crap, they think we are in a “Revolution in Military Affairs” (RMA) and can gadgetize as per Orwell’s 1984 and just drop guided munitions on anyone they dislike as if they were gods on Mount Olympus. Saddam and OBL easily dodge their “thunderbolts” to start a rebellion against us in Iraq/Afghanistan, but then again we need someone to fight to keep war profits up and yellow ribbon production going. Firepower-bombardment alone doesn’t work as evidenced in WW2 where German industrial production INCREASED because killing civilians pisses them off to support the regime we want defeated; later USAF strategic bombing failures in Vietnam are emulated today in Iraq, Afghanistan and the disastrous Israeli Air Force bombing of the Hezbo terrorists in South Lebanon. People live on the ground and decisions are won or lost by GROUND MANEUVER–not air firepower. Boxed in by the Russians in China and MacArthur’s Army troops in the Pacific islands, Japan wanted to surrender but Truman wouldn’t let them until we got to show off our atomic bombs and create mythology that

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11 Responses to America’s Economic Addiction to War: MICC-TT Part 2/10

  1. BlacktailFA says:

    So Japan tried to surrender for months, but Truman insisted that Nuclear weapons be dropped on them, just to show off US military prowess?


  2. phygos2003 says:

    That´s not true. Lapan didn´t want to surrender. The military leaders even resisted to surrender after nagasaki. Like Hitler they gave a shit on what happend to the civilians, to their soldiers. They surrerd when nothing elso where possible. That´s what we can learn “from” totaliristic systems. We can´t convince them. They are unwilling to learn till a gun sticks in their ass, or they are dead. And we can learn from Nevile Chamberlaine … Appeasement never solves Problems. It makes them worse !

  3. GTTTGT says:

    I did not know that! I bet they teach it in the public schools right.

    Stats show that 86% of high schoolers in their 4 year, seniors do not know who George Washington was.

  4. nomorenarcissism says:

    True of dictators but false on Japan wanting to surrender, they did.

  5. jsusanmay says:

    war mongors

  6. AmericAWordsMatter says:

    “Bush Doctrine”? Total rubbish! This NWO is a plan of over 300 years in the making. He is just a coward, and has no morals. It is NOT a recent plan of world domination. In fact, this country was founded on the principle of Satan worship, hence the attacks in the Year of the Snake, 2001. John Revelations 9:11 reveals the Founder of THIS country, AOE. Research it, or find my book.
    .11.AA.1111.37737. 33 A 77 WE A LL WALL(E)!

  7. Ironfistconsumerist says:

    well Obama is in now, lets hope he does some good.

  8. Fox111one111eleven1 says:

    Obama will do whatever the Teleprompter tells him to. The POTUS is a figure-head and blindly following a puppet is what got us into this mess in the first place.

    All the power has shifted to the Federal Government. Since when has centralized incompetence been a good thing?

    I’m sure China (as an example) is doing quite well in the world market. However, how many people are clamoring to live there?

  9. CarbineKingClassic says:

    Obama, unfortunately, is nothing more than a puppet. Rothschild’s hand is way to far up his ass for Obama to do anything good at this point

  10. dinkidow says:

    You are exactly right. Japan would not surrender. That’s where the kamikaze came in. I know your post is 2 years old. Forgive my late reply.

  11. maulanamau says:

    fuck american government. they just want money and more money. all of their blood emanate from money resulting from war. war, arms trade, ilegally or legally, smuggling, money laundering, and other sin-making activity held by US gov have made world become hell. US gov is the real sinner, and blood-sucking creature.

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