America’s Economic Addiction to War: MICC-TT Part 1/10

Nomorenarcissism: Military, Industrial, Congresssional, Think-Tank Complex (MICC-TT) The foundation of American culture is corrupt materialism. False Calvinistic and Methodist “Christianity” that material wealth is good has created greedy individual “robber barons” and soul-less sociopath corporations with piles of money that have corrupted and altered the checks & balances of the Constitution beginning with the 17th Amendment in 1913. To manufacture wars and keep war profits high, various enemy hob goblins (False Flag operations) are created to scare the gullible and dumb American people into waging wars about every 10 years. We went into WW1 to save corporations who sold armaments to England/France that wouldn’t be repaid if Germany won. Traitors like Prescott Bush tried to over-throw the US Government with a fascist dictatorship in 1933 funded Hitler’s Nazis to create WW2 profits for themselves as 385, 000 Americans and 62, 000, 000 people died needlessly. Wall Street funded the Communists to keep a “Cold War” threat alive to keep the MICC-TT racket going. When Soviet communism collapsed, a new Islamic boogie-man had to be created using unemployed CIA ex-Charlie Wilson Muj operatives. After these “wars” against an enemy government and/or sub-national rebels American businesses export consumerism to sedate the locals as a sham democracy deceives them into thinking they have a voice in government when actually rich elites run

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15 Responses to America’s Economic Addiction to War: MICC-TT Part 1/10

  1. Rahab111222 says:

    Thanks for the vids!

  2. jpmacion says:

    this is what im talkin bout! and this seems true! think about it!, is there any decade that USA was not in war with some country or somewhere.

  3. nomorenarcissism says:

    We’ve noticed this long ago, too.

    America seems to go to war once every 10 years as if on cue.

    Vietnam for the most part ended in 1973…Grenada 1983….Panama 1989…Gulf War 1 1990-91….then a Clinton era dry spell other than Somalia in 1992-93 until….you guessed it!

  4. RichardSwayne says:

    2:43 That ship is British.

  5. nomorenarcissism says:

    Britain is a war racketeering country, where do you think we learned how to do it?

  6. RichardSwayne says:

    Well you learned from the best, us.

  7. RichardSwayne says:

    McCain is a wanker!

  8. nomorenarcissism says:

    Yes he is. I couldn’t have said it more eloquently. Ask the families of the burned-up dead on the USS Forrestal who lost their loved ones because McCain wanted to give the F-4 crew behind him a “hot foot”.

  9. nomorenarcissism says:

    True, but at least the British military has some professionalism; General Dannatt is calling on a specialized force for sub-national conflicts while we still send gunslinger egomaniacs overseas and wonder why these rednecks alienate the populace?

  10. Ironfistconsumerist says:

    If America did not destroy Iraq’s Military in 2003(Which was among the top 10 in the world) We would not have had to have tried to preserve order there for 5 years and lose 4000 men doing it. All because we suspected weapons of Mass Destruction.

  11. abandonallhopebx says:

    Ole Ike hit the nail on the head!!!

  12. badattitude77769 says:

    Skull and Bones, the American arm of the Illuminati profit from war as does Carlyle Group headed by Frank Carlucci, Ceo, former roomate of Donald Rumsfeld, FOURTEEN BILLION dollar investment in “defense spending”. Richard Perle, the prince of darkness held seminars on investing in “defense” spending.

  13. jobedied says:

    We are Americans our economy,lives, mythos, love of country, ego,families,and god depend on the scared mission of being perpetually at war. No argument can be forwarded that anything other has been our destiny. Freedom,democracy, force for peace ,are smoke screen justifications for sending our children to do our bidding in war. Simple fact be at war constantantly to be prepared. Our politics, our businesses, our population, our spiritual leaders, grant us this destiny that I do not like.

  14. oldhacks says:

    happy 4th of july everybody

  15. pacnwcomre says:

    It is rhe classic symptom of Freud’s Death Instinct…read “Life Against Death” by Norman O. Brown…who analyzes Nietzsche in the context of Freud’s motivational-behavior theories….the death instinct is man’s subconscious wish to die. It is responsible for aggressive behavior and war. And when a bunch of greedy defense contractors get hold of the government’s ability to pay huge contracts so we cab remain “free and safe” like milk, we will march down the path of war. War is peace

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