Aftershock: The next economy and America’s future

Robert Reich on the ideas in his new book, “Aftershock”. The economic recession we are in is a structural problem rooted in an economy where wealth is as unequal as any time since in the great depression. That inequality leaves us susceptible to political extreme-ism unless we fix it.

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25 Responses to Aftershock: The next economy and America’s future

  1. RyanR3volution says:

    “Scare tactics”
    Really? So the US gov having $115 trillion dollars in unapaid liabilities through Medicare, Social Security, and Medecaid are just scare tactics?
    How is that going to be paid off?
    What is going to happen when the elderly in this country explode to unprecedented levels?

    Ignoring the Fed’s manipulation is insanity, money is 1/2 of every transaction, artificial interest rates and printing money out of thin air caused this mess.

  2. fububalla says:

    Watch the video again. I don’t want people calling you crazy for your stance. Reich is obviously liberal but his argument here was pretty centrist and pragmatist. At least thats what I got from it.

    But maybe you’d just call me socialist for my inferences.

  3. KamikazeJonez says:

    Not only is progressive taxation NOT socialist, its greatest proponent was Adam Smith, the Father of Capitalism.

    Smith understood that the wealthier members of society had the greater responsbility of taking care of a society. Wealthy citizens benefit the most from public services (roads, waterways, power grids, etc.) and they have far more cash than they need to survive. That’s common sense, not socialism.

  4. SplitZxxx says:

    See America pulls all their money in their military which is somewhat 14.6 trillion dollars where if America can shutdown their military for somewhat until they can fix their debt, suggestion of 4 years the economics can improve pretty quickly because the government can pay off the problem and give money to the people.

  5. Buntzums says:

    gosh, I hope we’re gonna’ be ok. Seems like dark times 🙁

  6. papernpaste says:

    There is legislation before congress RIGHT NOW to AUDIT THE FED. Don’t you feel that it is prudent for you to contact your elected rep and support this legislation?

  7. papernpaste says:

    That regurgitation exemplifies the infiltration of every form of media by the establishment so that it is perpetuated

  8. papernpaste says:

    LOL. “Foul!”
    This is, however, exactly what the Established System wants you all to do: argue amongst yourselves and pit Dem’s against Rep’s, libs(progressives) against conservatives…and while you are busy arguing about who is more intelligent and who has more prerequisits to lead, nothing is accomplished to better our society. This is why it is time for a grass-roots rebellion, WITHIN the democratic system, to oust the Established “two party” System and retake our democracy

  9. papernpaste says:

    Because its all about greed…the profit margin
    The Trade Treaties that this country began signing 40 years ago and continues to sign up through and including the Obama era are one of the contributing factors in our economic collapse…and it isn’t over, yet. No, I’m not a doomsdayer but a realist. These are been, supposedly, the “peoples’ elected officials” that have done this to America! Don’t you think it is by design? Read Call it Conspiracy by Larry Abraham

  10. TheGefro says:

    Alright, I have one question ”What do we do…?”

  11. JohnnyUltra305 says:

    The term giving also relates to to the term taking. Many millions have associated capitalism with debt and consuming. What has cased our problems is monetary policyand wreckless lending, and expansion of our money supply by debt. These problems blew up following the housing boom, but the boom itself was nothing more then the credit/debt issue expanding geometrically. Once the housing bubble burst, we came to the contraction of money to repay debt. Result job loss/forclosure/with the same debt.

  12. GrooveDoctor77 says:

    The best things in life are free … matter how bad these economic prophets say things will be …Humans will find a way out of the dark times , we will band together we will feed the hungry ,we will work together in communities ,we will survive , no matter how far in history you look… humanity survived ,money and material gain is implanted on us from birth ,and remember the govt does not want to lose control of us and money is control

  13. subzeroo3 says:

    it is socialism when you talk about “giving” anyone more money when that giving is done through government. that’s kind of the definition

  14. sgtmcwallace says:


  15. DanH454 says:

    I have a LOVE-HATE view regarding Robert Reich.

    One one hand, he is absolutely CORRECT & obviously understands the economic relationships within society & in the business world, etc. & he outlines it well.

    HOWEVER, I saw another video earlier whereby he was touting & pushing BIG GOVERNMENT and viewed BIG GOVERNMENT as the only solution and extremely appropriate!

    Clearly, we all know that Socialism FAILS (it always does… eventually). Clearly, we know that BIG Government is a HUGE PARASITE.

  16. baller84milw says:

    Idk, I kinda feel a Jew vibe emanating from this guy……

  17. alphaprocyonx says:

    your talking about reform that is borderline communism.

  18. poligon333 says:

    I am afraid you not going to do it again due moral declaim and the female rule you have. To make change you need man with balls with some moral compass, willing to sacrifice all. You are so PC these days that you are afraid of your own shadow.

  19. jaysean911 says:

    What to do Now ?????

  20. ThisIsRogueLiberty says:

    No…that’s socialism(.)

  21. dailypaymachine says:

    Foreclosure has been taking a tole on America as well as the rest of the world. Im here to make a difference! Millions of Americans are unemployed and if you are part of this or need some DAILY income then this is probably a good start for you! Make $20+ an hour with online marketing. No get rich quick scheme. Honest pay for honest work! If interested you can check out my webpage!
    dailypaymachine . com

  22. wvu05 says:

    We have had nothing but tax cuts for the last 11 years, and unemployment has gone from 4.0% to 8.3%. The previous administration increased taxes in 1993, and unemployment fell from 7.3% to 4.0%. Can’t we finally admit once and for all that tax cuts don’t work, and that sometimes, higher taxes are good for the economy?

  23. Quimby415 says:

    Get rid of debt. That is what caused all this in the first place. Next make the top 1% pay their fair share of taxes.

  24. MrFrost227 says:

    lol Robert B. ReichchchchchchchchchchchchchchUH

  25. stchaltin says:

    Good lord, just raise taxes on the rich. I don’t get how all these Republicans who’ve lost their manufacturing jobs are against that. Trickle Down Economics IS A LIE.

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