After America Collapses, What Comes Next?

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22 Responses to After America Collapses, What Comes Next?

  1. Claudius Aelianus says:

    rhizome philosophy 

  2. shnibbydwhale says:

    I agree with the idea of voluntary interaction. I personally would choose to live in the anarcho-capitalist group. Having multiple groups experimenting with different forms of government would be very beneficial and would clear up any doubts we have on how to best govern ourselves, if any government at all is necessary.

  3. R. Schulz says:

    World collapses

  4. Elmer Fox says:

    Man can not fix this!!!!!!!!!1

  5. TheKcTy says:

    if america goes it wont just be america, the whole world will collapse. Most all currency is backed by the US dollar, and the dollar is backed by the US government. And not only that but all currency but just 5 nations is printed by the Rothschild organisation.

  6. TheKcTy says:

    But what will happen will be awesome. Hidden technology will be revealed. Stopping most sickness and poverty. A system will emerge throughout the internet, like in Iceland, where the people create a government they can all agree on. After that, and every thing settles in place i think well start seeing space bases.

  7. TheKcTy says:

    o btw i beleive the government wont have any leaders and will be set up so different it wont be called a government anymore. As there may not be a middle man in the ring

  8. beyondtheblackstump says:

    It used to be said..when America sneezes, Australia catches a cold.
    But our economy is doing better than most countries around the world.
    I think we would go back to a colony that is mostly self sufficient….hopefully.

  9. Andy Day says:

    united states is the roman empire. the aren’t ant states in America their all estates.

  10. Andy Day says:

    The wolves always win….it’ll proberbly all rebuild the same. The fearful lambs will work for the wolves so their lives will be spared. eg Animal farm, lord of the flies, illuminate/sheeple. Trouble is there are two different kinds of people on the planet. lovely fair nice ones and dark nasty ones. always has been.

  11. Ty Idol says: send this msg:

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  12. Michael Thomson says:

    Have you ever spake english?

  13. tyrantremover says:

    I would decrease the salaries of all those politicians to a very low rate to make sure they will work for the “people” not for the “money”. Many of those bastards work for convenience and greed. Look at Al Gore for instance, he sold his cable network to al-Qaeda sympathizers, now they have a foot in America’s news networks and all for profit, or Obama’s $2 Billions net worth and his lavish lifestyle in the White House! How it comes that a community activist can pile up this much of cash?

  14. Mihail Viteazu says:

    The American Hebrew September 10,1920
    The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains,of Jewish dissatisfaction,of Jewish planning,whose goal is to create a new order in the world.What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia,thanks to Jewish brains,and because of Jewish dissatisfaction,and by Jewish planning,shall also,through the same Jewish mental and physical forces,become a reality all over the world
    Here is their plan for you.Read this SCRIBD book

  15. wyo gunlover says:

    The US’s deficit is far higher than any other country and our government system is corrupt, not to mention broken. We are at a civil war our own neighbors regarding religion, race, and political stances .. how is that “doing better” than other countries? I agree that we need to get back to basics and be more “self sufficient”, but with Uncle Sam breathing down our necks, I don’t know how we can do this without becoming “off the grid” recluses. Not much hope for our future people.

  16. joakim2k10 says:

    if they make very little money they’re bound to become corrupt.

  17. Bronwin Draney says:

    Or, just join Canada, adopt a Parliamentary system and make the LOONEY your dollar,,,, backed by gold and silver.

  18. Bronwin Draney says:

    Any ONE state, today, far surpasses the population and economy of the original, 13 states.

    All the States should seperate. Washington DC should be absorbed and integrated into the one state. All Federal assets should be sold off to re-build the shared infrastructure of the states.

    All debt could be wiped out with the abolition of the Fed and the states should issue their own currency backed by a combination of gold and silver.

    All states should have free trade between them.

  19. ivyhome says:

    Why can’t anyone talk or present anymore without a drum track in the background? Can’t you just explain something without competing noise. Are you afraid the boobs raised on non-stop noise can’t tolerate it if you get as close to silence as just 1 jaw flapping?

  20. XPoseCPS says:

    If enough of us jump off the grid together, we could help each other, growing different foods, raising animals, barter goods and services. Band together to protect the group. If we start now, we could gain political power within a small area, replace corrupt judges, cops, elected officials with good people from within our group. Restore law and order, due process, rights and freedoms locally, within our little pocket. We would become a magnet for freedom-lovers. We would grow in strength.

  21. XPoseCPS says:

    There might actually be more than two types of people, the predator and the prey. Both types certainly exist in nature, amongst the animals. We’re animals too, but generally much more intelligent. Some of us realize that devouring each other like wild animals reflects a corrupt and fallen state. Like a constant state of war, it’s incredibly destructive and expensive. We never get anywhere killing each other. Most people understand that. The real predators need to be identified and defanged.

  22. XPoseCPS says:

    No doubt, but a big difference is that almost all other countries have their own currency, with exchange rates. As the dollar becomes worthless, their own currency becomes more valuable, unless it is pegged to the dollar. Of course, if the dollar suddenly crashes, foreign governments would immediately un-peg from the dollar. There would be disruptions abroad, but when our system crashes, other systems may survive. They’re not stupid or blind. If we can see a dollar crash coming, so can they.

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